Kai explained to us humans and gods weren't the only thing that was captured, his camp had well a hippocampus. I know of one myself, but i've never met a wild one. And why did they capture a wild one? Did they think it was a magician or something. They also had a dragon, which isn't part of either mythologies at all.
" why is there a dragon" I questioned
" oh, he's fine. well he's a magician you see, just sometimes when he shifts he fully becomes a dragon. His name is Lucas" Kai waved up at the golden white creature
" I see" I mumbled
The dragon shifted back into a human, the boy looked about to be 12 to 14. He was really young to be able to shift so well, we might have a nerd on our hands. I smiled at him before shaking his hand, Kai seemed to love the kid.
" hey, sorry to scare you" he quoted as I noticed his husky egytptian accent
" I'm Cas, I think Kai told you with your bond" I spoke
" he sure did, and how did you know about that" Lucas asked
" oh that's simple, my father taught me how to sense when someones using it. He is Osiris after all" I giggled to see him surprised
" pleasure to meet you, and who is the gentleman on your wrist" he asked
I rolled my eyes and let Tenebre join us, Lucas clapped his hands and had never seen a demon before with it's master. Only one without one, which was Lydia. I didn't like her one bit, I told him how she was my science teacher. Well she did invade on a humans life because she wanted to live again. She's such a greedy demon. We all had to agree on that. Kai asked Lucas if he could take us back to London, they told us they were from London anyway so it was perfect.
" why is your accent Egyptian then?" I questioned
" oh, I can create my own accent to fit in most times, thats one of my magical abilities" Lucas slightly blushed before shifting into his dragon form
" of course" I rolled my eyes before jumping onto his back
Kai chuckled before putting a magical seat belt on me, Lucas lifted off into the sky. I watched as Kai put a magical barrier around Lucas, two spells at once? Very impressive Kai.
I watched as the scenery changed, the world seemed to go by so fast. Hopefully we got to auntie's house before she got there with Lydia and more trouble. I watched as Lucas used some magic as well, he created a portal so he didn't have to fly for so long. Going through the portal we were in London, I looked behind us to see the portal had disappeared.
" I taught him how to do that, it's much safer then letting it stay open until it closers on itself" Kai explained
" brilliant stuff boys" I smiled as Lucas dropped onto the street, in front of the house
I gulped before going to the door, it was open. I tried to communicate with the three of them but nothing. The house was dark, no lights were on. I didn't move until I saw something come out of the darkness of the kitchen. It was a spider, a very large spider. I felt disgusted right away, I then herd muffled screams in the back. The spider hissed before looking with all its eight eyes at me.
" your going down spidy" I chuckled as I got my sword out
" oh really" it was a womens voice
" Lydia" I growled
" glad you know who I still am. Now no one gets away from Sirus, especially you" she growled back at me
" I'm the daughter of two godly parents, don't treat me like I'm important" I flipped my hair back before charging
She head butted me as I charged throwing me to across the living room, destroying the building I used to call home. Standing up I was able to look into the kitchen much easier, she had wrapped Kyle, Pharaoh and Ella in webs. I sighed before thinking of a way to kill her, without her being able to hit me.
I moved around her, trying to find a spot where she could't see my body. The sides of her body, the perfect spot to stop her in her tracks. Licking my lips I jumped onto her and to the side, turning around before she could I threw my sword at her. The only thing I heard after was a scream, and her body turning into gold dust. Getting my sword back I walked back into the kitchen and cut the webs so my friends were able to escape.
" thank the lord you came back, I thought we were going to be spider food" Kyle shivered
" how the hell did you get back, Lydia told us everything" Pharaoh spat
" a dragon and a magicians help" I smirked as they didn't believe me
I yelled at them since Ella was a dragon as well. The same color actually. They all walked out to see Kai and Lucas still there, then I noticed something. Ella and Lucas looked a lot alike.
" Lucas" I heard Ella question
" Yeah thats.... Ella" once he got to see her face he started to tear up
" siblings I'm guessing" Kyle interrupted
" yeah no shit" Ella mumbled hitting him in the stomach with her elbow before running up and hugging her younger brother
The two were separated at birth, but they kept hearing each others thoughts. Them they started communicating where they were, they didn't know one was placed in the over worlds London and the other was with underworlds Egypt. And no not Hades world of death, its another world for their dimension I guess. Once they were reunited we were able to get back on track. Kai and Lucas brought us to where their so called demigod camp was. It was in the New Forest, and pretty amazing.
We got there riding Lucas's back once more, I never thought a demigod camp would be this cool. I watched as Pharaoh shifted into his hellhound form and Kyle shifted into his leopard form. Ella shifted into her dragon form and stayed right on my shoulder the whole time. I really wanted to shift into my panther form but I couldn't I had to talk to the person in charge of this place before I could do that. Kai and Lucas brought me to an arena, the rest of the campers were filling in. I could hear them talking about me, which I didn't like at all.
" hello everyone, I have returned. Thanks to this young lady right here" Lucas spoke as he grew a bit taller, just taller then Ella
" this is Casper, the daughter of two Egyptian godly parents. We will keep her safe from harm, and the man we know as Sirus. And sorry to tell you this, but Athena cabin. She'll be staying with us" Kai chuckled as a few other campers groaned
" now who wants to show her around, or maybe ask her questions" Lucas asked
" oh you bastard" I growled which made him laugh
More campers wanted to ask me questions about the three so called body guards I had with me. I told them that Pharaoh was my demon, Kyle was one of my little brothers and Ella was my girlfriend. They couldn't believe that I had a demon, Pharaoh felt very special. After that a girl from the Athena cabin walked me through the camp, showing me around.
" it's nice to finally meet an Egyptian, I'm Maddy" she placed her arm in front of me and smiled
" I'm Casper, and it's nice to meet more demigods." I smiled back and shook her hand
" so that is everything, now your cabin isn't the greatest. But this is it" she pointed to a beautiful structure that resembled the goddesses of wisdom very well
I walked into the door, paying my respects to how kind she was for letting us into her second home basically. The room was open, as the bedrooms were singled out. Four demigods stayed in one room, Maddy said that Kai was in a room alone. Since he doesn't like other people sleeping next to him, it's weird. I asked about Lucas, Maddy told me he was the camp leader or what not. The guy in charge of making the rules, he's even the son of Zeus. I was impressed with the kid being able to disguise himself as anyone from anywhere. I wish I was able to do that.
After the tour, it was dinner time. It was a huge dining hall with food in the front. The building showed different paintings of all the godly parents, even of centaurs and satyrs. There is a god thats half goat and half human, Maddy loves the god to death almost. I was set up in the from with Lucas and Kai, I noticed they were very close. You could say they were dating.
" gay much" I coughed softly as the two of them turned to me " the sons of Athena and Zeus, dating? I wonder what your parents would think of this" I giggled as they both glared at me
" don't tell anyone about this" Lucas growled
" I was just joking but okay" I winked at him
" your good Casper Lucke" Kai chuckled before digging in to his food
" oh please, I have a girlfriend. It's not like I'm gay shaming the two of you" I rolled my eyes and they saw my point with it all
After we all ate, all the demigods went back to their cabins. Pharaoh, Kyle, Ella, and Tenebre were able to shift into their human forms. Kai and Lucas wanted to talk about how they were going to help us. And with that I explained how my uncle Ra had a treasure stolen from him, and it's a pretty precious treasure that was stolen from him.949Please respect copyright.PENANA1fcyFTuM2F
" I see, when are we leaving to go steal it back for him" Lucas chuckled slightly before looking at me949Please respect copyright.PENANA5rhV6N3YL0
" I haven't figured that out yet" I muttered nervously smiling at the two in front of me949Please respect copyright.PENANAqJfeHG2OOL
A/N: this chapter was lit, not to lie. Casper killed Lydia and sent her to the equivalent of Tartarus. Saved her friends, let Ella reunite with her younger but way taller brother. I'm happy with this chapter that I finished in an hour. Look at me go guys, haha. Well until then lovelies, I'll see you guys tomorrow.