I was not born a genius or special.
I was raised into one.
It takes a lot of effort to build up spirit of competitiveness in my nerves. I joined countless intellectual contests to achieve this feat. I was made to take up any challenge.
As I grew up, I realized something. I don't need to be competitive. I don't need to win at everything. I can't always be the one on top. I can say no to challenges.
I realized that competitions and challenges are only made for those who want it. Those who have the eagerness and perseverance, the willingness and hardwork. But for me, I was only raised for it. Nobody considered my choice in the first place. Nor I have any choices at all.
Knowing more means having more shits do deal with. And I am not interested on that.
If there is a lesson I want to remember from that part of my "development." ; that is how to respond on different things on various occasions.
Like, if I can do it alone, then why will I need any help. If there is something I want to say, then say it, even if it means to hurt. If I like something then proceed on having it by only good means. If I hate something, then hate it until death.
I don't think there are any mistakes on that policy.
I don't think that it is a bad thing either.
Every choice is a good choice.