After meeting with Lucas I decided to walk around the camp, I wondered back to the Athena cabin. The campers weren't back yet. I groaned as I walked back some campers who were done, I waved and they waved back. I was pretty popular in the camp, probably only because I can shift into a panther. Sighing I come to a beach, chairs were out as well. I sat under an umbrella watching the sun move very slowly behind the tree tops. The lake was pretty large, if you couldn't see it's edges you'd think it was the ocean.
" nice day to be chilling isn't it" I heard a crow speak
" didn't think birds were this smart around here" I smirked to hear it amused
" didn't think an egyptian girl would even think crow's were stupid. I mean I'm not really a crow" it spoke before changing
" mighty fine shapeshifter you are, but aren't you a demon" I glanced over to him to see his muscular stomach
" indeed i am, but I'm no ones pet" he sat down in the sand and looked at me
" Damien wanted me to be his master" I mumbled to hear him laugh
I didn't think I'd actually meet a demon in a demigod camp. Did they not sense him since he smells like a crow or what? I closed my eyes slightly before he started to speak, he told me how he was part of the camp actually. Ever so often I'd glance at him, noticing his features and what not.
" I'm Casper" I spoke
" the girl finally speaks. I'm Devon" he smiled shifting back into a crow
" why did Lucas allow you to be apart of the camp" I asked
" I helped a friend out way back when" he muttered before flying off
I groaned wanting to hear the rest of the story. Standing up I walked around some more since I wasn't going to be able to sleep out in the sun like I wanted to. Walking around some cabins I found Kai talking to Maddy, I walked towards them. Kai looked over to me and waved, I waved back before putting my hands in my front pockets.
" what have you two been up to" I asked
" making sure Lucas is with us" Maddy spoke
" and why is that" I questioned
" he literally put off the so called mission you guys have" Kai groaned
" you have a point there, but what does it have to do with anything" I raised and eyebrow before crossing my arms
" I found this in his desk" Maddy whispered and handed it over to me
Looking it over, it seemed very familiar to the tattoo on Sirus's arm. I gulped mot wanting to say it, but even so I had to. I nodded and looked up at the two who were clueless at what I knew about this symbol.
" this is the tattoo of the people who follow Sirus. But i can be wrong and someone is making it seem like Lucas is the one part of this group. So without telling anyone about this we need to make sure no one else in this camp can be suspects as well" i explained
" good call, I'll start looking for clues" Kai spoke and ran off
Once he left I looked at Maddy, I gave her a glare. I knew it had to be her and that crow I saw earlier. No wonder that demon was let into this camp, Maddy probably told everyone it was her pet. Or maybe even mind controlled them like Sirus can do.
" hopefully the daddy's girl doesn't get angry at me" I winked and walked away putting the symbol in my pocket
I glanced back at her to see a small tattoo behind her ear. Got you know! I quickly walk to the cabin, Kai was there searching for things. I raised and eyebrow before knocking on the door, he looked up at me and looked a bit nervous.
" you knew didn't you, you let her into this camp because you thought she was different. Lucas is not going to like this" I growled
" Casper please understand my intentions" he cried
" well look what those intentions got us, people who will know our plan. I could of decided what to do and she could of been listening to the conversation the whole time" I rolled my eyes
" I'm sorry okay, please do not tell Lucas" he muttered looking down at the ground
" tell me what" Lucas spoke walking into the cabin with Maddy behind him
I gulped, I put my hands in my pockets and held the piece of paper in my hands. I step aside so Lucas had a better view of Kai, the son of Zeus didn't look too happy at all. Lucas sighed and hugged the smaller male into his arms, I doubt Maddy had the guts to tell Lucas anything. Or even lie to him, I smirked at her before turning to Lucas.
" actually don't tell me anything, Maddy told me everything" he slightly growled looking towards me
" told you what" I questioned
" that someone in this camp is part of Sirus's group" he muttered " we need to find them quickly" he added
Once he left the building I looked at Maddy, she slightly gave me a smile before walking in. Her hands were out, showing she wasn't going to hurt me or Kai. Her footsteps seemed to be facing a different direction then where she was looking. I looked back at Kai, he was in his room already. Getting ready for dinner.
" so you haven't told him yet" I questioned
" I wasn't planing on to, since your so kind to not tell Kai either. I'd like to stay here, I'm not that bad at all. " she muttered almost starting to cry
" okay?" I tilted my head and walked towards her. " your keeping the piece of paper though, or maybe try and burn it, your shapeshifter can help. Maybe his lying can as well" I pushed the piece of paper into her chest before walking out
I watch as she slowly nods before walking into Kai's room, they were really good friends and I'd rather look like the one siding with the man in black then she. She is a good person, why can't I see that. Getting to the center rec area I felt a snake wrap around my neck, Pharaoh and Kyle were by my side once more. Ella was on my head, playing with my hair as always.
" Maddy is the one, but I'm not going to call her out. We have to find a way out of this, or maybe she can confess. But I doubt she has the courage to do so" I muttered all four of them were silent
" i'm sure everything will be okay" Tenebre hissed, reassuring me
" we can ask for a team to help us get the stolen treasure is. Ask for Maddy to come alone, and see where her heart belongs. If she tries to take the treasure away from us then we can tell Lucas" Pharaoh suggested
" good idea, I think I can do that" I nod before walking back to Lucas's office
Opening the door, I see him standing up and reading a book. He had glasses on as well, which made him look ten times more adorable. Sorry I had to say it or no one else would. I watched as he kept walking around the room, mesmerized within the book. After a couple of minutes he looked up and smiled at me before closing the book. He put it back onto the shelf as he walked towards me.
" what do I owe this visit" he asked
" I'd like to go get the stolen treasure please, after that we can figure out who is apart of Sirus's group. My friends are very good at those kind of things" I asked
" well then why don't they find the traitor now instead" he demanded
" I don't think they can do that, they need to close off everyones sent to just find one" I shook my head in disapproval
" okay fine, but just this once Miss Lucke. Pick whom ever you want, if you take Kai make sure he is back in one piece" he chuckled before letting me go
And with that Lucas announced that everyone should meet in the arena, all the campers ran to their seats. Kai and I were in the front, waiting for the campers to quiet down. I coughed and Kai clapped his hands, everyone went silent after the third clap.
" so this is a very special occasion, Casper needs your help" Kai spoke " for a mission to save her uncles legacy" he added which made me smile
" as you all know, Ra's treasure was stolen. Some human found it and placed it in a museum where they thought it belonged" Kai continued
" haha what Kai is trying to say is that I need three of you to come along. I already know two people I want to bring along. Now show me who's ready to be the three, and when I say that. I'll be walking around camp, if you want to come. Just come up to me and ask, you'll have to show me what your made of first" I explained as all the campers talked among themselves
After the little meeting with everyone, I told Maddy and Kai that I wanted them to come along. They both liked the idea since they've never been on a quest before, Pharaoh and I continued to walk around the camp. Kyle, Ella and Tenebre needed breaks from being in their forms for too long. As I walked around so many people came up to me, they weren't ready for what was about to happen. That's just my opinion of their skills.
Then this girl came up to me, she had long orange hair and dark freckles under her eyes and on her nose. She was just a bit taller then me, or well maybe like two inches taller then me. She showed off her karate skills and how much training she's had ever since she came to this camp. I nodded my head and shook her hand.792Please respect copyright.PENANABS4EYX04k9
" welcome to the team Brittany" I smiled as she shook my hand back as well
A/N: okay so not to lie, I didn't know where this chapter was going until I had that brilliant idea that Maddy was with Sirus, but not really at the same time. So with that, is how this chapter came to be. It's horrible I know, I'm trying to put more dialogue into my chapters. But if you guys likes more detail then please tell me, i'll probably change it back in the next chapter. So until then lovelies. 792Please respect copyright.PENANAOud09NtCTz