Capítulo 13: Meetings and farewells
Tara, the tall, muscular and tanned chief mechanic of Risu's crew, was finishing the final repairs to the feline tank along with Panthro.
“I already talked to the berbils," said Pantro, as he was busy with some tools in his work of tuning the feline tank, "I thanked them for giving me robotic arms, but I will undergo the operation to get my organic arms back.”
“I would have liked you to have had the operation sooner," said Tara, who stopped her work so she could see Panthro in the eyes.
“There is no other choice, after all the mission goes first.... don't worry, we don't know what to expect when looking for the city of El Dara, even my robotic arms may be of great help.”
“Have you finally decided wich thundercats will go on the mission?”
“Yes, Lynx-O, Bengali, Tygra, Cheetara (that couple didn't want to separate), me, and even if you don't believe it, Pumyra will go too.”
“Pumyra, isn't that the Thundercat who betrayed you in avian?”
“Apparently she was not aware of her actions. What about you, who will go looking for El Dara?”
“I'll go as you well know (don't think you'll go without me), besides, Captain Risu and Rauri will go. Vice Captain Yuubi will remain (fortunately) here to replace Lnyx-O and Bengali in the fundraising efforts of the Mumm-ra fortress.”
“It will be excellent to have an adventure with the good General Lnyx-O. Bengali, I don't know him very well, but I heard good things about him. I see only the little ones will stay here.”
“That's right, Wilykit, Jesssie, Wilykat and Sebastian are too young to go on this adventure.... whether they like it or not.”
Panthro nodded with a smile and then looked at the royal palace with concern, wondering how Lion-O was going to make Pumyra's decision to move away from him.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” the young king of thundera asked disheartenedly.
“I know you all tell me that I was not aware of my decisions, but I was at least partly aware of them and the consequences of my actions cannot be denied. Please Lion-O, my lord, allow me to go on this mission to somehow convince you and myself that I still have a chance at redemption.”
“You don't have to convince me of anything Pumyraa, but if this is what you want, I'll let you go with the other thundercats. I hope that on your return you will be at peace with yourself," Lion-O said, as he placed a serene face but at the same time pressed both his fists imperceptibly to his side, lest he put both hands on Pumyra's shoulders and then embraced her, selfishly refusing to separate himself from her.
“Thank you very much, Lion-O, my king," said Pumyra as tears streamed down her face.
“Don't worry my lord," said Lynx-O, "be assured that nothing bad will happen to any member of the expedition.”
“Lynx-O and I thank you, my king, for this opportunity to show our worth," said Bengali with a bow.
“You don't have to prove anything, it was thanks to your help that we gained enough time to strengthen ourselves and win Mumm-ra over. Lynx-O, Bengali, I ask you to take care of Pumyra and my brother.”
“Don't worry, Lion-O," Tygra calmed him, "nothing bad will happen, and you know very well that I can take care of myself.”
“Please, Cheetara," said Lion-O, bowing and clasping the palms of his hands as a plea, "don't let Tygra get hurt as soon as you leave Thundera or as soon as you cross the palace gates.”
“Don't worry, Lion-O," said Cheetara with an evil smile, "I have him well tied to my little finger.”
Tygra frowned as the other thundercats laughed amusingly, even Pumyra smiled slightly.
In another section of the palace, Wilykat, Wilykit, Jessie, and Sebastian tried to convince Captain Risu to let them go on the mission, since Lion-O refused to let them go on such a dangerous adventure.
“Please Captain Risu!" said Wilykat, while he was making a pity face, "don't be a bad guy, let us go on the mission too!”
“Meow, meow, we were the ones looking for the lost city of El Dara in the first place," said Wilykit this time, who put on the most tender face she could offer.
“I'm very sorry, children, but if Lion-O forbade you to go on this mission, there's nothing I can do," Risu replied, as he prepared a few things to embark on the journey.
“But you, Captain, are the leader of the expedition! Neither Lynx-O nor Tygra will be above you!” Jessie complained, as she arranged her long, blood-red hair in a seductive way.
“Pretty please," Sebastian begged him in anguish as he made his huge emerald eyes shine, "if you Captain ask to let King Lion-O that we should accompany Tygra, he will surely accept, please!”
“Tygra will have many responsibilities throughout the journey and will not have time to play with you children, understand.”
“Cheetara will look after us for sure!” Wilykit said.
“And General Panthro can do it too, moreover, they both taught us to hunt!....! Well, more or less," said Wilykat.
“Chief Tara will take care of us!” Jessie pleaded.
“Chief Tara, like Panthro and Cheetara, will have a lot of work to do and will not be able to look after you.”
“I know! I'm sure Rauri will take care of us, she doesn't have a specific job like the other adults!”
“She... has other things to do...”
“Such as what?” said the four children at the same time and looking at the Cathian with eyes as big as plates and expectant faces.
“Well... things..." Risu said as drops of sweat ran down his nape as he watched the children look at him inquisitively now.
"I bet you mean something else, Captain echi," thought the four kids at once.
“Look, Captain Risu," said Jessie, "if you'd let us go, we'd be very helpful, and you and Rauri would certainly have a lot more time for...”
“For tea," Sebastian hurriedly said, before his cousin screwed up.
“What part of You will not go do you not understand, children?” said Risu angrily this time.
"Time for the final attack," the children thought as they exchanged evil looks.
“Meow, meow!”
“Nya, nya!”
“Umnya, umnya!”
The children begged as they gave free rein to all their expressions along with looks of tenderness and warm embraces.
“Fu, fu, fu," smiled Rauri with a funny smile, as she entered the room and watched the funny scene, "Please, children, that's enough, leave the poor captain alone.
“But Rauri!” The four youths pleaded in unison as they displayed a rehearsed, false cry.
“Children, children, King Lion-O and Captain Risu have their good reasons for you four to stay here, and I need you all to attend to our special guest properly.”
"Please come in," said the asistedroid, as the four children exchanged interrogative looks about who the person Rauri was referring to might be.
“Mom! mommy!” Suddenly Wilykat and Wilykit shouted as they saw their mother entering the room.
“Wilykit, Wilykat, my precious children!” said the mother of the two Thundercats children and both boys went to hug their mother.
“Mommy, Mommy, it's you!” said Wilykat tearfully as he rubbed his tearful face against his mother.
“Forgive us, Mother, forgive us for running away from home and not coming back!” cried Wilykit, who also hugged her mother.
“We wanted to go back, but we were ashamed that we had not found the city of El Dara as we had promised!” Wilykat apologized, while he was hiccuping in tears like his sister.
“Shuuuu, that doesn't matter now," said the mother as she kissed her children's heads sweetly. “Now we can get back together.... now say hello to your two brothers.”
Tender little faces came out from behind the woman's skirt, the little brother and sister they had left behind.
“Minino, Minina!” The older brothers shouted excitedly and hugged their little brothers.
The mother hugged her four children while Rauri smiled warmly but her eyes reflected a certain sadness as they could not shed any real tears.
"Wilykat, Wilykit... now Minino and Minina... some parents should think twice about naming their kids," thought Risu.
The doors opened and Yuubi entered through them, who came with the relevant report on the preparations for the mission.
“Captain, here's the report... Who is this person?”
“It's Wilykat and Wilykit's mother," Risu replied as he read the report.
“She looks too young to be the mother of two... four children. It must have been a teenage pregnancy” Yuubi whispered this last part to his friend so as not to interrupt the tender scene of the thundercat family's group hug.
“I would say that she had them at twelve... not eleven," Risu whispered to his friend as he stretched his neck to better appreciate the beauty of the mother.
Yuubi stepped on his friend's foot and made him frown.
“Ouch, and now what did I said?!”
“I think we should all go out to give them some privacy," suggested Rauri with a smile.
“Hey, but!” Jessie and Sebastian started complaining.
“Come on, you heard Rauri, children," said Risu, "let's give them some time alone.”
In the afternoon, the feline tank was running at a slow speed so that everyone could take one last look.
“Lion-O," shouted Tygra, "don't let Thundera fall while i'm away!”
The young king only raised his right arm with his closed fist and then extended his little finger and twisted it around himself.
Tygra frowned but then smiled amusingly as he grabbed Cheetara's waist and slapped her on the buttocks.
This time it was Lion-O who frowned, but then smiled amused as he watched Cheetara's silhouette slap his older brother in the face.
Captain Risu and Rauri, the asistedroid, raised their hands to bid farewell to Jubbi, who struck his boots against each other and then made a full military salute.
"Please, brother," Yuubi thought. "Don't get in trouble, stop being a hero and always listen to what Rauri says... and if on the way you meet women... stop being a bastard dog!"
Rauris face smiled sweetly, as if she had read the stern thoughts of the cathian and then leaned her head against Risus arm.
Pantro and Tara were at the controls of the feline tank and watched as the walls of the kingdom grew smaller and smaller.
In the end, the last thing they saw was the dark, tiny silhouette of Pumyra, who stretched out and said goodbye to Lion-O with her long, slender arm.
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