This is a non-profit fanfic that does not intend to infringe the rights of anyone who owns Asobi ni Iku Yo, or the Thundercats. Translation done with DeepL and myself, forgive grammar and punctuation errors.
Capítulo 1: The promotion
A superb white marble interior corridor was bathed by the light that entered through the interior courtyard, which housed a large, well-kept, oriental-style garden.
Several interlocutors cut off their conversations under the shadows cast by the snowy Greek-style columns distributed equidistant by the aristocratic corridor.
The reason for their early silence was due to the hasty and strong passage of a pair of military boots with a very polished black polish and an aesthetic but at the same time severe appearance.
The aggressive gait was accompanied by a figure of tense movements belonging to a Cathian, who looked upset and with a view to wanting to get to his destination as soon as possible without having the need to run and show the others present a posture of lack of self-control.
The name of the sternly-moving Cathian was Yuubi Parches, who had graduated from Cathia's aerospace academy a few weeks earlier. His severe nineteenth-century (19th-century) military suit was a perfect match to his neat boots as the fabric was lighter in color than the deep jet of his boots, which reflected like a black mirror the images of the surrounding area.
Yuubi's ashy-gray hair was very short, and he had it so as to highlight its severity to everyone, a goal that was somewhat unnecessary due to the catboy's expression of constant disapproval, an expression that chased away others and made it impossible to appreciate the true beauty of the cathian, which could even be considered somewhat feminine.
Yuubi's eyes, on the other hand, were brown, and at that moment they flashed when he saw that he had to climb a lot of steps to reach his destination, since the elevator of the neoclassical-style building on its exterior façade was slow for him, especially since his calm ascent to the upper floors did not match the stormy mood he had at the time.
Despite having climbed a good number of floors, Yuubi was not agitated, but he took some air in front of the double wooden doors and entered with a determined step.
“Risu, explain to me what this whole deep space scouting mission thing is about!”
As soon as those high-pitched words were spoken, Yubbi fixed his gaze on the Cathian in front of him and could not help but stumble and fall to the ground because of what he saw.
Lying on a fairly large office table made of fine mahogany, was a catboy whose appearance could not be more different from Yuubi's.
The cathian was wearing a 19th century navy blue military uniform open to the full extent of its length, exposing a shirt or rather an unbuttoned collar with a pre-knotted tie attached to the collar of the garment, the aim of which was for the wearer to pretend to wear a neat shirt underneath the severe military uniform.
The catboy had his shirt up to his chest because at that moment he was scratching his chest in an idle way, while with his other hand he was picking his nose profusely.
“Ah, it's you Yuubi, my compadre.”
“You... you... damn you... that's the right way to wear the uniform! And why are you lying so in dolently on your father's desk?”
“I'm bored my good Yuubi” it was the only answer Yuubi received from the catboy, as he then put one hand on his buttocks and started scratching himself, while the other hand covered a huge yawn.
Yuubi's ears tightened and his tail, which did not match his hair color because it was brown, was bristled with fury.
“Commander Risu Glain Astropholis Mearves Kalisu Metalis IV! Behave according to your rank and noble titles!”
Risu frowned at Yuubi this time, but all that came out of him was a long, loud fart.
“Ugh, what dogs Risu! Whatever you digested, don't repeat yourself!” Yuubi shouted, as he went to the window and proceeded to open it quickly, or at least that was his intention, as the latch on the huge double window did not give an inch.
Seeing Yuubis pathetic and hilarious attempts to open the windows, Risu took pity on him and, heading for the window, lifted the latch as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
Yuubi was displeased and fixed his gaze on his friend who was slightly taller than him and had a tanned complexion that was different from his pale skin.
Risu's hair was somewhat short but wild, one might say indomitable, with a Prussian blue coloring, which matched perfectly with his tail and eyes that were the same color.
Risu was of Cathia's nobility, but he did not behave like one, his continuous displays of rebellion were accompanied by a beautiful and manly face, but he was always badly shaved and showed a constant, rather aggressive smile that showed the fangs of a catboy. Anyone would be intimidated by such a smile, but Yuubi had known Risu for years and knew his friend would not kill a Chihuahua.
“Everything works out the first time for you," said Yuubi.
“It's just knowing the trick, like everything else, the effort is only for others.”
“Don't give me that," said Yuubi, frowning, "you may act indolently because you are so tired of living in the shadow of your real name, but I know how you had to sweat blood and swallow your pride to get out of the academy.”
“I may have swallowed my pride, but I sucked and licked a lot of things...”
“You and your stories about whoever had skirts! You don't impress me, you know! In fact, you even bore me.”
Risu and Yuubi spoke to each other in this way as they had a trusting, forged relationship during the many years they spent together, before and during their lives at the academy.
Risu was very fond of Yuubi, who despite being of humble origin had always been there for him and knew him behind the façade he had to show due to his noble birthplace.
Yubbi respected Risu very much, his noble friend was never ashamed of him and defended him in the academy, a place reserved only for the elite and which was also classist since he did not show much tolerance for what most nobles called: riffraff of the commoners.
Both catboys, despite being classified as an "odd couple", actually complemented each other very well due to their opposing personalities, which gave them the advantage of seeing and passing the academic life from different points of view. Of course, it was Yuubi who controlled his friend's "wildcat" and kept Risu from screwing up, at least more than he could academically and socially.
And it turns out that Yuubi's visit to his friend was for that purpose.
“Risu, explain to me the news that goes around that you will be captaining a spaceship into deep space, looking for... Cathian allies.”
“Our deep space ships told us that they received radio waves of unknown origin, not belonging to any race with which we had contact before.”
“I understand," said Yubbi, as he posed as if to receive a very important report from a superior commander, "since the imperial high command has surely already ruled out the possibility that these radio waves could come from any known race, I would like to know the reason for the unauthorized conversations throughout the place that they speak of a distant race of Cathians.”
“You see, some of the broadcasts implied that those who are in charge of what appears to be a conglomerate of various races are similar in nature to ours... And with regard to the conversations you heard up to here... Well, the news escaped me to the others," laughed Laughing afterwards.
“...You'll be a goose dog! How could you even think of leaking such information to the four winds!”
“It wasn't my fault, she told me she wouldn't say anything to anyone!”
“Who told you she wouldn't tell anyone!”
“Two shaking hands rose behind the large mahogany desk.”
“Who is there, identify yourself!”
To Yuubi's dismay, the two hands moved in such a way that the cat boy concluded that they were two different girls, in which he saw a tail, two tails, three tails... three tails?
“You'll be a dog in heat!” Yubbi shouted as he hanged his friend, while three cathianas of very generous proportions took advantage of and left the place at full speed and took advantage of their catgirl reflexes to dress up at the same time.
“Damn you, you must die! Your cursed seed must not spread through Cathia!” Yuubi shouted, while Risu pulled something out of his trouser pocket and tried to give it to his friend.
“What is this!” Yuubi said, and letting go of his friend's neck, he grabbed the document.
“Cog, cog, cog... Those are your orders, Yubbi. Congratulations, you've just been appointed deputy captain of the Thundercat, the ship that will try to reach the planet of these outer space cathians.”
“And this gets better and better every moment, I'll be your immediate superior! Together like old times, huh!”
Risu must have suspected that something was wrong with his friend who was stunned and took the opportunity to sneak out of the place.
Yubbi recovered and when he saw that no one was in the office, he shot out into the hallway to see if he could see his friend to "thank" him for his promotion, but all he saw were the three girls who left the place early and were now running through the courtyard.
“Don't even think I didn't recognize you, I know your faces! Come back! Come back! I said, come back! I'll have you put in lockdown for a week! Come back or it'll be for a whole month! hisss!”
On the third planet, a young Leono was sheltered in his secret room, full of gadgets, so-called technology holders, while he held his breath as his father and stepbrother Tygra listened as they wondered where the young prince and heir to the crown of the thundercats might have gone.
“My father, we've already searched all over the place for you and no sign of Leono.”
“Soon the festivities will begin," shouted Claudus, the King, in frustration. "Besides, if your brother doesn't show up, he will embarrass me in front of General Sabre who has just arrived with all that thundranium.”
“I am sorry that General Panthro has perished in his mission in the wilderness," Tygra comforted his adoptive father, who apparently lamented Panthro's fate.
“Me too, Tygra, me too. I know that General Linzo is very capable despite his blindness, but neither he nor Captain Bengali can replace such a great warrior. How I wish Leono was just as good as the brave Panthro was.”
“You can't ask the cats to bark or the dogs to meow, father, I'm sure Leono was afraid I would beat him in a humiliating way in the royal bell competition.”
“Even so, it is his duty to compete in the joust.... of course you are right, your brother is a scared cat if we compare him to you. How I would like him to put hisr feet on the ground and stop believing in those fairy tales about the famous "technology".”
Tygra laughed with disguise and he and Claudus left Leono's room.
"You'll see," Leono thought hurtingly. "Technology exists, we're sure to come from space and return to space... maybe even our relatives from the cosmos will visit us."
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