Wednesday, April 8, 2020
We made it through the first night without too much incident. The drive out here with the children was a nightmare. Three hours in the car and one of them with no stops eh. Cassy had a migraine by the time we got here and had to take some percocet and lay down leaving me with the children. I think she did it just to escape for a few hours. Me and the children got the car unpacked and then decided on rounding up some wood for a cookout that evening. The children were ready to burst at the seams with excitement as they gathered firewood. There was just not too many opportunities when you live in Nashville for things like this and it makes me regret raising them there.
Poor Nadley had a run in with her first red wasp. Luckily she is not allergic to them but to her five-year-old self, she thought she had been murdered. Of course, me at thirty-five would have been sitting on the ground, balling like a wounded child on a playground too. We gave her some Benadryl and put her beside my snoring wife and now they are peas in a pod.
The "cookout" ended up with me inhaling as much smoke as possible, no fire actually being started, and everything being cooked on the propane stove. Oh well, I guess this morning's chore will be to watch some youtube videos on fire starting. It has been way too many years for me, since I have lived out here, but damn isn't it nice to be back.
My wife is already giving me long, sideways glares. She is from New York City and came to Nashville for the entertainment venues. She did not appreciate waking up without AC this morning, hell she would have took a fan. I had to explain to her that without more solar panels we could not recharge fast enough. She grumbled and mumbled something about a "damn bulldozer clearing a few acres would fix it." She might be on to something.
But today's activity does sound promising before we head back to Nashville, FISHING! Then it is back to the grind of work, but even in Nashville, we can continue to keep things going here. Maybe next time we can have some fans for Cassy.