Capítulo 22: The hero and the princes
The alarms sounded in Mumm-ra's pyramid, fortunately for the approaching intruder who was not yet down.
“This is the secondary control room of the pyramid," Cheetara told the others, "I know because Yuubi asked me to put hidden microphones in the ventilation ducts of this place to spy on Mumm-ra and Slithe.”
The group came out of the ventilation ducts, there were no asistedroids inside, and Jessie and Sebastian went to the control consoles.
“The first thing we have to do is deactivate the asistedroids," said Jessie and got to work.
“I can't believe this!” exclaimed Sebastian, “Look!”
The monitor showed Mumm-ra's weapon and a description of what he could do.
In the main chamber of the pyramid, Yuubi operated Mumm-ra's console to find out what was happening.
“Dogs, all the asistedroids stopped operating and are in stasis mode!”
“...Risu, what are you doing here?” You were supposed to be a prisoner in Avian along with the other thundercats.
“Yuubi, what are you doing?”
“Do you remember the story Lion-O told us? That about the Thundercats' past and how the stellar stones were created.”
“Yuubi... you...?”
“It was impossible for me to use the star stones, but I don't need them to carry out the mission for which we went to this planet.”
“And that's why you betrayed us!”
“You betrayed us, Risu, all of us! We risked our lives on a mission of uncertain destiny, all to find on this planet the technological advantage, the weapon, that would allow us to win a war lost beforehand against Melmak and Dogisian!”
“I was wrong Yuubi, finding a weapon that we could use in the war goes against everything I learned in this place.”
“Are you talking about Rauri?”
“Yes, and not only of her, but also of Wilykit, Wilykat, Jessie, Sebastián, Minino, Minina, Leonore and the other thundercats. To use something so terrible would condemn us to the reproach of future generations.”
“...But we'd win the war.”
“I always thought it wasn't about winning, but how you won.”
“How did you get here?”
“I had a hunch, decided it was best to turn around and go with you.”
“You already doubted me?”
“Never my brother, I just came to help you with whatever it took.”
“...You've always been like that, ever since we were kids, never did the right thing and always came out on top.”
“Especially with the girls.”
“...Yes, especially with them.”
“Yuubi, stop this madness.”
“I'm sorry, Captain, it's been days since I sent the weapon to Melmak, it's all over now.”
“Yuubi... what dogs did you make?”
“No matter what you say, the weapon will save millions of lives and shorten the war by six months. Soon it will be Dogisian's turn," said Yuubi, as he jumped backwards into an intimidating power armor equipped with machine guns and an autocannon, "forgive me, sir, but for violating the fourth regulation, paragraph four of the imperial order, by refusing to fulfill an imperial mission, I am relieving you of your command.”
“...What will be, will be.”
“You guys have to do something!” Tygra shouted, who saw and heard the conversation of the two Cathians on the monitor.
The power armor was headed toward Risu, when the asistedroids began to attack Yuubi.
“But how! Those thundercats were released, but they still don't have the ability to reprogram the combat asistedroids.”
Androids were lethal, but the power armor operated by Yuubi was very advanced technology in the field of armaments.
An explosion was heard and the right arm of the power armor exploded, taking Yuubi's arm.
Yuubi's flight thrusters shut down and the cathian fell to the ground. Yuubi opened the helmet of the power armor, he no longer needed it, he had destroyed all the asistedroids.
“Yuubi!” Risu shouted as he saw his friend badly wounded, not only by the mutilated arm, but also by several wounds inflicted by the asistedroids.
“Don't come any closer! Just one more moment, just one more moment and it's all over... Dogisian... the war.”
“Stop it, Yuubi!”
“Trust in the mission, not in your heart, remember? That's what we were taught at the Imperial Academy... it's curious, but I entrusted the mission to my heart... I implanted a device in my heart to stop Mumm-ra's weapon. If you want to stop me, you'll have to kill me.”
Risu looked around in desperation as if seeking some help to stop all this madness and his eyes fixed on the destroyed asistedroids, all of them burning and with expressions of sadness on their faces.
Risu stood firm and then drew his foil, his royal blade gleaming with the reddish glow of the flames, as did his eyes.
Yuubi stood up and from the left arm of his power arm came a saw-sword.
“En garde!” The Cathians shouted at the same time and rushed at each other.
Past and forgotten memories struck the officers' minds.
The illness of Risu's mother, the burial of Yuubi's father, the open arms of a gentle lady in a wheelchair who received a Yuubi as a child, the unconditional friendship of young people despised by the imperial house and by the elite academy, promises of mutual friendship and protection....
Shining tears mixed with the ashes of the fire, faces determined but with anxious looks.
The reactions of the power armor gave the advantage, and Risu closed his eyes waiting for the fatal blow... and nothing happened.
Risus foil entered Yuubis heart cleanly, while the saw-sword lay motionless, millimeters above the head of his target.
Yuubi bowed his knees and Risu held the enormous weight of the power armor.
“Yuubi, why, why!”
“Remember the blows I took at the academy? I swore I would become strong, I swore to protect Cathia... but not for Cathia, not for anyone... my brother, I would never kill you.”
“Yuubi, resist, I'll take you to the operating room, I'll take you to the...”
“Get out of here, soon this whole place will blow up.... a precaution before my death.”
“Cheetara... I see you came at the right time. The others...”
“They are safe, Yuubi," said Cheetara with tears in her eyes.
“You will not be able to open the armor, its seal has melted, I am too heavy for you to get me out of here in time, besides, I am already condemned.”
“Yuubi, we'll figure something out! You, you're the one who defeated Mumm-ra and won the war... you're a hero! Heroes can't die!”
“Am I a hero? Then go, after all, if I am a hero, I was never afraid to pay the price...”
Risu wanted to force the seal of the power armor, but there was no time left, Cheetara grabbed him and rushed it out of the fortress.
Suddenly, the statues of the evil spirits told the young Cathian, "You can still save your life.”
Yubbi stretched out his mutilated arm to them.
“Are you accepting?”
“...No, I'm showing you the middle finger motherfuckers.”
The spirits of evil roared furiously, but their roars were muffled by Yuubis thunderous laughter.
Far away from the pyramid, Risu and the others watched the malignant fortress burst into a kind of three-level fungus.
The four children wept as Tygra and Cheetara held back their tears, Risu bending his knees collapsed into the sands of the desert, bathed in a golden color from the sunset.
It was the middle of the morning in the capital of Thundera and the people were celebrating one year after Mumm-ra's defeat. Wilykit and Wilykat along with Jessie and Sebastian watched the preparations for the evening festivities.
“Tomorrow," said Jessie, "the "Thundercat" will return to Cathia. According to the documents they found in El Dara, the Cathians who arrived there say they discovered a planet called Earth but did not explore it. Risu wants to form another expedition to reach this new planet, an expedition with only pacifist purposes.”
“I will miss Captain Risu, Rauri and the rest of the crew," continued Sebastian. “Tara stays, now that Pantro has his organic arms back, they've already set a date for the wedding.”
“Just like the rest," Wilykit squinted and looked exhausted, "so did Tygra and Cheetara, Lion-O and Mom.”
“It will be difficult for me to say father to Lion-O," said Wilykat.
“Don't even tell me, me for example, I think I even had a crush for Lion-O.”
“It’s that's true!” shouted Sebastian in shock.
“What jealous? Don't worry, Sebastian, you're the only guy for me. I hope you don't look at any girl besides me," said Wilykit with a dangerous look on her face.
“And I expect the same from you, Wilykat," Jessie threatened Wilykat.
The children went on their way and saw in the distance the royal tree where the competition of the princes to ring the bell of Thundera would take place.
“Should we participate in this thing?” complained Wilykit.
“We have no choice," said Wilykat, "I still find all this unrealistic, remember when we came to the capital, Wilykit?”
“Yes, it was a horrible nightmare. Two children who had just lost their father, alone, dirty and malnourished. Forced to steal food to survive after that fat guy accused us of being thieves when all we wanted to do was give him back the moneybag he dropped.... we lost our innocence.”
The two Cathian children embraced their boyfriends affectionately to comfort them.
“From beggars to Princes of Thundera," said Wilykit with a sigh, "isn't that bad, huh?”
“Not bad," agreed his brother, "the only thing I regret is the city of El Dara.”
“El Dara is not necessary," said Jessie, "you can recreate El Dara in this place.”
“It's true," said Sebastian with a smile, "you can make the capital a beautiful place, just like the stories of El Dara.”
Sebastian was so happy to say this that he didn't notice where he was going and crashed into a fat thundercat.
“Watch out, kid! Hey, you're the ones who stole my moneybag... You're the Princes of Thundera, I'm so sorry your majesties!”
“What's this about a thief?”
“I want to hear that story.”
“If this is a false accusation, you will regret it.”
The speakers were none other than Vultureman, Salamander and Rodent, each with their respective personal guards... intimidating personal guards.
The four children exchanged wicked glances as the sun on top bathed all the inhabitants of Thundera in its golden rays and numerous little birds flew towards the horizon.
“Forgive me please!” the lament of a thundercat was heard in the distance, as was the hidden laughter of four mischievous children.
Author's final notes: happy ending and that is linked a thousand years later with the events of the anime series of ASOBI NI IKU YO
Too bad that in the anime series, it is shown in a chapter that Risu's expedition suffers a failure to travel to Earth, the ship is trapped in hyperspace for a thousand years and everyone dies including Risu, only Rauri survives and arrives on Earth, but her lifetime is short and just before she dies, she wants to visit a beach and sing a song that Risu sang to her.
Sad ending in a romantic comedy cut anime.