My mom yelled at me today, so many times. She makes me feel like nobody wants me, I know she’s just trying to be the best mom she can be but sometimes, her words hurt a lot. I just wanna leave this world already, my life is so meaningless. I hate myself so much, this sucks, I wish it was over already. I was gonna shower at the time and the moment I opened my door to go to the bathroom, she started yelling at me for no reason—not going into detail on what she said— at all. I just stood there frozen because she would hit me if I ignored or walked away from her “scolding” so I just stayed put. She finished scolding me and I grabbed my dog for comfort, “I love Shiro more than your damned self.” my eyes were watery. “Put him down, he doesn’t deserve you!” I couldn’t take it anymore and ran to the bathroom where I shut the door and locked it while I sobbed. I turned the shower on and got in, still crying. “And don’t you be going on that device for the rest of the day! I don’t want to see you enjoying yourself!” I cried even harder. “We’re gonna have guests today so wear something nice and clean your dirty ass room!” I didn’t want to get out of the shower, my eyes were puffy and I had a runny nose. I just ran to my room and cried a little while changing, I didn’t have a bra so I went to my mom’s room for one. She yelled at me again…”What the fuck are you doing here? You have bras in your room, why don’t you wear those? It’s not my damn problem if you have a bra or not!” I hope she was just mad and didn’t actually hate me. I didn’t come out of my room the whole day, hoping tomorrow will be a better day…