In simple terms, this a word to define those people above; on the upper level beyond the clouds, beyond the reach of somebody.
Technically, they are above average; perhaps beyond the mean. They are always one step ahead of the others in their field. They are the winners, that someone who is usually better than somebody.
Fictionally speaking, they are those who are magical. They can perform magic tricks. In most occasions, they are those who sit in a throne. They can be called king or queen, prince or jack, the aces. They are the protagonist; always have the last laugh, always the hero.
Have these adjectives directed to them; it makes no difference to disagree with it.
And then, here comes everyone with the thoughts of negativities.
All they do is to praise. They can't even think of improving themselves to save their own failure. They keep on feeding the sugars on those talented ones. With the mentality of a pyramidal hierarchy, the growth of a bad habit will arise: dependency.
From here, there is nobody in progress. The weaks will rely on someone's talent, while the latter will pump the air into his own. Everyone remained neutral.
If it is true that not everyone is blessed with talent, then the rest shall be considered weak.
That is why I want to keep my talent at most, if possible.
I want to see everyone with the absence of the clouds.
But if I do that,
I am no different.