Do you why I like animals?
It is because they are nice. In a world where their voices can only be heard but cannot be understood, they are underlings. Creatures whose intelligence are below that of humans, they are inferior. And yet, they are still nice.
Though some are the predators and others are the preys, animals keep the ecosystem in balance. They will not harm us unless we initiate. They will return the kindness of other living things. That is how they work. A blessing from nature, indeed.
That is why I like animals.
That is why I hate humans.
It is because we are cruel. In a world where our voices can be listened, we are the one who cannot understand. Perhaps we are the most intelligent beings, superior. Most of us are not born blind, deaf nor disabled. And yet, we are cruel.
We destroy what is in balanced. Neither of us are predators nor preys because we are all hunters. We only work in return for something. There is no such thing as kindness in this world full of robbers. We cannot even be the stewards that we shall be. A disgrace from heaven sent in this land.
If the truth is a cruel animal,
then a lie is a nice human.