Thursday, June 25, 2020
It was a harrowing night. The Mitchells live off the backside of our property on 60 acres. After much discussion, it was decided not only to go check on them but also on the Stanley's. If the worst has come or near so, we are going to absorb both properties into our own. that simple. It will give us much needed expanded room was the consensus. The Mitchell's was horrifying, worse than any horror film I have ever seen. Mr. Mitchell had to be the last survivor and very delirious when he fell into that pit. Burying him and giving him that quicker death was an act of mercy. The rest of his family had been dead for what looked to be weeks, just laying in their beds. I do not know why he did not bury them. Maybe he was too sick himself or maybe he just could not bring himself to do it. Sentimental feelings, that part of our human psyche, what killed him and it is the part I have been trying to bury deep inside me so I don't kill my family.
At Stanley's what we found I do not know if I want to write. I don't want to remember what we did there but what we did was to secure the food. Hoarders, preppers, those who thought ahead but they were old, and my family is so young. In the medical field, they call it triaging, deciding based on who is likely to survive and length of expected life after. I have children and if this world is expected to move on, they need to live. Because of our efforts, it now looks like we will make the winter easily as long as we continue to ration the food. I have a long day ahead as we move our stuff to the Stanley's and Gary is going to refit the loft in the barn. The livestock will take a little to consolidate but still, we will live to see another day. Well most of us will, part of me died last night again...