Chapter 6: Presentations
A sepulchral silence on the part of the crew bathed the entire interior of the Thundercat, the cathian ship that had just crashed on the third planet. Only the attenuated beeps from the consoles cut through the tense atmosphere of the situation.
“...Cousins?” said Jessie and Sebastian at the same time, looking at each other and pointing their fingers at the main screen of the ship.
“Chief Tara, what dogs is this "hello cousins" thing!” Yuubi shouted, causing Tara to close one eye and tighten her face as the vice captain's voice echoed loudly outside the ship from the loudspeakers.
“But vice captain, we need to replace these parts," excused Tara.
“We have approved and established protocols for this type of situation, we don't need you to skip the proper channels for this type of eventuality!”
“That's enough, Yuubi," Risu reassured him, "what's done is done. The best thing we can do now is to go to the chief engineer and introduce ourselves to these visitors.”
“But we have not yet received any readings regarding the atmospheric composition of this planet!”
“I don't think we need them Yuubi, after all, Tara seems to be in perfect shape.”
Yuubi almost contradicted his captain's words, but at the time Jeesie was giving him the readings of the planet's atmospheric composition, apparently there was no danger.
“I wonder who that woman might be?” Lion-O asked no one in particular.
“Tremendous in size, it is the same size as Panthro," Tygra said in a whisper.
“I've never heard of such a race," said Cheetah, "it's not covered in fur and has a cat's tail and ears.”
“If that woman is like a cat, does that mean she belongs to a lost race of thundercats?” asked Wilykit.
“Look, more people are coming out of the spaceship!” Wilycat suddenly shouted.
The entire bridge crew, including Rauri, was approaching Tara.
Risu led the delegation, he and the rest of the Cathians looked forward to the thundercats, while Yuubi insisted on seeing his radiation and gas meter to see that there was no threat present.
“Greetings," said Risu with aplomb trying to show authority but at the same time a kind attitude, "I am Captain Risu Metalis, and I come from the planet Cathia on a mission of peace.”
“Cathia?” says Lion-O, surprised.
“Yes," said Risu, "Cathia is the capital planet of a series of planets that make up the Imperial Conglomerate and is composed of Cathians.”
“Incredible," Tygra muttered.
Risu introduced the rest of the bridge crew and then both Jessie and Sebastian ran to Wilykat and Wilykit and, holding their hands, began to tell them how happy they were to meet other boys their age on this unknown planet.
“...That's good," said the young Thundercats as blush ran down their cheeks as they saw how the two young cousins were not shy in any sense of the word.
“...I am Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats and King of Thundera... or at least what's left of it.”
Risu exchanged a brief look of concern with Yuubi. Lion-O realized this and decided to give them a brief summary of the unfortunate situation they were in at the time.
“I see," said Risu, "I am very sorry for your situation, King Lion-O. The goal of my mission was to find his people and establish economic and other ties that would benefit both of us, as we in Cathia have our own problems regarding an almost certain military confrontation with forces hostile to the Imperial Conglomerate.”
Yuubi looked suspiciously at Risu, but the captain then explained the situation of impending war between Cathia and the hostile forces led by dogisia and the other aggressor planets.
“I'm very sorry about your situation, Captain Metalis," said Lion-O, "I wish there was something I could do for you.”
“I am very grateful for your words, Your Majesty, but rather I hope that my crew and I could be useful to you in some way.”
“I will be grateful for any help from you and your crew, I just don't think there should be so many formalities between us now that we are working together.”
After these words, Lion-O and Risu shook hands and decided to enter the battered spaceship together.
This time Panthro decided to accompany the others and both Jessie and Sebastian were very impressed by General Thundercat.
“Look Sebastian, this guy looks like a giant, he's as tall as Tara's gorilla gorillon.”
“Yes, he is also as muscular as Tara's "gorilazaurios rex".”
“I beg your pardon?” Panthro said frowning.
“Gorillon gorilla? Gorilazaurios rex?” Tara said as she cracked her knuckles.
The two cousins said and then resolved the situation by shamelessly turning their backs on the two angry adults.
“Ara, ara," said Rauri gently, "please, children, behave yourselves.”
“Excuse me," Cheetara suddenly said, "but I see that you, Rauri, are different from the other Cathians.”
“Oh, that's because I'm actually a first-generation assistive biodroid.... If you find it more convenient, you can think of me as a robot, but with biological parts inside me.”
“Rauri, you are not a robot," said Risu suddenly, "you are another valuable member of my crew.”
Yuubi looked at his friend in surprise, as he could not decide if his words were sincere or if it was his characteristic flirtatious instinct.
Rauri lowered her head as she put on a shy smile, if she could, her entire face would be lit by the blush.
Seeing how Yuubi, Tara and Panthro looked at her attentively, Rauri asked Wilykit and Wilykat to hold her hand with the excuse that they would not get lost in the ship.
“Rauri, you don't have a tail," said Wilykat as he looked at the rear of the asistedroid.
“Unlike real Cathians, I don't need a tail as I have a certified quality gyro inside me, so I don't have to worry about tripping or anything like that.”
“All thundercats, unlike my brother and I, have no tails," said Wilykit.
“And why is that?”
“The Thundercats are made up of several races, ours is the only one with a tail," said Wilykat.
“I think your tails are very beautiful, they look like those of a golden fox of Cathia's," said Rauri with a motherly smile.
Both Wilykit and Wilykat blushed and returned a wide smile to the asistedroid, as their faces tightened in surprise.
“Nya, Rauri you're right, their tails are so soft," said Jessie as she hugged Wilykat's silky tail with a mischievous gesture.
“Nya, and they are so warm," said Sebastian this time, that he also shamelessly embraced Wilykit's tail.
“Meow!” The two brothers shouted and let go of Rauri's hands and the two cousins went to take refuge at Cheetara's.
“Well, well,” Cheetara whispered as she watched Tygra snickering.
“Ara, ara," said Rauri elegantly, "children, that's not right.”
“Ahem, ahem,” toss Yuubi to get everyone's attention, “we've reached the ship's bridge.”
All the thundercats entered the ship's bridge with the exception of Tara and Panthro who decided to go to the sector where the ship's main engines were located.
The Thundercats were impressed with the bridge, even though there were still traces of the disastrous emergency landing on the planet.
Jessie and Sebastian, pulling on Wilykat and Wilykit's hands, led them to their consoles and cheerfully explained what they were doing. Yuubi, for his part, gave a more professional report to the rest of the thundercats.
“I owe you an apology, Lion-O," said Tygra as he gawked at the images projected by the main screen of the ship at that moment, images that showed Cathia and its scientific and military advances.
“Don't worry, Tygra, I couldn't save our kingdom from Mumm-ra's attack, no matter how much faith I had in technology.”
“Don't say that, Lion-O," said Cheetah, "with General Sabre's betrayal and Mumm-ra's help, no one could save the kingdom.”
“And what is this?” asked Wilykat to Jessie.
“Ah, this is when Captain Risu isn't watching us," explained Jessie as she winked her eye at him, "they're video games and they're a lot of fun.”
“Of course we have to be careful that the captain doesn't see us," said Sebastian, "especially Vice Captain Parches.”
“And why is that?” asked Wilykit.
“Because he's very grumpy with a tendency to be a slaver if he catches you doing something wrong.”
The two cousins looked at each other and nodded their heads several times, when they noticed a sharp pain in their necks.
“Insubordinate little ones," Yuubi frowned, his fist held high, "show at least one little behaviour of a Cathian officer.”
“No violence please!” Jessie shouted as she rubbed her neck.
“That's it we are not officers of any kind, we deserve respect!” said Sebastian, who, like his cousin, rubbed his nape.
“You are...!” Yuubi told them with the most poisonous accent he could put on it, but he didn't give them another hit because the two children gave him pity faces and huge, watery eyes.
“These two are the same as Wilykat and Wilykit," Tygra said to Cheetara.
“Hey, what's that supposed to mean?” shouted Wilykat.
“Don't say things that aren't true!” Wilykit shouted to him this time, she put on a sad face.
“Yes, you're right, Tygra,' said Chetara, “we're in trouble.”
“Exactly, Thundera is too small to have two other Wilykats and Wilykits," said Tygra as he raised his shoulders and closed his eyes.
“Hey, don't talk about us like we're not present!” said Sebastian.
“That's right, we're here, you know!” Wilykit said.
“It's not right to look down on us like that!” Jessie continued.
“Down with the adults!” Wilykat concluded.
Lion-O and Risu exchanged glances and then laughed loudly.
“The four of them are really cute," Rauri told Cheetara and Tygra.
“I don't know.... I at least hope my kids are calmer. What do you say Cheetara," said Tygra, with a seductive smile to Cheetara, the only thing she could do was to smile nervously.
“Ara, ara. I see you two make a nice couple," said Rauri as she smiled sweetly at you.
"Dogs, I just hope that somehow Chief Tara will repair the engines and we can get out of this sweetened hell that is going to give me diabetes," Yuubi thought alarmingly.
While in the ship's main engine room.
“There will be time to repair the engines," said Tara cheerfully. “Now let's celebrate! I bet you I can hold my liquor better than you, Panthro.”
“As the former General of King Claudus, I cannot afford to fall before you woman," said the happy thundercat at the prospect of tasting Cathia's drinks.
“That's right macho, let's drink!
Author's final notes: Cheers! Emm I mean, hooray, we've reached chapter six, I hope you've been pleased and hopeful to get your feedback my friends.