" are you kidding me, thats a horrible plan Cas" Seth growled running his fingers through his hair
" then do you have a better idea" I asked
" lets just keep it cool, okay" he shrugged
" fine, but i still want to beat his ass if he is Sirus's son" I growled bad as I heard the god laugh
" you always have a fire in your belly don't yeah" he questioned
" I guess so" I mumbled as I crossed my arms
" I know so" Seth smirked before writing our plan down and putting it into his back pocket
I wondered when the others were going to get back from breakfast, I heard my stomach growl. I really needed to eat, but I didn't want to go outside to end up bumping into Lucas. I looked through the fridge and found some milk, there was a box of cereal in the cabinets so i took a bowl out. Pouring some cereal into it I poured milk into it as well, getting out a spoon I placed it into the bowl before putting the milk away.
With the bowl in my left hand I walk around the room and eat my breakfast. Seth watched me before he went back to watching TV, like always. That old man is one lazy guy. I finally sat down next to him while I ate my cereal, he was watching news. But for gods. I crossed my legs before placing my bowl in my lap, I ate slower this time. Taking my time and mostly watching the tv.
" your not going to go to see Lucas" Seth asked
" after I eat breakfast, holy shit. I don't want to feel like shit if I have to fight him" I muttered glaring at him
" fine fine, if you were wondering i'm watching greek gods news. It's weird and not like Egyptians god news. I think our news is a lot better then these greeks." he admitted which I had to agree with him on
" it could be better, but its okay" I shrugged before finishing my cereal
I stood up and placed the bowl and spoon into the sink. Seth turned the TV off, I left a note saying we were seeing Lucas. And to also not come along. I walked out of the cabin, Seth followed. Without telling me he shifted into his hellhound form, some of the campers thought he was pretty cool. I still didn't understand how Lucas knew Seth was on our side.
We were slowly getting closer to Lucas's cabin, I was getting nervous and very anxious. I felt Seth rub at my thigh, making me feel a bit better since he was by my side. I rolled his eyes as I got to the door of Lucas's cabin, opening the door I heard him say come in. Once the door closed we were pulled into Lucas's office, I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I moved the other chair so Seth could sit down.
" I see you brought Seth" he chuckled to hear Seth growl
" well he's the only one protecting me today, and I could always just call Tenebre to my side anytime I want." I shrugged seeing Lucas chuckle once more
" back to serious business, last night. Who did you hear me talk to" he asked with his hands folded in front of him
" your father" Seth spoke
" and I'm guessing you know who that man is" he questioned us again
" why, what if we do. What will you do to us" I chuckled nervously as a joke
" just keep you locked up in the attic, and see if your alive by the next month" he smirked, not so sure I trusted him anymore
" cool, and I'm also guessing your father is behind us" I muttered
" how did you know Casper" Sirus chuckled walking towards his son
" easy, your son wheres glasses. I saw your reflection idiot" I growled
" someones frisky today, thought you would've tamed her Seth" Sirus purred
" your sick you know that" Seth glared at him, I could tell he wanted to rip these two to shreds.
" what shall we do to them, we can't let them destroy our plan for the third time" Sirus whispered, even though we could still here them
" lets lock them up, no food no water for the next month. Lets see how you like being one of my dad's prisoners" Lucas snapped his fingers with a wicked look in his eyes
The chair I was sitting in locked my arms and legs to it, the chair Seth was supposed to sit in jumped onto his back. Not letting him be able to move. Seth shifted back into his human form, he really wanted to escape the bindings. But he didn't have much strength left from being in his hellhound form. I watched as Sirus snapped his fingers, the chairs floated into the air and followed him two flights of stairs into the attic. It was dark and cold in this room, only one window was placed at the other end of the room. I felt as the binds let us into the room, the chairs turned into bracelets that went back onto Sirus's wrist.
" have fun dying in here, I wonder if Seth will decide to eat his best friend in the end" Sirus purred before closing the door and locking it
" damn those two, I really want to kill them now" Seth growled as he sat down on the wooden flooring
" oh please I want to do the same to them, they deserve to die for what they are going to do to these kids" I replied
" what if they get the other four" Seth asked
" well i'll have to give them a message through my head" I nodded before closing my eyes
'if you guys can hear me, make sure you don't let Sirus control you.' I sent the message to Pharaoh, Tenebre, Kyle and Ella
I heard them reply back, which made me less stressed about the whole situation we were in. I sat in front of Seth as he took out the piece of paper we were supposed to do, but our plan failed and so he ripped it to shreds. I could tell he was angry. I ruffled Seth's hair before smiling at him.
" it'll be fine, the boys and Ella can do this" I nodded
" I hope your right, if not i'll go crazy being locked up in here for so long" Seth explained to me making sure I was aware of his hellhounds hunger as well
I nodded once more before laying my head on his shoulder, I was tired and too lazy to even try to get out of the attic at this point.
Ella's POV959Please respect copyright.PENANAOxkEsWaCKy
Once i got Casper's message I quickly walked back to the Athena cabin. Kyle, Pharaoh and Tenebre were making sure all the kids went to their rooms. Since we had to have an adult conversation, I wasn't looking for.
" so Seth was right this whole time" Kyle began making me nod
" what's the plan" I asked as the boys stared at me clueless as I
" well we'll have to be listening to music so Sirus can't control us. But we'll have to make it seem we are under his control" Tenebre spoke which made me scared about the situation
" I agree, did we all bring our headphones. I can hook them up to bluetooth on my phone so we can listen to some music" Pharaoh suggested
" what kind of music though" I asked
" probably metal, that would be best" Tenebre answered looking at me with a 'its going to be okay' expression on his face959Please respect copyright.PENANAlZryvzdWDN
I nodded and smiled before heading to my room, I sat down on the bed and hoped Casper was going to be okay.
A/N: hey guys, so i decided that since Casper and Seth are stuck in the attic of Lucas's cabin I'll be doing some POV of Ella, Kyle, Tenebre, Pharaoh and probably even Kai. Hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I did. This book is coming along as I hoped it would. So until then my lovelies.