Chugging into the day yet, the night swiftly behind with nothing out of the ordinary, the Excessive Espresso would still be on its way to the proper destination. The second day of travel with the sun glistening over the horizon, bringing those inside the cabins to a waking point.
Shawn’s eyes slowly opening looking upwards at the bunk above him, where Ellie would be, then turning his head over to look and see the rest of the room, slowly rolling and pushing himself over; sitting up on the side of the bed with another glance around, drowsy, he’d then yawn, standing and stretching trying to be quiet, glancing back only to see Ellie would not be in place.
The sliding of a door as he’d step out in his pajamas, looking left then right, a worker walking by, “Hey uh, have you seen my bunkmate? She’s blond, green eyes, wears dark.”
“Oh uh, yes sir, she was actually up about twenty minutes or so ago heading towards the back of the train uh… something about wanting to see something.”
“Oh uh, thank you,” Shawn would say respectively bowing.
Walking to the back, he’d open the door and walk into the dining car, seeing Francis already, slobbering down a buffet of pancakes, though not wishing for a repeat of what occurred prior in the night he’d walk on and ignore Francis.
Opening the next car and walking in, the baggage car, mostly loaded with weapons and other goods, then outside on the platform with her back to the car, door open, stood Ellie, her hair flowing with the wind as the sun slowly began to rise up in front of her.
Her emerald eyes shining with her gaze upon the rising sun, a slight smile watching as the basking light would glow right over her, shining off of her ring, the reflection trailing back inside the car. All would be right, at least to her, with Shawn slow to approach, speaking out, “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
Her smile fading with a slight glance back, “What do you want?”
“Nothing,” he’d say approaching, “I just figured I’d come see the sunrise… had no idea I’d find you here… though if you want, I’ll leave.”
A sigh would leave Ellie, “No… stay if you want but only this one time.”
“Thank you,” Shawn said with a nod, walking forward stepping out onto the platform a fair distance away from Ellie, also watching, “I don’t know why but every time it’s just breathtaking to see… we don’t really get to inside the domes.”
“Hmph… I… I’ve never seen the sun rise before… I’ve always wanted to but I’ve just… never been able to.”
“Not even on missions?”
“Er… no, I come from a region of… nothing but clouds,” she’d say, a slight nervous tone to her after each pause.
“That’s unfortunate… they say the sun is a beacon of hope for mankind, shining as a precious gem of peace and true justice. Without it, we would have lost to the Darkling but now they’re running scared.”
“Oh really?” she’d mutter glancing at him as if annoyed by his words, that is…
“But… I can’t help but feel bad for them.”
Her eyes would light up, though only a little, “Why is that?”
“Ya know… I just can’t help but feel that if they could experience this, maybe… I don’t know, it might make some sort of difference… like, if we could share our views and share the same gem, we could coexist but… oh well, foolish thinking I suppose.”
“It’s thoughtful thinking… no, more like wishful. I don’t believe it would ever work out between either race. One is a bunch of monsters who tore the other asunder, the other playing as the victims out for revenge.”
“Yeah, it’s likely it wouldn’t end. Oh well… I suppose they aren’t really intelligent anyway.”
Eliie would glance at him and sigh, “I think we’re done here,” she’d mumble turning and walking back inside, leaving Shawn to turn and stare, sighing himself, “That could’ve gone better...”
As the day would go on, two in the afternoon, twenty-two after the train would come to a halt at another station as the Church Representative and their Gold Guard stepped off, before the train would continue on its way again.
As it’d get moving, Shawn would knock at the door of Cabin One.
“Come in!”
Sliding it open and walking in, Shawn would find Dawn alone, “Where’s Erin?”
“Out talking to the other leaders, heh, where’s Ellie?”
“Probably looking to take Cabin Five… I don’t get why she doesn’t like us.”
“Oh bro, bro bro bro, one day, you’ll learn why she is giving you attitude.”
“Anyways… we’re one day out I guess from the village we’re supposed to report to.”
“You scared bro?”
“No, not at all. I’ve been trained for this after all… besides, those creatures are still just creatures and we have moderate weaponry to fight them with finally.”
“Yeah, haha, just keep me, the Tactician, safe and we’ll get through it alive. Oh sigh sigh sigh, I can’t imagine what you guys would do without me, eh? Haha.”
“Oh who knows, we might mistake left for right,” he’d chuckle.
“Oh haha...”
Both would sigh, looking out the window, Shawn’s mind quick to wander, though not for long.
“Have you seen the other two? Ellie’s partners?”
“Uh, no… have they really not come out of their rooms?”
“Not even to use the bathroom I guess but the workers say they’re in there. Kinda weird.”
“Well, maybe they’re just as strange as Ellie… heck, maybe they’re just not used to us I guess?”
“I suppose that’s possible.”
“Anyways, I’m going to change quick into some casual clothes, maybe later we can go have lunch with Steven and, I don’t know… discuss the politics of the Church?”
“Haha, sure thing sis.”
Backing out of the room and shutting it, Shawn would find himself sighing, turning and walking away back to his cabin. Sliding the door open and going inside, he’d look around, not seeing Ellie inside.
“Well, I guess that’s that, she took Cabin Five...” he’d say locking the door, quick to toss his shirt off and then drop his pants & underwear… though, in a second, the door would slide open as the latch unlocked.
He’d turn and stare right at Ellie, in a towel, her hair freshly washed sighing though upon opening her eyes they’d go wide and her towel would slip, leaving Shawn’s eyes wide.
The screams of both male and female, and then a massive slap…