Friday, June 4, 2020, Day of the Skunk
Why would a good and loving God ever make a pitiful creature like a skunk? They are horrible and dreadful creatures that leave a lasting impression on their victims. Last night, I was one such victim and now I bear the everlasting mark of the skunk on me. Do I get a thanks for saving our egg-producing chickens as my family group eats those same eggs for breakfast? Noooo, I get exiled and promoted to fulltime guard of the newest member of our group, much to his dismay. The poor man's eyes have not stopped tearing since I was put on guard duty. We have shed tears together, brothers weeping together at each's company.
I know tomato sauce is supposed to take it off but we cannot possibly spare enough to rid me of my new aroma. I have no idea how long my exile will be and Gary will not come within shouting distance of me so I can ask. The only thing I can be thankful for is someone who will have to relieve me of this duty sometime, which means I will finally get a full night's sleep, sort of. I am still trying to figure out how to sleep without breathing.