There is something called a "circle" around us. It may not be visible in our naked eye, but it exists in each our consciousness; intangible but feelable.
This circle is partly like our shadow. Its size depends on how much light it receives on a certain angle. That circle becomes larger when nice things are nearby. Then, it remains underneath our feet if we are alone.
Whenever I see a bunch of students gathering up close to each other, I can assume that those circles become part of a larger one. It becomes bigger and bigger as that group continues to attract more and more of the same kind as them.
But everything has its own limit. Just like an inflated balloon, if someone in that circle feels unwanted or lack of support, he will push. He will push away in order to escape from the environment he can't adapt nor live anymore. When that happens, a balloon can't no longer expands; everything will collapse. A circle once as big as the moon will scatter like the stars in the night sky.
And here is the catch, those circles cannot be as one again. Though some will be able to connect like constellations, but when spaces are created no one can put anything in between. Nothing can be made to pull it all together again.
That is why I keep this circle all mine. There is no need to form a bond with this circle. I am maintaining it to be as small as it can be.
I don't want to have regrets in anyway possible. If I can make it all mine, then there is no need for anyone to be around. In that way, I can keep my problems on my own; fewer problems to deal with.
I will just keep running and running through this own tiny circle. If doing such in a small circle cannot do any progress and going through a bigger one will take a long process, then it doesn't make much of a difference. Besides, the longer the process, the more work is to be done; I don't want that.
You can say that it is wrong. A selfish minded writer sharing his selfish thoughts.
But I will stand in this ground.
I may be invisible in this matter,
But I will continue to exist,
Just like a circle without edges.