In a field not to far away from the airport Theodor shifted back into his original form as a dragon. Seth and I hoped on, while Gabby stayed on my shoulder. Theodor lifted off the ground and soured threw the sky towards a castle, most of the people by the airport pointed into this direction. So we just assumed Sirus's castle was over here, but we didn't know what was going to be waiting for us once we got there.
" I wonder if he's expecting us" Seth chuckled
" probably, Lydia might be giving him information about where we are. Since she might be able to sense Gabby around her" I muttered which made Seth groan
" if thats true then they already know we are in Egypt and on the way to their castle" Gabby muttered not liking how it worked out.
" yeah, so lets get ready to fight" I crossed my arms as Theodor got closer and closer to their castle.
" I'm definitely not ready" Gabby meowed as she shifted positions on my lap
" oh you're ready no doubt about it. Just do something that Lydia would do ya know" I giggled slightly seeing her nod to my horrible advice
I watched as the scenery changed, most of the place was covered in sand. The wind made it hard for it to see, since the sand would fly into our eyes. Blinding us almost. Theodor landed in the little town that was next to the castle, everyone thought a king lived in it. Whenever I heard them I would just laugh and tell them a crazy man lives in there. I guess they didn't understand what I meant, nor did they know that I knew the guy living in there. Gabby was still on my shoulder, Seth and Theodor was on either side of me. Some people actually came up to Seth and gave him jewels and money. I mean he did look like the god, probably because he was a god.
" I think they know your a god Seth" I winked as he chuckled
" no kidding, this stuff can be sold for so much money" he smirked putting everything in the bag he brought along on the trip
" I wonder if they know how evil you are" Theodor laughed making Seth glare at him.
" they probably know that as well" I shrugged, " since in the legend you killed your brother Osiris and someone else." I added which Seth knew about
" wait you two are related" Theodor questioned848Please respect copyright.PENANAmWT1kDA0vo
" he's my uncle, a really cool uncle" I nodded as Seth ruffled my hair and smiling the whole way to the castle
We walked through markets and little areas where fountains were placed, and some small parks. It seemed forever until we got to the front of the castle. There was a fountain in front of it as well, with the statue of an egyptian cat. Probably a manx. I glanced at Seth then at Theodor who didn't seem to want to go up those stairs. Theodor disappeared into his small doll, aka "sleeping" phase. I put him in my pocket, Seth wished he could do that. I chuckled before watching Gabby jump off of my shoulder and start to walk up the stairs, no one touched her. Was it because she was a cat? Seth and I ran after her, picking her up in my arms she hissed at me. I raised an eyebrow before placing her back onto my shoulder, I think she wanted independence. I wasn't going to let her run off here in Egypt, especially with Lydia around... again.
" You guys really do not want to go up these stairs" Gabby chuckled as she licked her paws on my shoulder
" I think you know why" I growled lightly as we made our way up the couple flights of stairs
" oh right" she laughed trying to hide her "stupidness"
" no worries, we all can forget that we have to do something important that we don't want to do" Seth muttered
We got up to the door, we heard people yelling and police officers running up the stairs to get us. I guess we weren't allowed to be up here. On the door there was a spell to open the doors, I glanced at Seth who cracked his knuckles. He was ready to beat the shit out of the officers. Before he could even touch them I had spoken the spell with gabby's help, the door opened and the officers disappeared into thin dust. Seth grumbled as he ran to my side, he started cursing. Really wanting to beat those cops, I just glared at him making him sure he had to stop doing that. Which he agreed to. Walking in we noticed that the cells that used to be lining the halls were gone, in its place were treasures from the people of the town. Gabby started to cry, she didn't like the feeling she was getting from the dining hall we were about to enter. Sirus's back was to us, his thrown was gone and the machine that he was working on for Lydia looked almost complete.
" ahhh Lydia told me you guys were on your way" Sirsus yelled smiling like he was happy to see us. " we needed your little kitty friend to help us with this" he added making Gabby even more nervous about the situation848Please respect copyright.PENANAvUTCHGocib
" I'm never giving Gabby to you" i growled as Seth shifted into his hellhound form
" oh dear me Seth, your niece is quiet the handful isn't she now" he chuckled
" she sure is, but I'd rather perfect her. Then see what your up to" he smirked as he was ready to pounce
" that's cruel, Lydia is almost done. I'll see this go through till the end" he chuckled as he fixed his hair before placing his hands on hips
" not with us here" I laughed as I walked towards him, Gabby jumped off and jumped onto Seth's back
I summoned my sword moving it back and forth on my right side, I watched as Sirus backed up like he was scared of me. I snickered at him, I was about to swing my sword around at him before the machine he was working on started moving. I stopped in my tracks, Sirus jumped he was so happy. He walked towards the machine that didn't look like Lydia at all, she was in pain. She wasn't able to speak that well though, I turned to Gabby to see her still on Seth's back. Then how did this happen? 848Please respect copyright.PENANAWR7dR14i06
" what did you do Mi" he asked the girl working on the machine848Please respect copyright.PENANATdNyAczzA4
" I'm not sure sir, she just started up on her own" she fixed her glasses before looking at him
" interesting, it could be because Gabby is here in this room" he questioned as the girl called Mi nodded her head
" How could she do that" Gabby asked as she shifted into a human, finally
" Gabby, have you seen yourself in the mirror yet?" I muttered looking at her body, it had changed to fit Lydia's magical powers.
" no, what do i lo...." she stopped mid-sentence as she looked in the mirror at herself.
Her brown hair went down to her waist in a long ponytail, she had blond highlights at the ends of her hair. She had black jeans on and a white long sleeve crop top with Hawaii on it. She was wearing Adidas shoes, which looked nice with her outfit. A snapback was also placed on her head backwards, she licked her lips and actually liked how she looked. Which surprised me, because she looked so good.
" I think I'm good" she chuckled cracking her knuckles as she stood next to me
" you sure" I raised an eyebrow looking her up and down
" oh please, you taught me yourself how to be a magician for a day. I think I can do it" she nodded as I ruffled her hair softly before looking back at Sirus who was impressed as well.
" intersting, so Lydia's powers are flowing through your veins huh?" he tilted his head as he walked back to the middle of the room, right in front of us.
" it seems she got my clothing and hair style as well" a women said as something appeared from the machine
" Lydia...." I growled biting my bottom lip
" looks likes the pest remembers what she ruined" she giggled walking to Sirus's side
I just stood there, not expecting Lydia to be in a solid form. I guessed Lydia could shift into something better then just a tabby cat this time, but maybe Gabby could too? But then again, since Lydia is using a machine as a host she can't shift at all. I watched as Gabby's aura glowed a light blue, she giggled at me before shifting into a snow leopard. I smiled glancing over at Lydia who tried to do the same but nothing happened.
" you didn't tell her Sirus, or did you forget. The last time I was here Mi said she wouldn't be able to shift, such a pity." I winked as Lydia didn't say a word.
" wait what" Lydia screamed
" I didn't know" Sirus grumbled as he played with her hair, then he looked back at me. he didn't look happy
" oh shush, you probably forgot. Then you probably didn't want to tell Lydia, you just wanted her back by your side didn't you" I giggled making those two fire up
" just shut up already, I'd love to see you go to hell" Lydia walked in front of Sirus as she pulled her sleeves up
" thats cute, two against four. I wonder how this will go" I snickered
" four" Sirus questioned
" forgot about how they got here huh" Theodor appeared with a sword as well, Sirus didn't like being cornered in his own home
Theodor made sure no mortals heard this, so he stayed on the roof. Gabby and I switched positions since she wanted to go after Lydia, I twirled my sword around in the air before keeping it still and pointing it at Sirus. This was going to be for Lucas, all I had to do was take their magic away from the both of them. I didn't actually want to kill them, now that would be just rude. Sending them to Anubis, he'd hate me forever. Without saying anything Gabby went straight after Lydia, blocking the real magicians spells and actually being good at being a magician. I looked back at Sirus to see he had jumped into the air and a spell was coming my way. Quickly I blocked it with my sword, but some of it did hit my legs. I didn't even know what kind of spells were up his sleeve. Seth jump into the air and pinned Sirus to the floor, he liked protecting me. The old man is so weird. 848Please respect copyright.PENANAheQCdNKj3Q
Panting slightly Seth growled before getting off of the other, not really finishing him off like Seth wanted. I guess he knew I had to finish the man in black and Lydia myself. Well Gabby was going to help with that. I glanced over at Gabby, she was beating Lydia so hard. I smirked before looking back at Sirus, I was getting distracted. We both heard a smash to see Lydia on the ground, Gabby was growling and smirking at the same time. I gulped before I heard Sirus chuckle.
" seems you can't beat the famous Sirus" he chuckled once more with his arms out
" I'm just getting distracted" I winked at Gabby who spoke a spell of binding, Lydia and Sirus were binded onto the wall behind them
" say that again" Gabby giggled shifting back into her human self that I had to get used to
" what shall we do to them" I tilted my head as Theodor came back and Seth shifted back into a human
"lets treat them to the Greek Tartarus" Seth smirked while I clapped848Please respect copyright.PENANAWtQSL2jC7U
" that's a good idea" I smirked as we all looked over to Theodor848Please respect copyright.PENANAZaemubc2MZ
" fine, but don't tell Lucas I did this" he groaned as he spoke a spell only a demon should know. 848Please respect copyright.PENANAbZZxV9OUli
A/N: who's ready for December? I am definitely ready, to get a nintendo switch and maybe an xbox plus or whatever it is. I can't wait for Christmas, like holy shit. Well today's episode was well interesting, we learned that Gabby was given almost everything about Lydia. Expect for her personality, that wouldn't be good if that happened to Gabby. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, that's a bit 100 more words then normally. Until then my lovelies. 848Please respect copyright.PENANAiRwtlNkKga