We do not need to be an engineer, an english teacher nor a bookworm to understand its application, construction or meaning.
We can just agree with the following. Distance matters in everyday living. It keeps accidents from happening. It is a factor to consider whenever you want to go on a trip. It is also the reason for living things to grow. Well, it is also needed for our safety; and to our health.
Though we cannot measure the exact distance by mere looking, an approximation can give us assurance. It takes us to a level of relief.
When the distance is far. It always prolongs the connection among people. It makes everyone worries more than they should. It creates boundaries between people. Then hate. Sadness. Loneliness. Last thing we will know, we are alone.
When the distance is near. It makes things easier; so easy that we forget hardwork. It is the reason for greater opportunities as well as greater mistakes, failure, lost. Last thing we will know, we are so surrounded, we cannot even breath.
And then...
There are some things we cannot even say to someone, no matter how close we are to them. Things that can make us closer even when we are far. Things that can change our lives forever. Things that will take us step closer to that someone.
But distance just turns this thing remains something; a 'nothing'
That is why I hate distances,
It takes away our chances.