That night I woke up because of a nightmare, it was around 2 in the morning. It wouldn't let me sleep, since all i thought about was Sirus ruining my life. Which I doubt i'd let him, but my dreams are so vivid they might actually happen somewhere down the road.
I get out of bed slowly and walk into the kitchen, I stand looking into the sink and try not to think of anything bad again. Drinking a glass of water I walked back to my bed, looking up from the floor Ella had woken up.
" do you need to cuddle babe" she wondered as she pushed the sheets back
" I'd love that" I muttered giving her a small smirk before laying next to her
" you had another nightmare didn't you" she asked
" yeah, i might need to sleep with you forever" I chuckled before wrapping my arms around her waist
She nodded before laying her head on the pillow, I followed. Ella closed her eyes once more as I watched her sleep soundly. I wasn't trying to be creepy but I doubt she could even help my nightmares go away. But with that I tried to fall asleep, forgetting about my nightmares all together.
In the morning I don't wake up with a headache, which made me feel relieved about that. I sat up in bed to see Ella was making breakfast, Kai was helping her out. As well as Maddy, Brittany was sitting on the counter watching the timer Ella set up. Pharaoh and Kyle were setting the table for all of us, I sat there and smiled. Watching them act like a normal family, then I noticed Kai was looking at me.
" morning Cas" he giggled as everyone looked at me
" morning y'all" I roll my eyes and yawn multiple times before getting out of bed
" did you sleep well" Ella asked still worried for me
" yeah don't worry, but what smells so good" I raised an eyebrow
" Ella thought it would be a good idea to make pancakes" Maddy spoke showing off her burnt pancakes in the trash
" let me try that" I nudged her waist and grabbed the spatula from her
Ella giggled before sitting on the counter as she watched me make some good looking pancakes. I got another plate from the cabinets and placed more pancakes on them to cool down. Finishing the last batter I smirked and gave the spatula to Ella who clapped her hands lightly at how impressive I was. I placed the two plates full of pancakes on the table and watched everyone sit down. The table was two chairs smaller then I thought. Ella and I decided to sit on one of the beds and eat, we all talked about happy things. And all I wanted to talk about was how disappointing it felt to be slow at getting something.
I took and bite into my pancake and smiled, it was really good. I was impressed with my cooking as well.
" nice pancakes Cas" Pharaoh laughed eating more then his stomach could handle
" thanks, i try my best" I winked as everyone else made groaning noises or rolled their eyes at me
Ella finished hers and put her plate into the sink, she only had three pancakes. I guess that's a lot. Finishing my six pancakes I laid back onto the bed, it felt like i had food coma. Which feels like you can't eat anymore, even if your still hungry. Your stomach aches like your on your period, and it sucks. Ella takes my plate and puts it into the sink as well before sitting back next to me.
" so what are we going to do" I asked add everyone stopped laughing
" Cas we don't know" Kai spoke
" i meant what do you guys want to do while were in London, this can be for us too" I corrected Kai and he smiled
" sounds nice, what do you have in mind" Pharaoh raised an eyebrow chewing on his food while looking at me
" we can go into the city and find other people like us, it might be fun" I glanced over at them
They all nodded and liked my idea, finally! I ran my fingers through my hair before standing up, I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom to change. Everyone soon put their plates into the sink and put the rest of the pancakes in the refrigerator. I finished getting changed and threw my pajamas onto my bed, I danced around the room to show how happy I was.
After what happened last night, which got me pretty down, I think I needed some adventure in the city. I've actually never been to London, Ella hasn't been here as well. So it was extra special for her. I watched as one by one everyone got ready, Pharaoh and Kyle shifted into their animal forms. Pharaoh was seen as a labrador and Kyle was seen as a manx, which is a type of cat with literally no tail. I love them so much. Tenebre shifted into his snake form, he stayed around my neck. Which might be weird to mortals, but I shrugged it off saying 'what the hell'. Ella, Kai, Maddy and Brittany were finally ready.
" looks like we have a girl day to ourselves" I smirked
" hey I'm still here" Kai mumbled " oh wait never mind" he laughed afterward
" good job Kai" Maddy rolled her eyes
" okay where to first" I asked
" lets go shopping, we should get something for Lucas as well. But then again lets not since he thinks we're trying to figure how to get into the museum" Brittany whined
I chuckled before ruffling her hair, I opened the door to our hotel room and let everyone out. Before closing it I check if my room key was in my back pocket, and it was. I then closed it running slightly after the others. I had Pharaoh and Kyle on leashes which they hates, Tenebre kept laughing at them from my neck.
As we all walked, the three girls walked next to each other. Kai and I walked behind them, he helped me with Kyle. Which I thanked him for.
" I really wonder if Sirus knows where we are. I mean Lydia might already be out here looking for us" I muttered
" Casper it's fine, she won't come after you. You have all seven of us to help you" Kai smiled
" shut up you little piece of shit" I chuckled ruffling his hair before he laughed some more857Please respect copyright.PENANA4ejA29tDmr
We walked around for a bit before going to the clock tower, we met a girl who played the violin to earn money for her dad. She was a demigod like the three ladies, haha well two. I gave her some money and she thanked me, which felt pretty good to give a little. Maddy and Brittany pulled all of us into a clothing shop, Kai stayed outside with Pharaoh and Kyle. Somehow I snuck Tenebre into the clothing store. What is this London. Those two girls went crazy trying a lot of stuff on, Ella didn't really like shopping so she stayed by my side the whole time.
I watched as Maddy and Brittany walked up to me with a pile of clothing on either ones arms, I raised an eyebrow and told them to pick their five favorite. They groaned and just did as they were told. I gave them some money before running off to pay. I glanced over to Ella, she laughed and rolled her eyes.
" its like we're parents, and we're getting things for our three children" she giggled857Please respect copyright.PENANA8tTTzSs5Dp
" so we have Maddy, Brittany and Kai. I like it" I smirked and kissed her cheek softly
Maddy and Brittany came back with a bag in one of their hands, I nodded my head before exiting the store. Kai wanted to go somewhere for him, I questioned this since I thought he liked wearing girl clothing.
" where to then Kai" I growled kind of disappointed
" you'll see" he chuckled before handing me the doggo and the cat
" where are you skipping to" I raised an eyebrow before watching him go into a store
We all followed to see him waiting for us, we walking into an alley way store that was for demigods. I laughed and nudged his shoulder before looking around, this time I was allowed to bring in Pharaoh and Kyle. Since they were magicians. Kai had to get a new spell book so he could learn more spells. That should of been obvious.
I looked around to see things i've never even heard, but then again. This shop was probably also for mortals to pretend to know magic. I watched as Kai went up to pay, he put the small spell book into his backpack before we could leave. Walking out we heard screams, I raised an eyebrow as I walked into the street.
Lydia was destroying London.
A/N: hey everyone, i thought i did alright with this chapter. Im not going to say much since I'm pretty down about something. I might of just lost a really good friend of mine, so that hurts. but anyways, I shouldn't be talking about my personal problems. Until then lovelies. 857Please respect copyright.PENANAYiJaofjgYP