Lucas's POV
It was a while back, like when I was a kid. My parents got divorced and I stayed with my mother most of the time. My dad got me every other weekend, which was okay I guess but I didn't really like him as much. My mother would tell me that he's a bad person, and that I should never speak to him other then on the weekends. Well we talked and talked all the time, my father was a brilliant man. He had a job at NASA in Florida, every weekend he would show me what they've been working on. It amazed me that he was allowed to show me all of these amazing things.
But after a while he stopped asking to see him, he stopped picking me up at the house. And he stopped working at NASA. That year I went to the demigod camp in London, my mothers family took care of me once I got over there. If felt weird being taken care of my mothers parents, after being in their care for another couple of years. Finally at the age of 14 I was sent to the camp, in the New Forest. That's what they call it, it's able to hide in all of the woods and away from the mortals.
Turning 16 was alright, I was told that my mother was murdered on my birthday. No one new who or why they did so. That day was the worst experience of emotions I'd ever felt. Over the next three years I was an emotional reck, who never smiled or even went to eat. It was like I wanted to die because of my mother dying, I felt like it was my fault because I left her all these years to have my own life.
The year I turned 19 new campers showed up, the captain or well thats what I called him told me I could take over. Why me? I was such an emotional teenager back then, but he told me it might hep me think of distractions so I didn't think of my mother as much. The first day on the job and I fell in love with someone, who was just like my mother in so many ways. But he never really liked me back, which hurt but I kept trying.
" why do you keep staring at me" he asked
" because your beautiful and stronger then me on so many levels" I smiled ruffing his hair slightly
" Lucas do you like me" he questioned tilting his head at me
" is it that obvious" I muttered as he nodded
After that conversation we started to fall in love with each other, but we didn't ask each other out. We thought that would ruin our friendship which we didn't want to do. But then the question came up on my 20th birthday, just a year later. He gave me a gift and a long ass paragraph on paper, it was cute. Once I finished the letter he was blushing and playing with his hair. I obviously said yes, but no one was able to know that the camp captain was dating a camper. So I made him part of the staff, let's just say we had some fun together in the first couple of years we were together. I still cherish those times.
But after my birthday, just a couple of months. My father came to my camp asking for help, I didn't know what to say to that. Except for that he could have food and sleep in my cabin for the night. In the morning he had paper with model plans of a castle, a huge castle. That was going to be placed in Egypt. That was when he told me that I was a child between a god and goddess, one from Greece and one from Egypt. I obviously didn't believe it since I was in the demigod camp for so long.
" why didn't you tell me when I was younger" I asked
" because you wouldn't understand what a foster child is. Your mother wanted to adopt you, but before we could your real parents some how found you and wanted you back" father explained
" so you thought by not telling me that I would hate you and mom for ever" I questioned
" that's what she thought Lucas, don't hate us" he muttered before going back to his work
Once he left the camp a week and a day later, he was a changed man. He had magical powers and a girl who loved him more then mom did. He wanted to rule the world, and he knew how to do it. But he never told me his plans, but he's always wanted me to join him with his plan. Which I never planned on doing myself. I didn't know if I should believe him or not.
But one night he kidnapped me and showed me the progress on the castle so many people were building for him. In Egypt. Thousands of miles from London England. Which I didn't like at all. But father took me home, he wanted me to sleep on it. And I slept on it, for a good year or two.
As a 22 year old he came back to me, Kai and I have been dating for three years now. I think, I could be wrong. He's the one who always remembers. And then my father comes back, now this year is when I met Casper and her crew. He wants to rule the world, and I doubt that will happen with Casper around.
It was morning, I had woken up and got myself some coffee. Looking out the window to the front porch I see campers walking around having a good time. Some of them were like guards around my house or around a certain area. I talked to my dad about the whole controlling the kids thing, and he stopped doing it. Casper and her friends could walk among the camp with ease, and I made sure my father and them didn't clash during anytime of the day. It seemed I was getting better at doing my job, even with my dad their to probably ruin it.
" you okay Lucas" Kai asked from behind. He was sitting on the floor holding my boa., I named her Pera.
" oh yeah, just thinking really" I smiled back at him as I sat on the couch and ruffled his hair
" I hope you know our four is coming up" he giggled
" thats in what, several months. Its on my birthday silly, how can I forget" I chuckled as the sun came into the room, making it warm up
" I know, but I just can't wait." he smiled and stood up putting Pera back into her cage.
" I can't either, how do you want to celebrate it. Want me to ask Casper to see if she'll come down for it" I asked as his eyes lit up with excitement
" that will be amazing oh my god, we have to do that" Kai squealed with joy as he gave me a small hug before running out of the front door
I stood up and walked out onto the porch, sitting down in one of the chairs I got to relax with the cup of coffee in my left hand. I watched as campers walked past me, smiling and waving at me like nothing happened yesterday. After finishing my coffee I decided to go get some breakfast at the breakfast hall, the bell had rung at 8am. Which was perfect for me, I walked into the hall and everyone in there yelled and screamed. Saying good morning, or they wanted to know what the activity was going to be today.
getting some breakfast I sat down at one of the tables with the campers, I rarely did this so they were confused but also excited that I was going to be sitting with them more often.
" what have you guys been up to" I asked the kids around me
" training a lot harder then before, it feels like its to much for even me" a boy from the Apollo cabin said
" or its just getting boring, your old man is horrible at making training fun. Your better at doing that" a girl from the Aphrodite cabin giggled softly. Those girls are always flirts.
" well the activity this morning is going to be fun" I promised them a fun time while also training which they were looking forward.
I finished my breakfast and walked around the camp, looking at things that needed to be fixed or repaired or put something new there. This camp didn't really have any staff other then me and Kai, so I think I'll have to ask the gods for some of those. We didn't even have satyr's and centaurs, which would be amazing. Those guys could help with the campers training so then I could work on the paper work. I finally reached the Athena cabin, I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Ella, she blushed and smiled before letting me in.
" hey man, whats the honor of this morning visit" Casper smiled before giving me a nice big hug
" just checking up on everyone thats all" I smiled back before looking around the cabin
Each house was decorated differently, which was nice. So it showed the style of the godly parents children, and also some of my style in their a bit. After talking to Casper and the rest of the cabin I walked back to mine. I had an idea and it was going to be amazing, something to be able to train on and with. I think the campers will love it more then anything.
A/N: hey guys whats up, I decided to put Lucas's background into this because we need to know more about the guy and his family. I actually really like how i did this chapter, it seems to "flow" easier. I'm also still figuring out what I'm going to do with Sirus, i'll have to come up with something quickly so I can write a chapter for tomorrow. Until then my lovelies.