I didn't want to kill him. He was just ticking me off. “Hey Juan?” I called out cheerily, haha, of course I was happy; knowing the stubborn moron he won’t bother even taking my warnings, “Oh. Keiko! What’s a cute angel like you doing here?” he said ‘alluringly’ A+ for trying! “Do you like cats or dogs?” He looked a bit confused at my question but oh well, that’s all the confirmation I need that he will contribute the absolute least to society. “I think cats are better.”
Oh so do I!
The first warning; I pasted a couple notes in his locker to back off, all in while remaining anonymous of course. Idiot took it as Liz’s doing and bullied her rougher, more vicious…that demon…he pushed her down the stairs! I didnt even know where those anomalies come from, ah well. Too late to play Google Feud now right? Secondly, I stood by Liz at all times, making sure to keep the American Wall’s distance away from that Mexican. (I’m sorry if I offended anyone, Keiko is supposed to have a sick sense of humour when it’s only her.)
Dude still didn’t get the hint!
Last stage, I stuck a note on the last book of his time table, it was cut out magazine ones; like those ransom notes:
‘BrO I THoUghT i tolD YA to back OfF! WELl thEn. ItS ToO LAte Now.’
His face grew red in anger. I mumbled a curse to myself, he was going to hurt Liz. After school, I rushed Liz out the gates, urging her to go home because I ‘heard news that rioters are going to come near the area’ she bought it and left.
Finally, after long wait, I headed out to find Juan–that idiot–who was still stomping around looking for her. I forced myself to giggle ‘cutely’ and let my sky blue gaze meet his sewage and sluggish one, “Hey Juan!” I smiled, convincingly, making my way over to him.
“Keiko.” He growled, “Yes…?” I hummed, “Where. Is. That. Witch.” Oh, getting cocky are we? Hm, that’ll change soon. “I think I saw her in the hall, you’re looking for her?” He didn’t even nod, just marched off to his death like all the others who didn’t listen. I laughed, smiling as I closely followed him from behind.
Up and up we went to the hall, which had no cameras conveniently–haha, I’m just joking, obviously I checked before doing good to the world–. Suddenly, he spun around. “SHE’S NOT HERE.” He snarled, drool escaping through those blunt fangs.
“I know she isn’t.” I grinned, finally, finally he’ll be gone! Then Liz won’t have to suffer. “YOU LITTLE—“ I caught the wrist that was thrown at me, holding it firmly in my grasp. “Little…? Yes I am small, but to you, hahaha—“ I twisted it, watching intensely as his whole body jerked and tried to twist with it to avoid it breaking. “—hah, to you I’ll be your worst nightmare.” And with that, I jolted my hand the opposite direction he was pushing against, snapping it with a satisfying pop.
“…wh…why…?” He squeaked, I smiled, pushing him to his knees and stepping back once. “Hurting people for no reason isn’t right dear. I am hurting you with reason however.” I sent a hard kick to his forehead, observing the crimson trickle that seeped out like cream from a creampuff. Delicious.
“My reason. You hurt Liz. You did this to yourself.” And with one final jerk of my leg, he was out cold…forever. I felt my heart flutter and adrenaline rush through my veins as I picked him up and sat him down in one of the empty class-seats. Last but not least, I went home and burned my shoes, burying the ashes.
I was never found out, plus, he was only one of the first of my brilliant victims. Others were lucky though, they listened and became changed people. Those were forgiven and respected.
The bell rang and soon we had our break. “Hey Liz, I’ve got some stuff to do, I’ll join you next time ‘Kay?” I got a nod from her and ran off to a secluded classroom to think. “Hm…” I whispered to myself. The atmosphere was calming, white tiled walls contrasting with my shoulder length aqua coloured curls,–the school allows us to dye our hair– and the tranquil environment aiding the gears in my head.
I pull out my notebook and begin drawing mind maps. “So that and then that…then…oh! So the person was of a somewhat similar height…interesting…” Turns out, the attacker would’ve been same height to her or at most either slightly taller or shorter in order to create such a deep slash–if they were of extremely varying height difference then she would’ve struggled and the cut would’ve been shallower–on her arm.
It begs the question though, why her arm? It would be so much easier to stab her in the throat and let her choke on her own cherry pie filling. Maybe that person was a sadist? Or maybe they were just plain stupid. Abruptly, the door handle twists and an Albino girl walks straight in.
”Do…do I know you…?” I politely ask, i have the slimmest idea of her identity, but I, honest to the Lord, thought those were just rumours. “I am Aleena Damira.” She responds robotically, “Oh.” Well that declares those rumours true. “Hi Aleena!” I beamed, but she just shook her head; “No need for that foolishness Keiko Shi.” She stood straight in my direction, her seashell pink eyes trying to make me spontaneously combust apparently.
I change my expression to a more challenging one, “I’ve heard about you, Aleena, I thought you were just a myth?” “As have I, and I can completely assure you I am no more than living and breathing.” She responds, eyes never leaving me. I stand from where I was sitting and walk to the front of those desks, leaning against it.
“Alright Aleena. Did you happen to stumble into the wrong classroom or…?” “No. Keiko. I want to speak with you.” I nod, ushering her to go on as I pack up my stuff and hold it close to me. You can never be too careful. “You ended her. Did you not?” She smirks, long, straight, snow white hair draping thinly over her pale complexion.
Heh, that’s a first.
”I didn’t.” “Oh.” She noted, but her expression is all I need to say that this white wolf is not at all convinced. “That shall not be a bother then. I shall just repeat what was said here and be on my way.” Ms.Damira stated boldly. Wow, can’t believe the legend of the literal White Death exists.
Well, sorry to burst her bubble, but it’s pretty well known that I’m loved by a lot of people, and I don’t think they’d believe her lies. “Very well then, bye!” I smirtled, waving to her as she waltzed out. Her legend; if she tries to blackmail you, you become her next target. Follow her and you’ll meet the Grim Reaper himself! But if you don’t…she’ll keep going on spreading those news like a virus, and you can’t stop her.
I hung around, waiting for her to leave as I skimmed through my notes one last tim—CRACK.
…what was that…?