After finishing my dinner i placed the plate in the sink, walking back outside everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves here. Even though some of them have never been to Ohio. I sat back in my chair, Mai had shifted into her cougar form. I guessed it was good for them to shift, since in this world people thought magic was gone.
My home was finally full of life, I wonder once this so called quest is done they all might want to stay. And thats what I'm hoping. Which could be wrong, and they might all hate me.
" why are you so down Cas" Taylor walked up to me
" oh, me acting down. Nah" I tried pulling the old no I'm not kinda thing but he saw right through it
" do you keep forgetting most of us can hear your thoughts" he chuckled
" sometimes, and i mean i'd like my thoughts to myself please" I growled crossing my arms
" so I heard your demon and hellhound think your science teacher is a goddess" he whispered
" yeah, but i can't smell her. Tomorrow ill ask her, i'll definitely ask her about her smell. Even though that is weird" I spoke which made him smile
" good, we don't need a goddess on our hands who hates us and wants to stop us from getting the treasure back" he answered
Taylor then left me once more, Mia looked up at me and smiled. She knew I could do it no matter what will be thrown my way. I stood up and decided to head to my room, where I could breath a bit better. Or maybe even fall asleep without anyone knowing. Walking to my room I noticed the sound of everyone's yelling subsided. I opened my door to see Ella sitting on my bed, looking through a phonebook my older brother probably gave her. I closed the door behind me, Ella looked up and smiled.
" hey babe, sorry I didn't ask to look through this" she muttered nervously smiling at me
" its fine, did Caleb give it to you" I asked as I sat down next to her
" yeah he did, since i am technically part of the family." she giggled and blushed before closing the book
" you are aren't you" I smiled and kissed her cheek
" are you getting tired Cas" she asked looking at my face up and down making sure I was tired
" yeah, all the noise outside is giving me a headache. My brother has it cut out for himself" I chuckled before laying my head on one of my pillows
Ella followed and cuddled against my body, her arms wrapped around my waist. So she could feel close to me and also safe. Kissing her forehead I fell asleep in her arms.
The next morning I woke up to a cold side and my alarm clock going off. I groaned and sat up, it was an hour before school started for me. Sighing in relief I stayed sitting up for a couple of good minutes. Then the yelling and screaming in the living room woke me fully, I'd have to get used to that sooner then later. Putting my alarm clock out I got out of bed, forgetting to put my slippers on. Cringing at how cold my feet felt from the wooden floor, I walked onto the carpet in the living room. Everyone was in the huge dining room Caleb set up for our meals, which I appreciate a lot. I heard my name being yelled from the table, looking up from my feet I groan more then anything.
" morning Cas" Pharaoh spoke " ready for another day of school" he chirped
" if you say that everyday of the school year ill kill you" I growled which made him kind of scared
" i was joking silly" he muttered
" haha I know, I just need my coffee before we I can go" I replied back and he nodded
And with that he took a cup from the cabinet and poured some coffee into it, with some milk as well. I thanked him before joining everyone at the dining table. I smiled slightly remembering the first day I met Taylor, Jeremy and Duncan. Father and I were sitting at this table that night before everything changed. It still feels like yesterday when I found out my mother was a goddess.
Sitting at the table I served myself and started to eat, I guess everyone else had breakfast already since they were talking amongst themselves. I smiled whenever they brought up a memory of me messing up or looking crazy. Finishing my food Caleb took my plate, I leaned back in the chair and calmed down a bit. 10 minutes had gone by, getting up I quickly walked to mar room and got dressed. Today I dressed up in sweats and a shirt with my name on it somewhere, I put some more boots on and a snapback onto my head.
I said good bye to everyone and walked out of my house, Pharaoh was by my side as always. Which made me feel comfortable going to school, I even had Tenebre to thank for doing this for me. You could say they were my body guards, but no one even knew about it.
" wonder who my science teacher is" I started
" don't get me started, she could be a demon or soul trying to go by a goddess who she killed to become" he explained
" I doubt she did that, she might just be a human who knows a goddess" I shrugged my shoulders as we got onto my high school campus
I looked up from my phone to see my science teacher in front of us, just a couple feet away. I heard Pharaoh start to growl, Tenebre shifted into his snake form before she could see his face. My teacher didn't say a word, she just smirked.
" I don't want any trouble Damien, you should know a previous master when you see one" she licked her lips as her appearance changed
" Lydia" Tenebre spoke as he shifted to his human form
" looks like you found a new master, the daughter of Bast. Seems you have to Pharaoh, did Persephone make you do this or was this or doing" she chuckled
Her outfit was more Greek then Egyptian, I was confused by how she knew me. It was a dark purplish pink dress, that stopped at her knees. It was beautiful. So her name wasn't Gabby at all, was that her human name or what. I watched as tears fell from Tenebre aka Damiens eyes, I walked up to him and held his hand. He glanced up from his hand and smiled softly, he told me a while back before he was Seth's demon he was hers. But she died so their contract died with her, but thats what he thought.
" I thought you died" He cried pushing the tears away from his eyes
" well I did, Persephone's husband saved me" she admitted
" how? Hades can't even bring his dead souls back to life" I yelled
" simple... which you three won't understand" she chuckled
The time was going fast, it was almost time for class to start and no one saw us or heard us. Strange how demons magic can work when they want privacy. Lydia then told us how she became a demon to be able to live again, but she wasn't Hades demon. Which made me okay with killing her once again, but without saying another word she disappeared. Gabby was once again back in her classroom, and I was going to be late on my second day of school.
Tenebre went back onto my wrist and Pharaoh went back to being a black lab, which suited him. I sighed as I walked to my classroom, the first bell hadn't even rung yet. Gabby smiled at me like no admitting happened a couple minutes ago.
" hello Cas, can you help me with some things" she asked
" you don't remember a couple of minutes ago do you" I questioned
" oh I do, but Gabby doesn't really understand why Lydia hates your guts" she spoke in third person
" wait, your two people" I was confused
" more like two souls trapped into one body, and can't keep control" she explained
" so your human then" I asked
" yes Gabby is human, and Lydia is well you know a demon. I guess Hades thought it would be a good idea to stick he ran my body. She's a good person Cas, she just has a master who wants to kill you" Gabby explained
The first bell finally rung, and everything was almost in place now. I just had to get the name of Lydia's master from Gabby. But why would Hades put Lydia in a human body, was it a better host for a demon then a stupid tattoo on my wrist. I know Tenebre didn't think so, but then why was I questioning it.
Once school ended I went to the front of the school to see my dad's car waiting for me, if that was my dad I was going to be so happy. But then I saw Caleb get out of the car, he waved and Pharaoh went crazy. Like all dogs do. I hugged my brother before getting into the car. Pharaoh shifted into his human form, while Tenebre did the same. The tear stains on his skin were still visible, but Caleb didn't question about them. He didn't really understand demons himself.
" so how was school" he asked as he drove out of the parking lot
" it was good, i really love my science teacher" I lied
" she's interesting" Pharaoh grumbled leaning back in his seat
" do you have something to say about her Tenebre" Caleb asked once more
" not really, she seems fine to me" he sniffled before laying his head on Pharaohs shoulder887Please respect copyright.PENANA2503nDa0SV
" I see" Caleb nodded before getting home
I got out of the car and ran inside, I didn't hear any screaming or yelling. I heard crying instead, and things I didn't want to hear from my friends. I walked into the living room to see a note in all blood, it couldn't be any of theres. Then I noticed that Taylor was gone, the son of Horus was missing. Jeremy and Duncan were back to being dolls, since they weren't able to be that far away from their master. I could hear them in my thoughts telling me to beat the shit out of Lydia and her so called master. I agreed. I picked up the two dolls that used to be two of my closest friends, I placed them in my room where they would be safe.
The things I wanted to ask her, what was her master after anyway. And it hit me, the stolen treasure. Ra did warn me about others who would want it and sell it, which could't be happening to me. Walking back into the living room everyone was sitting down, not watching TV and not smiling. I sat down and started to sing, it was a song my mother would sing to me when things were tough in my life. Caleb new it as well. Everyone listened to me and stopped crying. After I finished singing we all ate dinner, but they weren't really feeling it.
" I wonder why they took Taylor and not one of our younger siblings" I mumbled
" I'm not sure, maybe they have some unfinished business with Horus himself" Caleb questioned
" if they do they better have a good reason for taking Taylor" I cried hugging my brother
Meantime, Taylor was in a dark room. No windows and no way to breath. He was laying on the ground, crying softly so no one would beat him up again.
" come on kid, lets go" a guard yelled opening the door
Taylor said nothing, he stood up and hid his tears from everyone. He was brought to a room for rich people, at the end of the room there was a man sitting there. That man was going to ruin Casper's life, Taylor knew he had to figure out something before leaving. Taylor was pushed down in a bowing position, once the man int he sit said he could stand. He did so.
" The son of Horus was captured with no one being killed, thats rare" the man snarled
" why" Taylor sniffled under his breath " why me, do you have a death wish" he yelled887Please respect copyright.PENANACMqxf4CSRy
" well someone fell on the wrong side of the bed. I'll tell you everything once you tell me where Ra's stolen treasure is" he spoke
" I'd never" Taylor cried
And with that he was thrown into his cell, with no food or water for another week. He's wish someone was able to hear him from where he was trapped, his strength was soon being drained from not being able to produce energy. He desperately needed food and water, but what would he say to the man in black. Would he lie and not say anything at all.
A/N: good place to stop? whoops. Hope you guys enjoyed todays chapter, ill be trying to get another chapter up. I'm also developing this book as I go, just last the first one. Which I think is okay, but I think there was more social problems then any actual threat that was presented in the last book. So i'll try and fix that with less social problems and more threats being takin seriously. Until then my lovelies. 887Please respect copyright.PENANAH0SORpRFVJ