Escaping was slow.
The tram I had caught at a stop not too far away was continuously grinding to a halt along the many other platforms spread a few kilometres from each other.
When it felt like I was making progress, we were stopped again to filter through the few people speckled about.
The night life of the city continued around me.
Keeping my face turned to the cold window, I watched groups of people walking the pathways on their crawl for a good club to dance the night away. Others were packed into restaurants, laughing and drinking over plates of food.
I saw homeless people huddled beside buildings we passed. I witnessed a man get thrown from a thumping club, trying to fight the bouncer to gain access again.
Brothels were tucked down alleys others diverted to. Takeaway shops had scooters zipping onto the road like worker bees leaving the swarming hive.
Everything and everyone had their own lives. Lights and clashing sounds blinded the paths and beckoned in more customers looking for a distraction.
I was just grateful I was inching my way through the city without being set on by more people who might recognize me. It may not be as bad as when Avery and Adrian were with us, but I couldn't take on a group of rowdy people by myself in my attempt to escape.
Too many were fuelled by booze or drugs. I saw women screeching laughter as they hung off each other and staggered along the road. Men trailed around, pissing on the side of a building or smashing their mouths to an excited friend.
Turning from a particularly frisky couple being egged on by their drunk friends, I felt my gut clench when the next stop was filled with loud people waiting to get a ride home.
Making sure I was facing the window still as the tram came to a stop, I kept my eyes away from those boarding.
I heard them instantly. A man was chortling in his friend group. A woman laughed too loudly at something her friend had said. Glancing, I saw she was clutching her black bedazzled high heels that matched her short strappy dress.
Passing me, the woman cheered, slumping against my seat on her weave to another. They all laughed, hooting when they collapsed into another.
My heart was in my throat. I dealt with people before, but not ones this wasted. The ones lining up for drinks at Paragon usually were ushered out before they got too tipsy. I wouldn't have that luxury out here.
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Pulling out my phone, I decided to be busy on it instead. I could find a cheap motel for the night and calculate the distance to the train station. I could get further from here on something that didn't need to stop every five minutes.
Opening the internet, I began typing while the others roared nearby. Huddling down to try and concentrate, I saw the cheapest room was still a few kilometres ahead.
It was seventy dollars and slapped on top of a pub, so I knew it wasn't going to be quiet. Still, it was the most affordable of the other listings boasting much more comfortable and sanitary conditions.
I could go with that or ride the tram around for another fourty minutes until it hit the train station where I could rough it for the night.
That wouldn't be safe, but I'd have amenities until I waited it out for the earliest train out of there. The cheapest rooms around there were way out of the budget I knew I had stashed away.
I wouldn't be able to properly count it while I knew I had people around me. It would be stupid to start pulling out cash that could be ripped from my hands.
I needed somewhere to figure out my next steps.
Ok, so maybe the pub was the best option? I could get some hot food and have a bed to sleep in. Maybe the music would be good? The reviews certainly weren't from exhausted customers.
Sighing, I knew now I wasn't going to be well-rested for my travels, but at least I'd have time awake to come up with a plan where I wanted to go next.
I'd never really thought about it. In my mind, I was already reunited with the Dane, and we were roaming the streets and fields beyond, like we used to.
Now, that wasn't a viable option. I'd spend forever combing those streets for any sign of him. The more time I spent close to Paragon, the easier it would be to drag me back.
How many were out there, looking for us? Surely it wasn't everyone who worked there? That was far too many people to avoid; most of who I didn't even know.
For all I was aware, the drunk ones behind me could belong there. The woman further down could also be one; maybe the teens closer to the door?
I should have paid more attention. At least i'd know then who to avoid.
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The tram slowed again, letting on more people. Another swaying couple entered, the man yelling out loudly when he spotted the other group.
They both beamed and squealed at being reunited. Even when they were told off by the driver, they bundled together to snort and chatter about their wild night.
Maybe I'd be like that too if I had friends to live it up with? In another time, Tawn, Avery, and I could be like them as we sat around a table in a pub and drank for the hell of it, not out of obligation to our job.
I scoffed at my idea, shaking it off immediately.
I was just lucky I got a warning. I didn't even think I was worth that to Tawn. He tried to kill me, so why the sudden change of heart?
Either way, I didn't need to deal with him now. I could do what I wanted now. I could go wherever I felt like, and eat anything delicious and affordable. I could even see what these other places had to offer in the form of entertainment. For once, I wouldn't be the one on show.
But, what did I want to do? Freedom was so....strange.
I had a routine at Paragon. I had a friend group and my own entertainment sprawled out below me. I got to hang where it was safe, and feel accomplished after every show. Sure, I didn't sell a lot of tickets for the meet-and-greets, but it was good that way. I could stay with Lumi and talk about whatever stupid thing she had seen on the internet or heard around work. I could do everything at my own pace, retreat to my cozy corner in the room, and know I had somewhere to sleep, eat, bathe, and clothe myself.
Now, I was going to live out of this bag on my lap until I was too wild to care about needs such as those.
I just needed to keep my ears open and my eyes down out here. Doing so otherwise in Paragon had already given me a taste of what might lay for me out in this unpredictable place.
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I was quick to power my way down the aisle and for the exit when the tram pulled up at my station.
Tying off my bag and waiting with my head dipped as the tram left again, I found a crossing more people gathered at to my right.
Merging with them, I decided not to tempt fate and lift my gaze. I just watched the feet in front of me, moving when they did to the partition in the middle while others ran for the full length.
The pub was right across from me some darted into. The double doors were thrown open and locked in place so anyone could walk into the wooden interior bustling with energy.
A few minutes passed and I was able to rush across with the others. Peeling from the group, I ducked my way into the pub.
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The smell of beer hit me first, followed by the aroma of cooked potatoes and rich beef gravy on sizzling steaks. The live band up the back were performing through speakers that blasted the guitars and drums out into the street. A male singer caressed the mic, playing it up for those dancing in front of him.
Waitresses weaved a path around the large wooden tables, dressed in long white dresses with brown belts around their stomachs.
Seemed like this place was themed. The olden style layout was true to a pub of a time long passed. The only thing breaking the immersion were the name tags I saw flashing under the lights on each waiter and waitresses chest.
Wooden chandeliers with fake flickering candles lined the middle of the pub. Each table had an empty tankard painted with a number for the staff to reference. Even the seats were padded in a green I had only seen in grass.
A kitchen window laid to the right inside the main area. I could hear the ringing of a bell that was slapped by a cook sliding out another white plate of food.
Over to the left opposite the kitchen was the bar. The long wooden bench was lined with green beer mats and glasses so thick they could have been chiselled from slabs of ice.
People hovered, collecting beers. A waitress stacked some on a platter to whisk them away to a packed table.
Immediately to my left I found a little hallway. Passing the small wall with a noticeboard of upcoming events and games, I paused at a stacked pamphlet holder with Paragon leaflets. I ignored our faces on the front and followed the turn towards a desk nestled inside the wall. Opposite the small area was a single set of large stairs leading upwards. Past me, the hall opened back up into the main area.
Approaching the desk, I saw someone sitting inside. They quickly put down the magazine they were reading, smiling up at me when I meekly lifted my head.
"Uh, I'd like a room to stay for the night, please."
Her smile turned into a little chuckle as she wheeled across to the computer.
Has she recognized me? Or was truly ignorant?
She didn't look like anyone I had seen around Paragon. She had on a nice white shirt and green pants. Near her collarbone, she had a glinting golden name tag with 'Melissa' printed across it.
Her brown hair was tied into a high bun that was so slicked it shone. She had blue framed glasses that glinted over her blue eyes, and small stud earrings designed to keep with a thigh dress code. Her nails were a neutral French Tip that moved the wireless mouse beside her.
She looked human. At least I knew she most likely wouldn't be associated directly with any hybrids back at work. Even the humans I knew that worked the bar were a lot more colourful than this woman.
"We usually take our bookings online. There is a surcharge for in-person bookings of ten dollars."
"For asking you for a room?" I gasped back.
She nodded, grimacing slightly in sympathy.
"I don't make the rules, sorry."
I guess it would have to do. I wasn't going to navigate a website to be asked for a credit card I didn't have.
"Online said it was seventy?" I asked as I pulled up my bag to fish for the notes.
Melissa nodded, tapping away.
"Let me see if I've got anything before you start handing over money."
I pulled my hand back, deciding to count what I had while I waited.
One hundred and twenty.
Frowning, I counted again; flipping through the bag to try and find more notes.
I swear I had more than that. I put it all in here, didn't I?
Maybe it was just under my clothes. I could check once I had the room.
"I've got a single for seventy, or a double for ninety five" Melissa spoke, her eyes fixing on my face for a little bit too long.
"Just a single" I smiled politely back.
She nodded, tapping again.
"And I'll need a few details" she grinned up at me "do you have some id on you?"
Ah, shit. I needed one of those, didn't I?
"Uh, I might have left it back at work" I jerked a thumb and forced a smile "but I can give you my details if you like?"
She lingered again, searching my face.
"Do I know you?" she mumbled, trying to figure it out "I've seen you somewhere before."
There was no escaping it. The pub was obviously advertising our show. I couldn't lie my way out of this one.
"Probably around the corner on the flyers" I blushed "Nisha?"
"Oh my God!" she gasped, leaning forward "that's it! That's where I've seen your face! You look different out of your fancy clothes! What on earth are you doing here? Did the others come too?"
She lifted a little to look past me. I smiled again, nervously laughing.
"Just me" I replied with a shrug "I just wanted to check out some things around town while I'm not performing, you know? I've heard good things about this place."
Melissa gushed, returning to the computer with a massive grin on plastered to her face from my blatant lie. She clicked and tapped, pausing.
Praise had quietened her for now. She obviously held this pub in high regard if she was so happy about me saying such positive things about it.
"And what is your last name?"
I didn't exactly have one of those. It wasn't needed when I was wild.
Think. What was a common surname?
"Smmmm-ith" I decided.
That wasn't convincing at all.
"Nisha Smith?"
Her voice held a little disbelieving tilt on it. I shrugged, giggling.
"Not exactly a name i like to brag about."
Her eyes met mine with a sarcastic edge. She wasn't buying the fake name but entered it anyway.
What was the one for Paragon? Should I just put that in?
Picking up my phone, I searched for it so I could read it out to her, pretending to still know it off by heart while glancing down desperately.
She grinned, shaking her head at me. Melissa wasn't that stupid but she was humouring me by still allowing me to do all of this.
"And a phone number, Nisha Smmmm-ith" she quipped.
I could give her that. We laughed when I finally had one thing I could recite to her fluently.
Handing over two fifties, I got two fives and a twenty in change that was squashed into the bag.
It calmed me a little, knowing now that's where the rest most likely was at seeing how quickly it disappeared from sight.
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Melissa rose and walked to somewhere beside the computer. I saw her reach upwards before returning to the desk to slide across a key with a chandelier chain that spun when I flicked a nail across it.
"The fee is twenty dollars if the chandelier goes missing" she warned me with a shake of her finger and a smile "happens more often than you think."
"I wouldn't doubt that" I snickered back.
"It's room eight; up the stairs and down around the bend. Showers and toilets are shared and in the same hall, opposite number four."
There was no toilet in the room? Inconvenient, but I would have to manage.
"Tonight, we are also doing half priced wurgers" Melissa continued as she slid across a little advert on a shiny piece of paper.
"A what?"
"Wrapped burger" she tapped it before I picked it up "they put burger meat in a wrap instead of on a bun. It's got lettuce, cheese, onion, beetroot, and pineapple in it. It's weird, but it works. Everyone loves the wurger around here."
It was strange. Still, the little paper said each one was no more than nine dollars tonight. I could give it a try.
"I'll see how I go" I smiled and tucked the paper into my bag.
"Oh, and one more thing!" she called as I turned to leave.
I paused, facing her.
"I know it's not quite professional, but could you please give me an autograph? I'm trying to get one from each of you, and since you are here....."
I guess one signature couldn't hurt. I was flattered someone had actually asked me for one. I was usually the last for anything.
"Ah, here" she searched for a paper and turned over another wurger advert to show me the blank side "if you could leave room for the other two, that would be amazing."
My spirits were dampened at having to be shoved to the side again, but at least she still looked so optimistic for my silly scribble.
"Did you want me to do a little monkey at the end too?" I snorted.
She giggled, nodding. Her hand held out a marker for me, checking down the hall to make sure she wasn't going to be reprimanded for her behaviour.
I took the top left, looping my name like I usually did. At the end I drew a silly monkey face with scalloped ears.
It was kinda cute actually. I didn't normally get to have fun with my signature like this. Usually, it was trying to get them out as quickly as possible. Luckily, we hadn't had one of those events for a while.
Sliding it back across, Melissa shook with excitement and promptly tacked the shining paper up onto the board behind her next to one of our pamphlets. She grinned, gesturing to it.
I smiled back, eager to get away from the horrible faces scowling back at me.
Urgh, why did I look so much like a stranger to myself?
"I better get going" I jerked a thumb "got to try that food after all."
"Enjoy!" Melissa happily chirped, turning again to beam at the signature when I trudged up the stairs.
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The room could barely be called that.
Flicking the switch on, I immediately noticed how clogged the light fixture was.
The room hadn't been aired in a while. The windows were glazed and bolted shut, sealing in the musty; almost cigarette-like, air. On the outside, a spider had smeared a web across it. I could see the black spot of where it's fat body sat in the corner.
The bed had no give when I sat on it. The sheets were freezing and thin. The actual sheet provided was as thin as the fitted one covering the bed. There was no warmer alternative; not even a fancy throw I could use to keep myself warm.
In the corner, an old red chair sat; no fluff left in the cushions long worn down. Between it and the bed was the tiniest bedside table with a single lamp bent down sadly towards a TV remote scuffed around the most used buttons.
Opening the drawer, the only thing inside was a black bible. Deciding to leave it undisturbed, I peered up at the miniscule television mounted way up near the roof.
That wouldn't be comfortable to watch at all. Still, from the cold decor in this room, I was surprised to see a flat-screen even in here. I would be even more shocked if the sound quality was any good either.
There was even an ancient air-conditioning system above the window. It was so yellow and cracked that I knew the air circulating from that thing would just foul up the room more. Beneath it, I found stains on the carpeted floor from where it had been used.
This was ok. I had a roof; although a little discoloured and cracked. I had a bed, even though it felt more like sitting on a wooden pallet.
I checked just to make sure. Under the sheet was the hard base and even firmer mattress.
The pillows were sad and thin, but I guess it was better than sleeping directly on the bed.
I had a strange chair and tv. I could charge my things here. Going off the state of the room, I wasn't going to venture anywhere near the shower or toilets without thick foot protection on.
I kept my expectations low. Still, it hurt to see how low standards were. If it was someone like Avery or Tawn, they probably would have been upgraded to the best room in this old pub.
I wasn't going to think about them. I had my own life to figure out, and own skin to save. They could hold themselves against the others. I was grateful I had escaped before any of that violence found me.
Now, I could properly plan. Take it one step at a time. The first would be food for tonight.
Spilling the contents of my bag into the bed, I separated my clothes from the money I saw flutter out. Dragging down the advert, I laid it in front of me while shaking out my clothes for any more coins or notes.
Wurgers were cheap. I could get my fill on those and wash it down with free water jugs. The combination would fool my stomach into thinking it was more full than it actually was.
Counting the notes, I was relieved to see most of it was still hiding. I had forked out a bit on food and drinks with Lumi, almost daily, as well as offering to pay for everyone at the food court recently. Previously, it was for the pricey dermatitis cream and chocolates for Elgress I repaid Lumi for. Around that, regular drinks at Paragon's bar with Lumi again chewed into what I made. Generosity; although coming from a good place in my heart, had left me scrambling whatever change I had.
Minus the seventy I had just paid and the ten I had to fork out for a tram ticket; as well as counting the thirty I got back in change, I had three hundred and fifteen dollars, plus seventy five cents.
That was doable. It was a lot more comfortable than the miniscule amount I thought I was left with previously.
Now, for the train.
I knew I would need another ten, and another lecture for not having the proper card to tap with, when I caught the tram to the station.
I pushed aside the fifteen for that, just in case.
Swiping through my phone, I opened the transport page and found myself stumped on what my destination was, yet again.
I was in Burrside now. I wanted somewhere remote, possibly a few hours away from this city so no-one could find me easily.
Where was that?
I followed the multitude of colours weaving the city on the map. Zooming out, a light green one weaved down the coast and branches off further. One ran to the left to spread into towns there, while the other kept going down.
Did I want to live near the ocean? Or head inland?
How was I going to be sure there would be a place suitable for me to live in either direction? I needed to be sheltered with trees and somewhere with a reliable water source. Food was going to be tricky either way I went, but if I could lodge in a place near some sort of orchard or tourist destination, it could work on my favour.
These maps didn't lay out the rivers or mountains. It was just solid colour with town names splitting out of the thick line bumping it's way down the side of the country.
Laying back on the bed, my back instantly seared from the solid mattress. Scooping across one of the flat pillows to wedge under my back to offer some sort of comfort, I was going to have to go through the process of elimination for my new future home.
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By switching between websites on my phone and scrolling over the overview of each town name I typed in, I narrowed it down to three possible choices on each side.
The first was Glennsout on the inland line. The population was thirty-two thousand, roughly, and still growing. Around the town itself, farmlands and mountains were still prominent. People were spread from the heart of the town that was now cut off from the highway bypass that tore straight past.
There were rivers that houses were sprouting along. But with so much land between each settlement, it could be safe.
It was on the lower part of my list of preferences, mainly because of the fact others also seeked the same seclusion and had built gravel roads into the mountains to set up their homes. It might be hard to find a patch for myself with so many fences and claimed land already slapped around the outskirts of Glennsout.
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The second along the line I had picked was Korry.
Short and simple, this was a town with just over two thousand people; a lot less than Glennsout.
This one was also beside two other towns that linked to the highway. The next town over, Reddison; with only twenty minutes drive, was the one with the train station running through it. I would need to travel from there to Korry on foot, which would mean crossing a busy highway and pushing myself for much longer on foot.
Even though it was small, this town had a lovely river running through the middle of it; bridged with aged concrete structures featured on the overview.
Although it was an older town, it still has those creeping into the outskirts, especially on the outer portions of town.
The town also has a massive tip that took up most of the land at the other side. Further from there was swampland before hitting the forestry.
This one also sat lower on my list, simply for the tip and how far the stench could carry. The forestry was a natural park, meaning it was protected from dogs, but also available to walk through.
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The last one the line, and way out toward the borderline, was a ghost town of Gladys Falls.
With barely over one hundred people, the town looked like a typical sunburnt, dirt road and tumbleweed type place I had seen over and over the more I researched along the dwindling train line.
It was amazing it even had a line going to the town. The rest of it was corrugated iron homes and maybe three hardware stores also selling produce.
People stuck close to the train line and town. Even though it was stricken by drought, there were rivers snaking further outwards, up through forestry and into mountains. Almost an hours drive from Gladys Falls was an impressive waterfall, hence the town's name in homage to it.
This was a more popular spot for tourists who didn't want to venture out through the vacant dirt town. It was boasted about online for its views up the mountainside, but dragged for the horrible forestry roads trenched by years of use.
Even though it was horribly dry, the falls further from the town were more favourable. There were plenty of trees to shelter amongst and endless litres of running water there. I wasn't sure about food, seeing as the lands were vast and empty surrounding the area. I didn't want to strand myself out in the middle of nowhere, knowing I would starve in a few days.
Still, if I could hunt out a
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To the coast was more promising.
The first pick was a Mauveel. Almost an hour from the major town of Winding Port, this town was almost eight thousand people strong, compared to the much larger fifty thousand.
Mauveel was trying to be like Winding Port, with its updone streets and boutique stores out of the tax bracket of the residents. It had lush parks in the town, alongside a large winding river on the edge with a bridge connecting to a smaller portion that farmers mostly lived.
Mauveel had the older train station at the edge, right before a long straight road cutting through farm lands towards the highway and service station of Winding Port.
Continuing in the other direction would take me to the remote location of Hillborough, where everyone was spread out around a large mountain smacked between both sides of the rural town. It advertised wonderful views along the roadside of the other mountains and rivers down in the gully's. Somewhere way up in one was a hidden gem called Wren's Crossing. It was a casual camping ground with a waterfall up a secluded hike.
It sounded great. The only problem was trying to reach this Crossing without transport able to get to it. The closest would be the beginning of Hillborough; leaving me to tackle the mountain and days of treacherous walking through to the hidden campsite from there.
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Second was actually on the other side of the sprawling Winding Port in a town called Lake Maech.
It had a population of just over four thousand people, due to the lake that connected to the sea that drew in people looking to escape the busier Winding Port.
The town was small and still surrounded by most of its forestry and wetlands. Further outwards was a place called the Ghost Road; named for the ghost gums that grew alongside the curving road.
The forestry on either side was also national parklands; but with nowhere to park up cars, it made it harder to access for those wanting to explore it.
The land ran through to the other town, alongside the same highway branching off from the one that connected Mauveel to Winding Port.
As far as I could see, there were no rivers through the forestry. I would be forced to enter Lake Maech to try and find something that wasn't salty lake water or crashing ocean waves.
The Ghost Road had the seclusion I wanted, but didn't leave much for a water source. As for food, the place was teaming with deer and kangaroos. With time, I could turn to them for food.
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Lastly was the furthest from the two, Gumbay.
Widely used as a tourist destination for its entertainment, Gumbay had a whopping eighty-thousand people living mostly around the heart. Even with a bypass, people took the time to come here because of everything it could offer in terms of natural food grown from the land and coastal views further out.
Gumbay wasn't my destination though. With the train station sitting somewhere towards the outer portion, transport was thoroughly available to continue most of the way out of the massive area.
About an hour from Gumbay was Mistigo Forest.
Stretching on for hundreds of kilometres, people walked trails through only a small segment of it. It had rivers to canoe in and waterfalls for swimming. It was teaming with all sorts of animals feeding from the trees inside or locally grown plantations nearby. It even had a forest skywalk where people could view how wide the area was.
It was perfect to live within. The only problem was reaching the destination when transport didn't go anywhere near the forestry. I would have to walk for days, maybe even weeks to even reach the area. Even then, getting out of the furthest reaches of Gumbay would be a costly venture.
But, it was at the top of my list due to how perfect it sounded, even with people allowed to venture through.
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With the six towns typed into my notes, I decided to mill over it more with food from downstairs.
The music was thumping into something lively already, barely muffled by the thin walls and door. Collecting my things and quickly changing my clothes into a dark blue shirt and black longs, I threw on my hooded jacket once more and pocketed my cash.
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Melissa smiled and waved as I followed the hall past her and out into the main thoroughfare. Dodging around waitresses and tables, I slipped around the side of the kitchen to see smaller tables and booths settled there.
With someone vacating a table, I swooped in to take it. Their dirty plates sat before me, littered with remains of a burger and a handful of chips. An unfinished soft drink settled beside it.
I wasn't that desperate yet. Ignoring the mess, I already knew what I wanted.
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A waiter swooped across to clear off the table for me. Shortly after leaving, another dove in to wipe it down and await my order.
Smiling up at them, my eye caught the faces of the booth across from me staring. Ignoring them, I decided to order a sweet drink with vodka and bubblegum from the menu.
Even when I returned to the table, I could still feel them staring. Dipping my head to my phone, I tried not to draw more attention to myself.
I had to know that the hoodie wouldn't be foolproof, but I had hoped it would have a little more protection in this crowded area.
I wasn't about to give up this spot because I was a little self conscience. If I just kept to myself, they would give up a.....
I saw movement approaching me. A hand seized my shoulder and squeezed it before clamping onto the top of my hood and pulling it down.
"Nisha! It is you! What the hell are you doing here?"
Orson leant into view, beaming. I glanced around, seeing someone at the bar had recognized me and was eagerly pointing me out to their friend.
I pulled the hood up, grumbling at my blown cover.
"Come sit with us!" Orson gestured to the others I barely looked at "come on! Don't be so antisocial!"
He'd keep being rowdy until I did. It would keep him, and everyone else, quiet if I just went with to the booth.
Grabbing my table number, I quickly joined his side. He got someone to move across so I could slide in beside them.
"This is Nisha" Orson proudly told his two other friends "I work with him at Paragon."
I kept my head low, flashing a little smile to them both; not lingering.
"Are you avoiding all the fans you have?" Orson joked, laughing "or are you covering a black eye?"
I lifted my head now, surprised at his lack of knowledge at what had been happening at work.
"You don't know?"
"Oh, we do" he waved it aside "but I don't care. As soon as shit went down, I decided to come here and invite these two out to wait for it to all blow over."
To.... blow over?
He had me grinning at just how simple that sounded. Laughing back, I saw just how relaxed Orson was here.
He wasn't part of it all. He was just living his life while I ran for mine.
"You going to take the hood off?" he lent down to peer at me "kinda hard to talk to you like this."
Would it be ok?
"It draws more attention" the other friend beside me spoke, unseen around the fabric blocking them.
I guess it did. It was obvious I was trying to hide something by acting this way.
I slowly pulled it down, meekly smiling back at Orson.
"Jesus" his friend beside him blew out a breath "you were right. His hair is white."
My gut gurgled. Should I just leave it up?
"Nish, this is Percie. She's one of the dancers."
Percie was layered in hard, jagged scales. Almost black, they had a dark green tongue to them and an almost marbled pattern streaked across some.
She smiled, showing her many teeth. Despite having a human face, her slitted irises and fearsome mouth were not those of an ordinary person.
She offered a hand from her wrap-around red jacket and I leant across to shake it.
It was cool to the touch at the edges of the warmed palm. She must be cold-blooded as well.
Wedged inside was the best place for her then. With everyone moving around and the lights of the small stage set nearby, she wasn't going to freeze.
"Nice to meet you, finally" Percie grinned, her yellowish green eyes cold.
Maybe it was a lizard thing? Or was she something else? She wasn't a snake. I felt how those scales were, and Percie's were not that smooth.
"And this is Ruben" Orson swept a hand across to the friend wedged in beside me.
Instantly, I noticed just how pink they were.
They had a small yellow afro which was tinged with pink swirls on the tops of the hair. Up from their forehead and curving up along the afro, were two branching orangish antennae. Their skin, a dark tone with pink swiped up the tops, looked like it was caked in paint.
Their fingers hooked over unnaturally and had nails painted black. Wearing a hanging grey singlet, their shoulder blades were the same pink down each arm.
I saw they had long pink wings pressed against their back. Through the middle of each one, a yellow stripe was angled upwards to form an upside-down v shape.
Their eyes were black. They sparkled under the light and were much kinder than Percie's.
"Good to finally meet you" Ruben grasped my hand firmly "I'm one of the waiters."
I had completely forgotten about that part of the building. While I was twirling and flipping above, he bussed the tables below with an extensive team to keep everyone happy.
"I heard you guys get to use fake names every night" I commented.
It was a game to them. They could be whoever they wanted for that shift. The customers loved the quirky names they came up with. It kept returning ones on their toes too and prevented the same people they saw from becoming boring.
Ruben grinned.
"I think last night I was Gack. It's really funny when you hear reviews that are like 'Gack was such a a lovely waiter' or 'Loogie made the night even better'."
"Loogie?" Percie laughed "first I've heard of that one!"
"My favourite is Gangrene" he revealed, giggling "when Emily is in, we team up and she goes as Necrosis."
The others expressed their amusement and disgust.
"Well, what would you go as then?" Ruben shot back playfully "how about you, Percie?"
"Oh, for sure i'd be Purse" she chuckled "I've already had that in my head for when I don't need to be a backup anymore."
"You could always join us" Ruben grinned.
"They want the scales together" Percie shrugged "makes it 'look better for the show'."
They rolled their eyes. Everyone else nodded in agreeance at the quote.
"What about you, Ore?" Ruben turned to him.
He thought for a little, humming.
Snapping his fingers, he pointed to Ruben as a name came to his mind.
"Rattles?" I blurted now, snorting at it "why that?"
"Because when I bite someone, they'll shake!" Orson whooped, holding out his arms and convulsing in his seat to the laughter of the others.
"Right then, how about you?" Ruben looked at me "we all came up with one, so you have to as well."
"Ooh! What's the name of the hanging parts on the chandeliers?" Percie asked, perring up at the wooden one behind us "you could be that!"
"Dangler" Orson suggested, giggling.
"It's got to have a proper name" she frowned and pulled out a phone with a cute dangling capybara charm to start typing "like, pendant, or something...."
Orson took out his to race her for the answer.
"Bottom Ball!" he roared in delight as he showed us the diagram with the labelled parts "or Pendalogue!"
"Bottom Ball!" Ruben wiped his eyes "oh my God!"
"I would not be that!" I gasped to their laughter "hey! I'm not Bottom Ball!"
"Reverse Dish then?" Orson giggled over his phone "or, get this, Bottom Bowl."
"Oh, yes!" Ruben pointed "Bottom Bowl!"
"No!" I cried out, laughing "no way!"
"Bo-ttom Bowl" Ruben chanted, pounding his fists on the table with each segment "Bo-ttom Bowl"
The other two joined in, getting louder and more enthusiastic with their chanting as I shrunk down.
A waiter marched over with a tray in their hand to unintentionally interrupt the chant. They smiled, hiding laughter, as they named the drinks they placed down before the corresponding person.
Another hovered nearby with my order to plant it before me. Orson started to mutter his chant as they did, embarrassing me further.
Food was next to swiftly arrive. Every space was occupied with large plates and a basket of garlic bread for the middle. Orson and Percie had also ordered the wurger with the works. Ruben went for a stacked chicken parmigiana.
"Great minds think alike" Percie beamed at my plate "and on drinks too!"
They lifted their blue bubblegum drink across to me. I clinked the glass of my identical one against it.
"Next drink is on me" Percie offered, waving off the others who tried to take her up on her offer "only for the Star, you stinges."
"I couldn't..."
"Well, you will" Percie decided "my gift to you for doing what you do. We don't get to hang with Stars very often."
Orson cast a skeptical glance to her, raising a brow.
"Ok, I should correct myself" she shook her head, shoving him "Stars that are as tolerable as you."
"Here, here!" Orson clinked his glass to hers.
"Stars who don't leave dirty dishes around and fuck under the VIP's" Ruben added cheekily.
"Oh! Do tell!" Orson sipped his drink in undivided interest.
Were we doing this? Digging dirt on the others at work?
Turning to face him, I grinned at his head turning to make sure he wasn't heard.
I lived for this. Gossip was my thing. Usually people didn't want to delve into it with me. This was a nice change.
"Well, I heard from Tabitha that a certain Tilly and Tally were really going at it in that sweet spot up in the corner underneath."
Percie groaned, reeling back with a snort. Orson made a pained face.
"Whose going to clean that up?"
"Beats me" Ruben shrugged "that's what they've got the feather dusters for!"
Everyone roared in laughter. I joined, trying to figure out what was so funny.
"So, doggy style then?" Percie joked.
Orson and Ruben groaned at it, making her smirk.
"Last week, the three T's had to kick out someone trying to sneak booze from behind the bar. Oh, you should have heard Viva and Vinnie squealing and carrying on."
"That boy squeals more like a girl than an actual girl" Orson sipped, shaking his head.
"Serves amazing drinks; is an absolute arse" Percie noted.
There were nods and murmers.
"He's been hanging with Elgress a lot lately" Orson pointed out before taking a bite of his food "do you think she's going back to the bar?"
He looked to Percie for information. She lifted her hands, surprised.
"Don't look at me! All I know is that her and Tawn are not hanging out anymore. When we did the gold in the ash, they were really distant"
"Yeah, I noticed that too" Ruben nodded "do you think she's with the bar boy then?"
I scoffed over my drink.
"If you've got something, don't keep it to yourself" Ruben looked me up and down.
Taking a sip, the intense bubblegum flavour washed through my mouth and had me wanting more.
"Elgress is always going to be with Tawn. She's just using Vinnie for now to make him jealous or something."
"Didn't he choke you out for saying something bad about her?" Ruben asked, suspicious.
Had word really travelled as far as the kitchens? I guess it has been a few days. Anything could spread in that time.
"What did you say?" Percie leant forward, hungry for more "I heard you called her a fat bitch."
"I heard you assaulted her" Ruben added casually, stirring his drink.
"No!" Percie gasped, turning back to me for confirmation.
I glared to them both, grumbling.
"It wasn't that at all. We just...."
I couldn't say it. Even if he wasn't here to leer down my neck, Percie was in ties with his dancers. Any word could get back to Tawn and have him pulling himself out of whatever hole he was in now to constrict me until I died.
"Nisha called her a snake because of her dermatitis" Orson answered for me.
"You didn't!" Percie chuckled, thoroughly entertained "you see, I always thought there was something weird about her, but she's no snake. She's not enough of a cunt."
Orson made an unsure noise. I smiled in agreement, sipping.
"She's her own person" I jabbed "there's been a few times I thought she'd push me off the chandelier."
Or leave me for dead in that weird tunnel of blue flowers.
"I heard she was going after him tonight" Percie leant inwards and dropped her voice "same with the dogs. Taped themselves up and everything."
"Well, I heard some of the birds were actually going to go after Avery" Orson added "and a lot of the humans too. I think David was very interested in that lot."
Percie pulled a judgemental face. Ruben followed, making a noise.
"Who's David?" I asked them.
"Some guy who does the kitchen" Ruben answered "kinda weird. I swear he molests the sausages back there."
"He's a fucking creeper" Orson breathed to me "once, I caught him looking at the hall where the dressers were, just staring and grinning at the girls going in and out."
"I heard he was caught jerking it off in the kitchen fridge once" Percie gagged "with gravy from the pot."
"Oh, that" Ruben shook his head "I heard that too, but I don't think it's true. He'd burn himself, right?"
"I've never heard of him" I mused "no-one talks about him."
"Because no-one wants it to get back to the guy who works with the knives" Percie spoke "I'm surprised he hasn't stabbed anyone yet."
"Like Flower?" Orson suggested, to their nods.
"He hates her with a passion" Ruben explained "he does weird things to those he hates."
"Like stalks them?" Percie shuddered "I've caught him following me a few times, but he doesn't try anything with Roy and Liam around. I think he's scared of guys bigger than him. I don't even know what I've done to make him do that."
"I've caught him singing Avery's songs to himself when he sets up" Ruben peered around again, as of David himself was here "he's obsessed. He doesn't do it with any other parts, just his."
"So, he's got a thing with Avery then?" I chuckled "don't most of them? He's the main Star."
"See, I thought that too, but I think it's Adrian" Ruben shook a finger back at me as he thought "it may be Avery's part, but it's Adrian's songs. He always arrives to work early to just....stare. He used to look at the stage when they were on it, practicing. When it was just Avery and Onyx, he wasn't interested."
"Ew, creep" Orson wrinkled his nose.
"As long as he doesn't come here, I'm happy" Percie drank.
I agreed, following suit.
This David guy sounded like a lot of trouble. And with him having access to the knives, I really had to watch my back. I didn't even know if he had been watching me and plotting something horrible.
"He's got a thing against hybrids, I swear" Ruben voiced "calls you guys 'Scalies' every chance he gets. Even calls Nisha a 'Loushie'."
Percie's expression turned sour. Her teeth bared when she bit into her food.
"He needs to get a bit more creative with his insults" I smirked back at mine.
Loushie? Was it meant to be a slur from Leucism?
Maybe I just didn't understand the meaning of it for it to hurt? But whatever a 'scaly' was really angered Percie. I knew from her reaction it was a phrase to avoid.
"He's got all sorts, but I'm not going to sound like an arsehole saying them all" Ruben continued "you should hear him some days."
He whistled, and took a sip. Percie chewed her food viciously, wagging a finger.
"Let him follow me next time" she snapped, smiling coldly "I'll really show him about being a dirty 'Scaly'."
"Hey, gladly" Ruben grinned back.
I saw her eye my drink when I sipped from it.
"I'll go get you that other one."
I had barely drank through a quarter. Still, if it made her happy, I wasn't going to fight her on it.
Orson got up so she could shimmy out and walk off to the bar. He sat back down, checking the way she had gone.
"I've really got to piss" he announced "Nisha, you need to ask well?"
"Oh, I'm right" I smiled back "I've barely touched my drink and...."
I saw his hard glare on me. It lightened when Ruben looked over at him.
Why was he trying to take me to the bathroom? It must have been serious if he was trying to dance around the issue through lies.
"I actually do too" I promptly got up, almost knocking down my drink in the process "monkey bladder."
"They're small" Orson squeezed his fingers back to Ruben.
"Well don't be too long" he chuckled, his eyes searching Orson skeptically.
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Orson led the way to the bathrooms down the side of the bar, giving a little wave to Percie who was slouched at the bench, waiting for drinks.
As soon as we entered, the noise was muffled again. It felt like I had wool stuffed down my eardrums that started to ring and ache painfully.
Orson stood at the trough, puling down his pants. I stood back, still not needing to go.
"Hurry up" he jerked his head to the one beside him "before he comes in."
Who? Ruben?
"You make it sound like you are scared of him" I laughed.
"Yeah, well, you need to read the room a bit better. Pants down. Make it look like you are actually doing something."
I grumbled and followed suit, staring at the tiles on the wall before me.
How fucking embarrassing.
"Don't take the drink" Orson mumbled, making me turn to him, having him snarl "eyes ahead!"
Focusing back on the wall, I was searching for answers as to why.
"Because it's free?"
"Because its spiked, dip shit."
Spiked? Why would they w....?
"You are after me too?"
"It's nothing personal" Orson shrugged, checking the door "it's mainly Percie's idea. I'd grab it to have a sip then spit in the drink to drug you so we could haul you back, pretending you were drunk. That's the plan. It was the plan for anyone who was going to come in here; it just happened to be you."
"But..." I whispered, turning my head towards his "I thought we were friends?"
"We are!" he moaned, checking the door again "more than anything, Nish! I'm just the one who has the venom they want. I'm a middle man."
"You could have refused" I dropped my head to the trough.
"It's a lot of money" he mumbled "I'm struggling on that salary, even with government handouts. Trust me, I was hoping none of you would show up. This place was out of town and nowhere near work, but that was the plan and I'm stuck with it. I don't want to fight any of you. I love you guys."
Giving a little smile to his tearful eyes, we faced the wall again.
"Just.... don't d...."
The door swung open and Orson changed his tone instantly, smiling.
"...don't eat the prawns!" he chuckled, looking up at Ruben who had entered "hey!"
"What you talking about?" he grinned, shifting over to the one beside Orson.
I noticed the cold smile he gave him. Orson was instantly nervous.
"How we ate those cheap platter prawns here one time and all got food poisoning" Orson chuckled, shaking himself and zipping up so he could flush "Nisha wanted to know about them since they were on the board."
I shook too, stuffing myself away promptly and flushing my lack of evidence.
"Sounds horrible" I forced a smile "now I know to stick to the wurger."
Ruben snorted, shrugging.
"Stupid name, delicious idea" he commented.
We both agreed and went to the sink where Orson shot me a stern look.
Don't drink the drink.
We washed our hands and ripped down the towel to pat them dry. I heard the trickling of Ruben relieving himself. We had about a minute before he would be shadowing us again.
Orson clamped a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it before joining his friend to hang around the trough, making him snap and shove him away.
I hung near the stalls, refusing to look.
Say something. Silence is guilty.
"Orson was saying I should give it a go swinging from the chandelier tonight" I piped up, laughing.
Ruben turned his head, unable to see me lined up behind him.
"Oh yeah? The one here?"
"If he gets smashed enough, he should give it a go!" he grinned "I reckon it could hold his weight."
"Oh, absolutely" I laid on the sarcasm thick.
They both laughed. Ruben finally finished, looking Orson up and down before shaking and flushing.
"You hanging around just to see my cock?" he jeered as he walked past to the sinks.
"I just wanted to know if it's as dusty as your wings" he retorted, smirking when Ruben scowled back from around the wall "and Nisha is only hanging around because he doesn't want to be recognized."
"I think it's a little late for that" Ruben grinned "but we'll take good care of you, Star. That's what work friends are for."
I smiled back, trying to forget that these two were planning on spiking me as soon as I sat back down at that table.
"Thank you" I breathed "I'm just glad there is someone here I know."
Ruben shook his hands, drying them. He was happy with my response.
Good. Keep suspicion from his mind.
Now I knew they were all faking their kindness towards me, I had to remember not to give away too much of where I was going.
Don't bite back. Be meek and trusting, like Avery.
I could be him for the night. No-one but Orson knew how I really was.
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The music pounded back down my throbbing ears when we left together, meeting Percie now waiting for us at the end of the bar.
She had chosen some wild fruity drink for me with a little umbrella and ombre colours. It even had a toothpick with a bright red cherry skewered through it.
"Holy shit, that looks good!" Orson hovered, excited.
Fake the interest so he could drink it in a few minutes. He really was going hard on this plan.
"Hey, it's Nisha's!" Percie laughed and swung it away from him, smiling to me "I didn't know what you drank, so I chose the most popular thing. It's vodka; like your other one."
"It looks incredible" I gasped back "I hope it didn't cost too much."
She made a noise and brushed my concern aside. Carrying the drink back, she kept behind me.
Ah, so try and switch it up and force me into the corner? Two could play at that game.
Orson slid in on his side and Ruben took the end. I stepped aside, making a clear path for Percie.
She smiled widely, gesturing for me to slide in.
"You go" I smiled back.
"I've got my hands full" she lifted the drink "don't want to drop it now."
"That's ok, I'll take it" I grabbed it from her and moved aside again "thank you so much."
She smiled again, faltering. Annoyed, she was forced to take the corner.
I boxed her in, placing the drink down carefully so I could return to my old one.
Orson eyed it. He looked up to with an exaggerated expression, begging.
"Can I have a sip?" he pleaded, pressing his hands together "pleeeeease?"
"You moocher!" Percie shook her head "let Nisha enjoy his freebie. It's his."
"I'm still finishing this one of you want a small sip" I pushed it over to him "just don't be gross with it."
"Me?" he gasped dramatically "never."
I giggled, watching him lift it. Everyone else was watching too, making him look to them nervously.
"What? Am i on show?"
"It just looks really good" Ruben commented "what's it like? I might get one for myself."
Orson pressed it to his lips and took a sip. If I didn't know he was spiking me, I would have thought it was an innocent gesture. It was done too quickly.
Did he even do it?
He smacked his lips, sighing. Going for another, I laughed and went to stop him.
"Ah" he held the drink from me "you won't like it. It's horrible. So disgusting. Not your thing at all."
"Give me the drink" I snorted at him "you hog."
He passed it over and I saw all eyes track to me when I accepted it.
"Do you want some as well?" I chuckled and offered it to Ruben.
"Oh, I'm good" he laughed.
"Some for you?" I turned it to Percie.
"I got that for you" she snorted, drinking her own "enjoy it."
"I'll take another swig" Orson held his hand out.
I smirked at him and pressed the glass to my lips.
Did I pretend to drink, or actually put some in my mouth?
Keeping my lips sealed, I swallowed, mimicking drinking. I took a few, wiping my mouth when I put the glass down.
"Holy shit, that is good!"
"Ah, I'm so glad" Percie sighed in relief "I chose well then."
I picked up my bubblegum and took a sip of that to try and wash away the liquid of the other from my lips.
How long did it take to be spiked? Instantly? A few minutes?
And how was I going to fool them into believing I was actually drinking some? If the level stayed the same, they'd know.
I couldn't spit it into my bubblegum drink either. He darker colour of the spiked drink would overrule the bright blue and also reveal to them I knew of their plan.
I wasn't going to actually swallow it either and hope for the best. Orson knew what he was doing. I couldn't trust he hadn't spat into my drink like he said.
For now, I'll eat. Drinking can come later.
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Food didn't settle my clenching stomach. For something I'd usually enjoy, this food only made my anxiety rise with every small bite.
"So, Nisha" Orson started when I had my mouth full "where are you staying tonight? With everyone out there, I'm assuming that's why you are in here?"
My eyes grew wide. I swallowed, forcing a smile to try and make it look like I had been put on the spot.
Where would I be? I couldn't say Lumi; she was already overrun. Ruben ruled the tables and knew the kitchens, so he'd know the names of almost everyone we worked with.
Percie danced with Tawn, so I couldn't say him either. They knew he was against me anyway after the choking, so that wouldn't make sense.
"Oh, I...."
Elgress, maybe? Or...
"Sasha" I decided "she did the trial for Elgress' spot and kind of failed it. I'm staying with her, not far from here. She's going out with her other friends tonight so she suggested this pub for some food."
"Sasha?" Percie hummed as she thought "Sasha....Sasha....."
"Didn't she quit?" Ruben asked "when you fell? She walked out with Lumi after Bruce fired her."
"She did!" Percie snapped her fingers "that's where I've seen her!"
"Well, we still keep on touch" I shrugged "and she offered her place after hearing about Paragon, so I took it. She's really nice."
"Quite a shy girl" Percie spoke, now that she remembered "sort of outspoken."
"She doesn't say much" I agreed "but she's been nothing but helpful to me. She even gave me her nan's quilted blanket to sleep under when I get back. It's super cute. She's going to teach me to braid hair."
Ruben scoffed and Percie laughed. Orson joined in, casting a sympathetic look.
Make him believe I was spilling my location so the others trusted me more. Throw in some trivial things to add to the story. Nothing super specific, but also not too vague.
"Sasha sounds like a good friend" Orson spoke.
"She's been so helpful" I nodded "and with her not at work, I can stay with her until all this is over."
Ruben's interest was peaked. Even Percie leant across to raise a scaled brow at me.
"Are you going back?"
"Well, I only left because people were coming after me" I paused to drink some more bubblegum "I think it's just all some big misunderstanding. I've got nowhere else to go except my home in Paragon."
"Not even to Lumi's?" Orson questioned now.
I shook my head.
"How could I live with her forever? She has her own life and I have mine. Bruce may be an absolute cunt...."
The others agreed heartily.
"....but Paragon is where I belong. One day, Bruce will get sick of his job and we can have a great place to work. I like my job. I love performing."
"So, let me get this straight" Percie started up now "you are only out here with Sasha because you didn't want to be targeted tonight?"
"Who would want to be?" I answered, eating "the guys we work with are scary. I've seen what they can do."
"And you are going to return to work anyway after tonight?"
"Well, as long as it takes for them to stop trying to hurt me. You can only tell so many people before they decide not to believe you."
Percie peered to Ruben and Orson. They exchanged concerned looks.
" it there?" Ruben probed.
"Don't you?" I giggled back "I've got everything I need there. I just didn't want to be around Bruce. He can be a bit much, especially when he's doxxing your friends."
Orson looked to the others before leaning towards me.
"We can help you get back, if you want?"
"I couldn't put you out..."
"If you give us Sasha's address, we can pick you up when it all blows over."
"After tonight should be fine" Ruben nodded.
The others agreed, nodding too.
"I don't know it off by heart" I grimaced and pulled out my phone "I know it's in the maps."
Percie was looking over my shoulder intently. I couldn't fake an address. I'd have to pick one at random.
Pulling up maps, I traced my finger back along the road I had come from.
"It's up here" I instructed "then, we went down this side street."
Tracing it, I paused about halfway down, curving down a bend where a community laid.
Be confident.
"This one" I pressed the third one up to bring up a picture of a home "it's the one with the tree in the front."
"Number nine?" Percie peered across at it "on Luellen street?"
I nodded.
"Down the road and past all the shops to get here" I beamed back "I heard there was even a brothel near here."
"Of course you did!" Orson teased.
If I threw in some of the things I had seen on the way through, it would be more believable. They seemed to be taking the bait.
It should be enough time to start feeling the effects of the poison. My lips were buzzing as if static was bouncing around inside them.
Furrowing my brow, I clutched my stomach and gave a little pained groan.
"What's up?" Orson asked.
"My stomach feels horrible" I mumbled "I think I'm going to head to the toilets again. I should be back soon."
"Have something on your stomach to help" Percie pushed across the spiked drink.
I nodded and took a big gulp, relaxing my cheeks so it wasn't obvious I was stashing it.
Raising the back of my hand to my mouth like I was about to vomit, I quickly bustled down the little aisle and around the stage for the bathroom door; reminding myself frantically not to swallow the poison in my mouth.
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Barging through to relief again from the noise, I took the closest toilet stall to dump out the drink from my mouth. Rushing for the sinks, I cupped some water to swish and spit before pausing on my way for the door.
Ruben or Orson would be back to check in on me and make sure I hadn't run for it. I had to make them believe I was actually sick and not planning an escape.
Darting into the first stall again, I locked it and scraped my body along the grimy tiles so I could rush into second and lock it.
No sooner than I did, the door swung open loudly.
I picked up my feet and crouched on the second toilet bowl so I wouldn't be seen.
"Nisha!" Ruben's voice came, his feet thudding across "are you alright?"
"In the first one" I coughed back and pressed my head to the wall dividing them to make it sound more believable.
There was knocking. The wall between us shook.
"You ok in there?"
"Just...." I lurched, gasping "I think i ate something bad."
"Man, maybe the wurger is undercooked?"
His voice has a hint of a smile on it. The concern was far too thick to be genuine.
"Maybe" I groaned "go tell the others?"
They ordered it too. I could use it against him.
"But, are you ok?"
"I'm...." I lurched again, hacking through the dryness "I'm good. I'll be out soon!"
There was hesitation. I didn't hear his feet leave. Was he trying to look through the gap in the door to find me?
"Please go!" I insisted with a little more firmness, gagging.
"Right, I'll be back if you don't come out soon, ok?"
His footsteps finally trailed back to the door. There was another hesitation that I retched at, getting him to leave.
I waited, to make sure he wasn't going to come back in. Cautiously opening the stall, I pulled my hood back up and looked into the mirrors to make sure my pale hair was tucked inside.
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Creeping to the bathroom door, I cracked it open to see Ruben was heading back to the table. I watched him greet the others, jerking a thumb in my direction. His smile was wide and he even laughed before sliding back in.
The others peered back, retreating.
Now was my time to act!
Darting from the bathroom, I kept my head low when I slid to the bar, waiting.
Promptly being attended to, I grimaced up at the tender, making sure they saw my face.
"I'm not feeling so well" I mumbled "can you please tell my friends I've gone back to Sasha's if they come looking for me?"
"And who are your friends?" the tender looked around.
"The ones down in the booth. There's a pink moth guy with them. There's three hybrid there."
"Ah" they smirked "I know the one. If they come up, I'll let them know."
I smiled, making sure my voice was raspy.
"Thank you."
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The first part was set. Rushing out and into the hallway, I ducked to crawl under the booth Melissa sat in.
Curling around the end of the stairs, i saw she was behind a magazine again.
Darting up the stairs before she could catch me, I finally made it back up to the bent hall.
Instead of heading to my room, I slid into the toilets and promptly locked myself down in the last stall.
Pulling my legs up again, I fumbled for my phone.
Who would help me out of this? I still had my room secured, and Melissa should act as some sort of deterrent if they did try to barge up here. But, they could say they were my friends and be told exactly where to go.
Hopefully, when they saw I wasn't in my room, they would leave. The door for this community area looked just like the bedroom ones, only with a little symbol of a man and woman on the front. Fingers crossed that the three of them didn't search too thoroughly.
I couldn't rely on Barley or Lumi for help, since they already had trouble at their place. And Avery.... he had a broken arm. He'd be useless against those three.
But, I needed someone. Tawn? No, he'd never come for me.
I could do this myself. I was strong.
All I had to do was wait. Then I could go to my room and wait to leave at the earliest time at seven o'clock. Once I boarded the train, I'd be away from it all.
Still, I typed out a message calling for help to Tawn and Avery. Attaching my location, I sent the futile messages anyway.
One could hope. I couldn't rely on either of them to actually show, though.
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My legs were numb and cold from sitting in that stall, waiting for someone to kick in the door and drag me away.
My lips felt inflated from contact with Orson's venom. Touching them confirmed nothing had actually happened and that my mind was just trying to fool me too.
Sneaking back to my room, I found my cold sheets torn back and my bag of clothes spilled out across the ground under the air conditioner. It looked like my bag had been thrown across the room when they couldn't find me in here. The sheets were also ripped back in frustration.
Touching them, they were frozen. So, the three of them were long gone; fooled into believing I was somewhere roaming the streets while drugged.
All I could do was slide across the flimsy ball and chain lock and drag the sheets onto the ground behind the bed. Sleeping on top of the bed would leave me too exposed if anyone came in. One pillow went under my aching back; the other under my head.
The floor was as hard as the bed itself. At least with the sheet wrapped around me, I didn't need to feel the course fibres of the carpet scratching at my skin all night.
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Curling up, I propped my phone opposite me. The background was of me and Lumi, smiling together and throwing peace signs while dressed in our gear. Lumi was always so beautiful in her dress, compared to my skimpy outfit with chains.
My skin was as cold as those horrible chains that slapped my skin every night. My silent tears were warm when they trailed around my nose and burned down my cheeks.
I couldn't trust anyone anymore. I thought tonight would be easy, but it was more painful being betrayed like that by someone I knew.
Pulling the sheet up over my head to protect it and try and fool anyone barging in that they were nothing more than filthy bedding on the ground, I felt warmth searing painfully through my toes and fingers I pulled up against my huddled body.
I just wanted things to go back the way they had been.
I should have stayed back at Paragon.