back at the hotel
After Maddy and Brittany showed off their outfits, there were a lot of them, Ella decided to make dinner. Which was a secret and no one should know about. Except for Kai who was going to help her make dinner and help set the table like the gentleman he is. I really wanted to walk in there and hug her from behind, surprise her and taste whatever she was cooking. But I doubt Kai would even let me do that, he's so mean sometimes.
" I wonder what she's making" I mumbled resting my chin in my left palm
" same here, it already smells good" Kyle smiled as he laid on his bed waiting very hungrily for dinner to be ready
" Ella hurry up" Pharaoh yelled
" oh shut up, I'm trying as fast as I can. Kai's no help at all" she yelled
" heyyyy" he whined before coming back to us and going on his little computer Lucas gave him to report back to him
But it's also used for other things needed for Kai to be able to do, it's like an iPad but modified for a demigods needs. Which is really cool, I wish I got one of them. I watched as he turned it on with his finger print, it said "hello Kai, how may I help you" before Kai asked a question. And it showed up whatever it asked, which was impressive.
" what do you use that for" I asked as I was hanging over the edge of the bed to watch the screen
" oh its for quests or homework, i can use it for mortal school. I can even use it to see if there are any monsters near by. Or even whatever we are looking for" he explained
" thats cool, can I use it" Brittany asked
" dont you have your own" Kai raised any eyebrow
" i forgot mine at camp" she whined
" oh, but no. This has private information on it" Kai nodded
I rolled my eyes, since he continued to let me watched what he was doing. Brittany kept complaining that Kai liked me better, which was probably true since I saved him from Sirus. I watched as he searched for the treasure, since we all new it wasn't in London somewhere. A map showed up, the treasure was moving. Towards Egypt.
" shit" I whispered
" you can say that again" Kai nodded before turning his iPad off
" come on you two" Ella raised an eyebrow with her hands on her hips
" sorry babe, just interested with his iPad" I chuckled
" yeah yeah" she giggled
I got to the table and sat down, i pushed in my chair before serving myself. Everyone was already served, they were just waiting for us to get to the table, I put my napkin in my lap before Ella said a small pray. I couldn't help but smile at her, that was still all mine. Once she finished everyone started to eat and talk, Kai had to say something. I looked at him and glared, he groaned before clearing his throat.
" yes Kai" Ella rolled her eyes as she looked at him, then everyone followed
" I have something to say" he started
" okay, and" Kyle wanted him to continue
" I found the treasure, and its flying towards Egypt as we speak" he muttered folding his hands
" oh shit when are we leaving" Pharaoh asked
" tomorrow morning" I spoke as they looked towards me
" is it a mortal" Maddy wondered
" I think so, but if not. You know what to do" I winked before going back to my meal
They all nodded before finishing rather quickly, I finished as well. No one wanted desert, they all went straight to bed. At 9:30pm, they usually would be talking till 10:30. So I wonder why they all went to sleep. Kissing Ella on the cheek I got ready for bed, getting into pajamas I got under the covers. Waiting for Kai to turn the light off so I could go to bed. Once he did I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 923Please respect copyright.PENANAjVxiN5bhCT
Waking up I saw everyone packing and making sure everything was with everything. I groaned and laid back not wanting to go back to Egypt, that was somewhere I didn't like going to. Well obviously because of Seth, but i, not sure what else could not want me to go. Finally getting out of bed I pack day things, I made sure Lucas's dragon was in my back pocket. And it was.
Getting dressed I put my bag in the front of the room, we made sure it was clean enough to be presentable to the next person staying in here. Which it was, once everyone was ready we said good bye to the room and to London. Getting to the ground floor we gave the keys back and exited the building. The girl at the desk said we could leave from their roof, so no mortals see the dragon.
" I'm going to miss this place" Kyle whined
" oh shut up" Tenebre finally spoke after being asleep
" the demon finally appears" I chuckled
" Sirus and Lydia and planing on going after the treasure, Lydia is getting a new body as well" he explained
" well great" Pharaoh groaned " what kind of body" he asked
" its a machine, which means she'll be able to use her magic more. It will be stronger." he added which made me a little bit scared of her
We get up to the roof by an alley entrance, I get the dragon out of my pocket and let him grow in size. Lucas said he had emotions so he might hate me for leaving him in my pockets.
" your very rude Casper, leaving me in your pocket. Disgusting" he stuck his tongue out as al of us laughed923Please respect copyright.PENANADtcpHP3mEa
Everyone put their things in the pockets a long side the dragon, getting on I wished we didn't have to fly this thing all the way Egypt. The dragon lifted off, autopilot was on. It set its course for Egypt, just a little bit faster then Sirus. Which I'd hope they weren't going to intervene the air plane like we might do.
" whats your name" I asked the dragon as everyone talks amongst themselves
" the name is Theodor" he chuckled " your Casper, Lucas talks highly of you to me" he added making me smile
" nice to meet you Theodor, why do you have another dragon as a master" I questioned
" he's a friend of mine, whatever he asks me to do I'll do. Even if its last work like this" he explained
" I see, so Kai can be able to boss you around. Those two are dating" I glance back at Kai who slightly blushed
" well if they get married then yes, but of right now no" he corrected me
" I see" I nodded before watching London be left in the distance
After that my eyes closed as the sun was coming up, I soon fell asleep. Since we woke up at a round 6 in the morning. I usually never do that.
Finally waking up from a rough flight, I see the dessert below us and the sun beaming onto our backs. Theodor was looking for the plane, I watched the sky before seeing something moving. I pointed and made sure Theodor saw what I saw. He roared before flying that way, everyone had to hold on. They were also glad I was finally awake, I truly needed that sleep.
Theodor got to the plane and landed on it, making sure he still flapped his wings for us. I heard someone yell inside the plane, the voice sounded very similar to the man we defeated last year. This is why I hate coming to Egypt. The I kept hearing the exact same man, I looked back at Pharaoh who knew who that man was as well.
" damn Seth" he growled as he quickly shifted into his hellhound form
" i'll go with you" Tenebre muttered as he shifted into his snake form staying around Pharaoh's neck
" your my demons, I'm coming with you" I nodded
I jumped onto the plane, someone yelled. They were more like worried, there was also a door on the side of the plane. I look at Theodor, he rolled his eyes as he sonic beamed the door. It flew off as the crew yelled and some even jumped out. I watched as Pharaoh and Tenebre jumped into the plane, I heard screaming fro the crew. The man who we suspected as Seth chuckled out.
" Casper you only sent your demons in, how pitiful" he growled
" how dare you assume things old man" I jumped into the plane and kicked him to the floor. " i've gotten stronger, and the enemy isn't you so I won't go all out. Just what do you think your doing with my uncles treasure" I growled back as my foot pressed against his neck
" your always so assuming" he smirked " I have the treasure, you'll just have to find it before the plane lands" he added
" so your not going to fight me" I questioned
" nope, I'd rather not get hurt by your sword" he smiled
" who are you" I raised an eyebrow and he just laughed
" a changed man, who wants that treasure for his museum here in Egypt" he corrected me
" okay cool, you can have it. I just need it first" I demanded923Please respect copyright.PENANAfq3O6j46Aj
" I can do that, but what about Lydia. She made a deal with me too, if I kill you I get to keep the treasure" he snickered
" Lydia! Thought she would get here first. If you kill me then I won't be able to stop Sirus. He's the better new villain these days, after you heard" I chuckled " wouldn't you like to be the only one" I added which made him have to think
" damn you Casper Lucke, you have a deal" he nodded " just find the treasure, I forget where I placed it" he added walking up to the cockpit of the plane
A/N: damn right Seth is back and he's a changed man, I wanted to make him their enemy. But then again I was like nah, lets make him changed but still wants to be the number one villain so that is why he is siding with Casper. For this one reason, to get his throne back. He might be back in the third book, if i even make one? Well until then lovelies. 923Please respect copyright.PENANAozuEdHSRLK