Casper's POV933Please respect copyright.PENANAruTqnB49ov
After Lucas visited us the bell rang and he announced that he wanted everyone at the arena for the morning activity for the day. I really wanted to know what he was up to. I watched as everyone walked out of the cabin before me, I quickly put shoes on and cleaner clothes. I raced out to the arena, where Lucas and Kai were talking to the campers. I breathed heavily before standing still and listening to what they had to say.933Please respect copyright.PENANAK4ZVuUGrZj
" first off we are getting more staff, since it's only Kai and I." Lucas began as he cleared his throat " we are getting some friends of mine to help, and not the magicians." he added as two satyrs and a centaur were introduced. The campers were actually excited to have more staff at the camp.
" they will help you with training and be around the camp, when we get more the three main houses will get 'body guards' when in the mortal world" Kai smiled happy about this as well
" be kind to them, they came here all they way from New York. Now the second thing we will be disgusting today is the activity. Who likes capture the flag" Lucas cheered and all the campers went crazy.
" now there will be two groups, two different colors and two different captains. I'll be one of them, and Casper will be the other" Lucas spoke as he glanced over to me. I was speechless, is this what he meant that i'll be having fun today.933Please respect copyright.PENANA3MoZUjrMvZ
" wow okay cool" I chuckled standing next to Kai who giggled like always
" now the houses that will be on either team are posted on your doors, and the color of your uniforms will be in your cabins as well. After you all are ready, please meet here on your teams sides. May the best team win" Lucas yelled the last part
All the campers went back to their cabins, I was supposed to wait here with Lucas. I hope he knew I was a horrible team leader. I heard him chuckle at me, he told me he wanted to see how well I could fight. He wanted to help me get stronger, so we both could defeat his father. I kind of understood what he wanted me to do, all the campers started to come back in their armor with the color of their team on the helmets. Lucas's team was purple, and mine was light blue. Two weird colors to pick but who cares, they probably did these games before. And they needed to switch up the colors, like a lot. The teams of campers were now rivals, each team was set up on either end of the field, which was in the woods.
" okay guys, make sure to hit them with all you got. One of you kids from Aries cabin should go get that flag" I yelled and I heard yelling and cheering behind me
" can I go get it" one of the girls from Aries asked, no one else suggested they get it so i said yes
" why not, who are you" I questioned
" oh im Ophelia, nice to meet you Casper" she smiled before disappearing into thin air
The horn went off, all the campers on my team ran for it. I ran by the edge where Ophelia followed behind me. She took all of the other team members down as we got closer to the flag, I watched as the terrain was getting harder to get over. Jumping over rocks and branches that have fallen is hard for me to get over in a good jump or flip. I can't do that. I'm not that athletic at all, but I guess Ophelia was. Obviously she was, she's the daughter of the god of war. Those guys train like crazy.
" where to captain" Ophelia glanced back at me gesturing to the other team blocking the flag like guard dogs.
" oh dear, well what do you think" I whispered back as we hid behind a tree
" maybe you distract them, and I go get the flag. Since captains aren't allowed to get the flag" she suggested which I nodded to
I walked out from behind the tree, the other team was ready to kick me to the ground. They finally realized who I was, I chuckled and walked towards them. Were they scared of me? I watched as they ran away, I turned around to see Ophelia not so human anymore. She had made herself into a scary demon, just like Seth used to look like.
" what was that" I questioned
"it's called magic, Kai taught me it a while ago. But it's the only thing I know how to do" she replied
" that makes sense now" I chuckled before she grabbed the flag
"victory is ours" Ophelia yelled, but there was a catch
" don't say that, we have to fun back without getting killed" I whispered
" well shit" she growled as the other teams members walked in front of us933Please respect copyright.PENANArmo3Z2Cz6Y
" ill take them, just run for it" I smirked which made Ophelia nod her head and run for it
The other teams members who didn't run after her were smiling and smirking like they were going to win. I winked before shifting into a panther, that's when they all got scared. One after one I kicked to the ground, I ran after Ophelia who was almost at our base. All of our team mates were helping us get back to the base. I ran next to Ophelia, she jumped onto me as I raced past all of the brush. I didn't use my wings since that would make the other team automatically win. And I didn't want that for my team.
I reached our base and Ophelia held the flag in the air, I panted heavily before shifting back into a human. I watched as both teams cheered, the whole time Lucas wasn't in the crowd. He was supposed to be helping his team, I guess he ran off to "help" his dad for a change. Both teams walked back to the arena, they all were exhausted and so was I. 933Please respect copyright.PENANArzApxwyoDd
" since Lucas isn't here i'll give the winning team what they deserve" I spoke as they all cheered " the winning team gets first dibs on every meal for a week" I added as everyone liked that reward
After that Kai told them to get undressed and put the armor away, he also said after they get undressed that lunch will be served shortly. I was so excited for lunch, that game of capture the flag was a lot for me. I walked back to the cabin, no one was there except for the children of Athena. I rubbed the back of my neck as Kai walked in behind me.
" where did my crew go" i asked
" I have no idea Cas, maybe it has to do with the fact that Lucas is gone as well" he shrugged
" it might be, get Maddy, Brittany and Ophelia. We're going out" I muttered as I got my spell book
Kai did just that and got to Lucas's cabin just as I did. The feeling I had when I walked up onto the porch made me sick to my stomach. Without touching the door, it opened on its own. It smelled of potions and magic, and also death. Once all of us got into the cabin the door closed behind us.
" Sirus what did you do" I stammered as I heard chuckling in Lucas's office
" oh nothing, I knew Lucas wasn't with me the whole time. SO guess who I'm controlling now" he chuckled even more
I walked into Lucas's office to see all of my friends under his control. It was like my demons were his now, Seth was leaning against the wall. I guessed he wasn't under control and just went with Sirus. When the god opened his eyes, they were covered in white. Kai and the three girls didn't know what to think of this, I knew he was going to ruin me somehow. This had to be it.
In the moment I felt pathetic and helpless, I was about to leave and let him get away with this when Kai walked in front of me. Kai put earbuds in and gave me some as well, the other girls were wearing some as well.
" I doubt their under your control, their stronger then that" Kai cried out wanting everyone in that room to see his tears fall from his eyes
" are you sure about that Kai" Sirus hummed happily like he had just stolen candy from a child
" he's sure alright, we'll take one by one. Telling them that their better then this, and worth something.Even if it takes us forever to do so" I muttered wiping the tears from my face
Kai and the others left me so I could talk to Sirus, everything I asked of him didn't work. Then I knew what would make him break, his wife. I smiled before standing back onto my own two feet, in that moment I gave him a speech on his wife. Lucas told me that was his weakness, and it for sure worked.
Sirus wasn't thinking straight, one by one all of my friends got out of his control. With just one easy name, Sofia. They shook their head and walked behind me, sure I wasn't the best leader they could of asked for. But I am a good friend. I crossed my arms and winked at Sirus.
" maybe another time old man, just stop thinking your going to control the world with us around. Because it ain't happening" I smiled before we all walked out of the cabin
Lucas went back in there and talked with his father, to never do that again. Lucas even kicked his father out of the camp, just like that. Sinus was finally gone from the camp, now he had to come up with another way he was going to get an army he wanted so desperately. I sat by the tree near the entrance of the camp, reading a book Lucas gave me. It was interesting, it seemed relatable to my life. Closing the book I looked up to see a hellhound in my face, I chuckled before it shifted. Seth took out his hand, I grabbed it as I stood up. I brushed the dirt from my jeans before smiling at him.
" Lucas wants to talk to you Cas" he spoke
" oh okay, and what of" I questioned
" he didn't say, just something important regarding something about his father" he shrugged as he walked me towards Lucas's cabin
A/N: hey everyone, so I finished this early right before thanksgiving dinner for me. I'm thankful I did, haha. Or I wouldn't be able to finish in time for 50,000 words. well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, it shows how well Casper is at being a okay leader. Until then my lovelies. 933Please respect copyright.PENANAnfGpbX5IsM