The Supervisor, why now?
Dullahan- “What took you so long?”
Moryuu- “You were shot out of the ship, it would take some time to locate you.”
Dullahan- “….”
Moryuu- “It does not seem any of you are dead or injured seriously.”
Moryuu then looked at me and stared for bit until he let off a grin that sent chills through my spine, it was like he was seeing through my body down to my soul with those cold blue eyes.
Moryuu- “Well it’s late, might as well get some sleep like the dragon before we get down to business.”
Everyone- “…..”
Moryuu- “Oh, I do have one small request before we go to bed.”
Moryuu- “I’m going to need to see the boy for a moment, alone.”
Hashi, Kate, Arrea- “!”
I’m a bit taken aback, why me? Kate sticks close to me and Arrea gets in front.
Arrea- “Why do you want Hashi human?”
Moryuu- “My name is Moryuu, I suggest you use it.”
Arrea- “grrr….”
Arrea- “Why do you want Hashi, Moryuu.”
Arrea actually caved in!
Moryuu- “I just have some questions for him. I’m not going to hurt him or anything.”
Arrea and Kate- “….”
Hashi- “Okay.”
Arrea and Kate- “!”
Hashi- “It’s fine, his not going to hurt me. Besides we’re too tired to fight.”
Arrea- “Tch….”
Kate- “Be careful Hashi.”
Hashi- “(Nod)”
Moryuu- “Over here Hashi.”
Hashi- “Right.”
I leave my friends and follow Moryuu. We walk a good distance and during that time I reflect on his appearance.
No doubt about it, he is the supervisor. Despite his age and young appearance, he walks and talks like someone in charge. His trench-coat also seems to hold a multitude of weapons.
Moryuu- “Stop.”
Hashi- “Okay, so what do want from me.”
Moryuu- “….”
In less time then it took me to blink Moryuu was in front of me with tonfas ready to strike me down and even faster than that I felt myself falling like before. Before the tonfa touched my face, my hand caught it as my appearance changed like before.
Gorta- “You have some nerve hum-”
Moryuu- “I see, a demon inhabiting a human body.”
Moryuu jumped backwards to a safe distance.
Gorta- “Are those your last words?”
Moryuu- “I don’t think it would be wise to try and kill me.”
Gorta- “Why not?”
Moryuu- “Attempting so will put the other mythics in harm’s way and it would make you and Hashi wanted by the whole planet.”
Gorta- “….”
Moryuu- “Besides that, you couldn't beat me.”
Gorta- “Excuse me.”
Moryuu- “At your current state you can’t beat me.”
Gorta- “Don’t test your luck boy.”
Moryuu- “Whatever, let me talk to Hashi.”
Gorta- “….”
I want to understand what’s happening, I have to talk to him.
I soon felt my appearance return to normal and then I regained control of my body.
Hashi- “Why did you attack me?”
Moryuu- “I was surprised to see a human in the midst of mythics so I wanted to see what you were and to my surprise you really are just a human but with a demon attached.”
Hashi- “….”
Moryuu- “Do the others know?”
Hashi- “No and don’t tell them either.”
Moryuu- “Why are you ashamed to be human?”
Hashi- “No….”
Moryuu- “Or are you scared they might begin to hate you and put you in the same bracket as me, a monster.”
Hashi- “….”
Moryuu- “Don’t socialize with them, save yourself the pain.”
Hashi- “What do you mean?”
Moryuu- “You’ll understand in time.”
Moryuu- “Anyway, you should fight back more when that demon takes over you. The more he comes out, the more his stench spreads and you never know who might be hunting his kind.”
Hashi- “But I don’t know how….”
Moryuu- “Stand firmly apposed to something and you can break his control.”
Hashi- “I see, is that it?
Moryuu- “For now, lets go back.”
After that we silently went back to where everyone else was.
Gorta- “Don’t listen to him Hashi.”
What the-
I heard Gorta but I’m in control so why-
Gorta- “You talked to me when I was in control which means I can do the same.”
Oh if that’s the case then I want you to know, I hate you.
Gorta- “It does not matter if you do or don’t. Moryuu is something else, I can’t even read his mind.”
Why should I even listen to you anyway, you’re a demon.
Gorta- “And Arrea is a spider women, your point.”
I done with this conversation.
Gorta- “Suit yourself Hashi.”
After that I made it back to everyone while Moryuu took his spot for sleep far from everyone else.
Kate- “Hashi!”
Arrea- “What did the hum- I mean Moryuu want to talk to you about?”
Hashi- “Nothing major, don’t worry about it.”
Hashi- “Besides, why is everyone afraid or him?”
Arrea- “I’m not afraid! It’s just….”
Dullahan- “We don’t want any trouble with the humans.”
I look towards Dullahan who’s sitting next to a tree while stroking Kirin’s mane.
Dullahan- “Messing with the supervisor could get us all killed even if we are good at our job. Besides that, there is something different about Moryuu.”
You too….
Hashi- “What’s so different?”
Dullahan- “I don’t know but it feels familiar.”
Everyone else- “….”
Dullahan- “It does not matter, everyone should rest for tomorrow.”
Everyone agreed and went to bed without saying another word. This time I actually slept right next to the fire with Kate and Arrea.
I don’t know how much time has past but I awoke to an empty white space with someone that looks like me staring. His eyes are red along with my natural black hair.
Gorta- “Hashi….”
Hashi- “!”
Hashi- “You!”
I sprung up and faced Gorta.
Hashi- Why are you here?! Where are we?! Where is everyone?!
Gorta- “This is a dreamscape I created so you could calm down.”
Hashi- “Dreamscape, calm me down?”
Gorta- “Yes, you were having a nightmare.”
Hashi- “A nightmare...”
In an instant my mind goes to back to the dream I was having before this.
The smell of decay….
The feel of sticky liquid on my face and hands….
The corpses of my friends before me and the killer….
I threw up from being reminded of the dream.
Gorta- “Your mind was on the verge of breaking from that dream and we can’t have that.”
Hashi- “And who the HELL! Do you is the cause of this!”
I stare daggers at Gorta releasing my bent up hatred for the cause of my anguish.
Gorta- “You need to grow up Hashi, you can’t survive without killing and you can’t protect anyone either.”
Hashi- “Well that girl did not deserve it!”
Gorta- “*Sigh*”
Gorta- “It had to be done, I knew she wouldn't stop until we were all dead.”
Hashi- “….”
Hashi- “Why do I have a demon inside me?”
For a moment Gorta averted his eyes and seemed oddly upset.
Gorta- “It does not matter.”
Hashi- “What the hell does that mean!”
Gorta- “Whether you know or not won’t change the fact that I’m here.”
Hashi- “Well I don’t want you here.”
Gorta- “You won’t survive without me.”
Hashi- “Watch me, I’ll survive and protect my friends without you.”
Gorta- “How?”
Hashi- “I’ll learn magic from Kate, for sure.”
Gorta- “I see.”
Gorta- “Well good luck Hashi. But I doubt you’ll survive long with the magic you’re capable of.”
I soon felt sleepy and my vision was getting blurry.
Gorta- “You’re waking up Hashi don’t worry.”
I then collapsed and heard something odd before I awoke in the real world.
Gorta- “I promise I’ll protect you Hashi no matter the consequences or your feelings.”