-Keiko’s P.O.V-
Another murder! How exciting!! I got there first surprisingly passing the herds of human buffalo stomping through. My face twisted in a mix of hidden excitement and visible confusion. It was the same fatty I kicked where the sun don’t shine.
Just like Starfish, I knelt down next to the body. It was weird, this time the corpse looked stretched like a rubber-band. I chortled inwardly, now it’s a Squid! I scanned him up from the tips of his grease-closed fingers to the tips of his muddy, worn out shoes. Huh, no blood. Someone must’ve cleaned up this time. I continued my trip at the morgue and took a closer inspection at his wrists.
Two similar shaped holes were punctured in the AMV’s! That takes precision though, hitting them causes faster bleeding but it must’ve been very strong and tall to pin someone down like this. I sighed, getting up in time to see Mr.Ugly running towards us.
“Another!” He blissfully cried out in hysteria, “Another one of my great students gone—!” I snorted, great student? Yeah, great at being cocky that’s for sure. I slip away, tip toeing down the stairs as I go to sneak some early-morning snacks. All these corpses sure make me hungry! (She’s not a cannibal just saying)
As I arrive there I’m yanked into a corner, my back pressed against someone’s front, they’re definitely taller since I can’t hear their breathing very well. “Don’t scream.” Ah, it’s Samael. I nodded, feeling him drag me out gently. “Are you okay?” He asked softly, I smiled, he must’ve heard what happened yesterday.
“I’m okay Sammy, don’t worry.” To my surprise, he engulfed me in a hug. It was short and sweet but a bit suspicious all the while. “I’m sorry I just…I just can’t loose you–you’re really the only one who actually likes being around me…” he whispered, I shifted so my head stayed snug on his broad shoulder, “…I want him to die…he was mean to you…” I stiffened.
“Samael?” Time to test the bloody waters, “He…he’s already gone…” Abruptly he pulled away from the hug, staring at me with those tiny golden orbs in a weird disbelief. He’s always beating up people so why is this such a fib?
“You’re…kidding, Keiko are you sure?” I nodded, obviously I’m sure! The dude was paper white and his wrists were like those Monster High Dolls’ which you can just pop off without issue. Samael seemed tense, why? Isn’t he happy that his genie in a bottle made his wish come true? I heard him mutter those sweet words called swears. “Sammy…? What’s wrong…?” “Nothing Keiko, just had a nightmare.” He forced a smile.
I exhaled, I can’t force him to do anything, he might go beserk and injure someone who’s not one of those good-for-nothings. The bell chimed for class and we had to part ways.
<Skip to afterschool>
-Samael’s P.O.V-
Someone killed him. Someone else killed him. Who did it? Another killer is on the loose. I’m going to find him. I’m going to hurt him. But who? But who else? I think I know. It has to be him.