Fade in to an old Imperial Transport heading to Yavin IV. Switch to inside the command center of the base. Leia, Poe, and Chewy are there with the astro-mechs, who are finishing up with repairs, and C-3PO updating the language banks.
Loud Speaker: “Unidentified ship approaching. Scrambling B-Wing to intercept.”
Leia: “Try to make communication with it.”
Loud Speaker: “Out of range. B-Wing can communicate, or we can turn the relay to max power...”
Leia: “No! No, that will give away our position. From the looks of things, this may have been a smugglers hide out since we abandoned it. Let’s keep them thinking that way.”
Flash to the droid storage room.
Rey: “Come on Finn, we’re late.”
Finn: “Almost done.”
Rey: “It can wait, there are only two left.”
Finn kept working.
Rey glared at him.
Rey: “Finn!”
Finn grumbled and dropped the tool he had and followed Rey out the door.
Cut scene to behind Rey & Finn as they approach the door to the command center. The doors slide open and camera pans across the room at Chewy, Leia, Poe, and back to Rey & Finn. The first three all had worried looks on their faces.
Finn: “Somethings wrong isn’t it? They find us already?!”
Poe: “We aren’t sure yet...”
Finn: “Not sure yet? We’re doomed. I can tell, your faces give you away!”
Leia: “Finn, Finn! Pull yourself together, all we know is...”
Leia is interrupted by the loud speaker.
Loud Speaker: “B-Wing approaching Imperial Transport. Nearing communication range.”
Rey: “An Imperial Transport? Smugglers?”
Leia: “We don’t know yet.”
Finn: “Why? Why don’t we know? It’s the first order! They found us!”
Leia: “No! It’s not the First Order, that ship is older then me.”
Barely heard in the background was the loud speaker.
Loud Speaker: “Unidentified craft, please identify yourself.”
Chewy howled as the room was falling into chaos.
Rey: “Quiet. Quiet!”
Everyone stared at her.
Rey: “Listen.”
Loud Speaker: “Unidentified craft, do you copy?”
Luke: “Sorry, did not copy, please repeat.”
Leia and Chewy were leaning forward, listening to the familiar voice on the loud speaker. Rey had a confused look on her face. Poe was oblivious and Finn looked like he was ready to faint.
Loud Speaker: “Please identify yourself.”
Luke: “I received a distress call from this planet. A call to fight the First Order.”
C-3PO: “Master Luke?”
R-2 chirped happily and Chewy howled in triumph. Leia and Rey exchanged glances, still not sure.
Loud Speaker: “I have a visual on the transport. Pilot, identify yourself.”
Luke: “Luke Skywalker.”
There was stunned silence through out the base. Chewy let loose with a roar, the rest followed.
Loud Speaker: “Follow me in General Skywalker.”