No Plagiarism!3K7mxZrqnsDnUbsHrVn7posted on PENANA I studied all night in order to learn how to master this school but I don’t now the components of many things. I did learn how to create massive amounts of water for offensive and defensive purposes. I tried to create earth but it didn't turn out well, it was not strong enough to protect or attack. I went to bed late having done enough for now. 8964 copyright protection791PENANA9VGhuriHQM 維尼
….8964 copyright protection791PENANAKv5Ajpw2lW 維尼
….8964 copyright protection791PENANAEcDZBIZ0XB 維尼
Gorta- “Wake up Hashi.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAEE8NLMnlx5 維尼
*Sigh*8964 copyright protection791PENANAURgCq09QPS 維尼
Why are talking to me?8964 copyright protection791PENANA39ZON8uO9w 維尼
Gorta- “Because it is time to get up.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAGA5TefMEdh 維尼
What do you mean, I just went to sleep. 8964 copyright protection791PENANARnWrNFDbsM 維尼
Gorta- “You did and now it’s time to wake up.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAZRgcRU03Eq 維尼
….8964 copyright protection791PENANAf4j1uzS9Wn 維尼
I open my eyes to be greeted by the sunrise. I would note the beauty of the event if it was not for the fact that I’m still sleepy.8964 copyright protection791PENANAMENT9OnwCC 維尼
I force myself to get up and get ready for the day. I don’t want to slow down anyone anymore. 8964 copyright protection791PENANAuhNDr2riS1 維尼
*Yawn*8964 copyright protection791PENANAckxbVmT2sa 維尼
I look around and notice Kate is gone. Yet Albeis is still here just staring again.8964 copyright protection791PENANATBqEWQymOQ 維尼
Hashi- “Albeis?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAJNqnG7u14K 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAYfMdkcUDf0 維尼
I’ll take that as “Yes?”.8964 copyright protection791PENANAu8lFOH96WP 維尼
Hashi- “Where is Kate.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAgyffF8Aqu0 維尼
Albeis- “Bath.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAj8ctot4IMU 維尼
Hashi- “I see.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAziCav5xcpp 維尼
I guess she’ll be alright, I don’t want to be in that particular situation like before.8964 copyright protection791PENANAndVhcGOZ7c 維尼
Hashi- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANA8uRPhmnJqc 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAvB3nuNLgNY 維尼
Hashi- “Why do you stare at the sky?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAkV9ojrczIp 維尼
Albeis- “Why do you think?”8964 copyright protection791PENANALyMb8sKyIS 維尼
Hashi- “Oh….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAfh8TcysVru 維尼
Hashi- “Sorry.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA4cDtMQzzkp 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAGFXQU7S3nE 維尼
God, he’s hard to talk to. I guess I’ll just go somewhere to practice some more.8964 copyright protection791PENANAM2vQeR1i3M 維尼
Albeis- “Why do you choose to protect?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAgDcSjKJh0h 維尼
Hashi- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANA0gu7o5IkJk 維尼
Hashi- “Excuse me?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAGiXc4tGTVT 維尼
Albeis- “I could sense your change of mana from last night.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAgg8OAq6xL4 維尼
Hashi- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAxVcQrCwhxv 維尼
Albeis- “Why do you try to protect that which is destined to fade.”8964 copyright protection791PENANARJtfMoTDXC 維尼
Hashi- “Why are asking me this?”8964 copyright protection791PENANA0rIrOs75SM 維尼
Albeis- “Curiosity”8964 copyright protection791PENANAQ3jV6UjweV 維尼
Albeis finally stops starring into the sky and turns his gaze to me. His eyes pierce my being like a spear but for some reason I’m not that affected by it. 8964 copyright protection791PENANAw5w06PtGZO 維尼
Albeis- “Why would a human try to protect Mythics.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANAlCa7kyTP6J 維尼
Hashi- “!!!”8964 copyright protection791PENANA77n06PdwAg 維尼
Hashi- “What the-”8964 copyright protection791PENANAQaEesu9gXX 維尼
Albeis- “You can’t fool a Dragon.”8964 copyright protection791PENANANFQgnZSxQX 維尼
Hashi- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAjE85IalYSK 維尼
Hashi- “Why did you keep quiet.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAJsewbSmRxL 維尼
Albeis- “Why speak, It does not affect me.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAUN25FBfvES 維尼
Hashi- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAXJ7ZKwkIaV 維尼
Hashi- “So this question is just to satisfy your curiosity?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAdyZcUrSbb8 維尼
Albeis- *Nod* 8964 copyright protection791PENANAgLc5DdfURO 維尼
Hashi- *Sigh*8964 copyright protection791PENANAM45i07zBiJ 維尼
Hashi- “I just want to save the ones I meet on this island. I won’t let my friends fade.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAOJsmYHuOLD 維尼
Albeis- “So doom the rest to fade?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAIh8bStjrO4 維尼
Hashi- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAm1CHLdC0fq 維尼
Albeis- “I see.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA0G8Zx07SuP 維尼
With his curiosity satisfied he goes back to staring at the sky like our conversation didn't just happen.8964 copyright protection791PENANAR65QVYsBTZ 維尼
Whatever, I’ll just train some more. But before I could Kate came back. I immediately settled my mana, I don’t want Kate to know what I’m doing.8964 copyright protection791PENANA5B1rizNqwq 維尼
Kate- “Hey Hashi, Albeis.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAnNd0UvzMQZ 維尼
Hashi- “Hey Kate.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAOfRKyQWvLr 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANA3V64xeVGtZ 維尼
Kate- “Let’s keep going, lead the way Albeis.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAAEpCFcFAnq 維尼
We marched forward once again.8964 copyright protection791PENANAmsBccZBgei 維尼
Kate- “I’m sorry for what I said yesterday.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAVmxrfHBwh7 維尼
Hashi- “What’s there to apologize for? You don’t want to teach me magic, that’s fine.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA9EAktSxdUR 維尼
Kate- “It just seems you were very upset about it, I don’t want you to hate me.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAvkpxI4Zmec 維尼
Hashi- “I don’t hate you Kate, I’ll protect you with or without magic.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAInx1pyIKdw 維尼
Kate- *Blush*8964 copyright protection791PENANAOo7QRWk9cc 維尼
Kate- “Thank you Hashi.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAQhAJIkLB0P 維尼
Hashi- “You’re welcome.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAbgkPCHxNRl 維尼
Kate took my hand and interlocked hers around mine.8964 copyright protection791PENANAbsAHKYG8wf 維尼
Kate- “I hope Arrea is okay.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA7SReWtx1dr 維尼
Hashi- “I’m sure she is, I doubt she would die without seeing you again.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAZEwpkBs52f 維尼
Kate- *Giggle*8964 copyright protection791PENANAvyiydUIEd5 維尼
Kate- “You’re right.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAI6160ngCN4 維尼
Kate- “I wish we could do this forever.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANA6YRIwvBD20 維尼
Hashi- “What, walking?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAFwY8swEL5t 維尼
Kate- *Laughing cutely*8964 copyright protection791PENANADAFGPrhIHb 維尼
Kate- “No silly, just being together. You, me and Arrea.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANAr7vSzHcOJ4 維尼
Hashi- “That would be nice.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAoScZp0xsUa 維尼
Hashi- “I promise to make it come true somehow.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANAu1UaHgZx8V 維尼
Kate- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAXZP0kpW90x 維尼
Kate- “Thanks Hashi….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAr9Ff87bSOJ 維尼
Hashi- “?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAqI96TeBf68 維尼
Hashi- “What’s wrong Kate?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAvro2VFuSHB 維尼
Kate- “It’s nothing. I’m fine see.” *Smiling brightly*8964 copyright protection791PENANAiVNrxkWORA 維尼
Hashi- “Right.” *Smiles back*8964 copyright protection791PENANAvDsEHJjUxu 維尼
After that we walked on without much happening until we came across a strange ruin.8964 copyright protection791PENANAOQSaxM8KfY 維尼
Kate- “A ruin, here?8964 copyright protection791PENANAwQHQu2FGXa 維尼
Hashi- “Maybe it used to be a temple to the god of the island?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAtWkLPnbz9G 維尼
Kate- “No, these markings are not of any God I know of and I know most if not all of them.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANADLQhNAVSDM 維尼
I step closer to the carving and notice symbols that I could not make out but it gave me a headache alongside making my eyes water. 8964 copyright protection791PENANA0hsn8a2X0H 維尼
I stepped back and wiped my eyes.8964 copyright protection791PENANAQvwnE8kKNV 維尼
Kate- “Are you alright Hashi?”8964 copyright protection791PENANA78txNDc2Sf 維尼
Hashi- “Yeah, just something is weird and maybe wrong about this place.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAYN4jLMLL0j 維尼
Hashi- “What about you Albeis, do you know anything about this.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAkoCLe2YgV3 維尼
Albeis- “No.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA9ddc7YhApS 維尼
Even Albeis is freaked out, his staring at the marking with a look of bewilderment. 8964 copyright protection791PENANAguML4qx9AD 維尼
Hashi- “Let’s get out of here.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAxFcf22qDIY 維尼
Kate- “Yeah.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA35odldgHO5 維尼
???- “Where do you think you’re going demon?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAG2n0KiJY0i 維尼
Hashi- “!!!”8964 copyright protection791PENANApOlvXsi4wz 維尼
Kate- “Demon?”8964 copyright protection791PENANApHUsX6f9vi 維尼
I look around for where that voice came from and soon I looked up and saw a women flying with white wings flowing in the wind.8964 copyright protection791PENANAr49FYCRVPT 維尼
Gorta- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAy9ljLSfFBO 維尼
Hashi- “Who are you!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAvAm4psbHQT 維尼
???- “Which one you two harbors a demon!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAZdLRyYjG3U 維尼
Kate- “Demon, there is no demon here!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAd2xxTHQHeg 維尼
The women floats down to our level and now that the sun is not blocking my vision I can see what she looks like. She has reddish hair tied in a ponytail and cloths like the Greeks, revealing. Her cleavage was showing in the front and side along with her thighs. Besides all of that she wields a four pronged spear.8964 copyright protection791PENANAofAq6XRD3G 維尼
Bruna- “My name is Bruna and yesterday me and my sisters received a mana signal that matches a Demon’s. My sisters went after the other group so we can find the demon and kill it.”8964 copyright protection791PENANASx3ImOlDCE 維尼
Kate- “Arrea….”8964 copyright protection791PENANA45X6ICRqIs 維尼
Hashi- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAt54O5dHTBS 維尼
Bruna- “I’ll ask again, which one of you harbors the demon. If you do not comply I will be forced to kill you two to make sure it dies.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAsSuWX4UMLL 維尼
I get in front of Kate determined to protect her and to my surprise Albeis gets in front too. I guess his going to do what Moryuu said after all.8964 copyright protection791PENANA9hhpe1fbgK 維尼
Bruna- “What are doing Dragon?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAmhaH37LIwd 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAei5c0tAQM5 維尼
Bruna- “I see, like the rest of your kind, you’ve been made earthbound and trained like a dog. If you have any pride or honor left as a Dragon, leave those two to me.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAJkCLxL3cZO 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAWvyZ1PEu4b 維尼
Albeis- “I-”8964 copyright protection791PENANAv2LN5Og8zX 維尼
Hashi- “Hey!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAyrlMpY9eqI 維尼
Bruna- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAhJO3ZTXs7u 維尼
Hashi- “I won’t let you kill any of us.”8964 copyright protection791PENANANWe7hah8pQ 維尼
Bruna- “So you wish you fight me?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAxCfUuk8jkX 維尼
Hashi- “I don’t have a choice.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANAX4lR8QcUH3 維尼
Kate- “Hashi no!”8964 copyright protection791PENANA4KffZf41fj 維尼
Bruna- “It doesn't just have to be him, you fight too witch. It’s a shame your accursed kind is still alive. I’m pretty sure you're the demon, it was always the females of your race that were weak to possession.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAMrRjAUfS4K 維尼
Kate- “But I-”8964 copyright protection791PENANATnGOJyZ6hv 維尼
Hashi- “Shut up! Are going to fight or run your mouth.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANA8cxcOQ60vJ 維尼
Kate- “But Hashi you can’t-”8964 copyright protection791PENANAYfpqjs7IZK 維尼
Hashi- “Trust me.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA6lp3ue1lop 維尼
I glare at the women as she and I get into battle positions.8964 copyright protection791PENANABbCJafA8Qm 維尼
Gorta- “Hashi let me fight this bitch.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA2kCK9UlLcR 維尼
No I have to do it, I’ll survive without you.8964 copyright protection791PENANAx4DNECDiZw 維尼
Gorta- “Enough of your bravado, you know what she is right?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAAkrOv8dYkC 維尼
An Angel….8964 copyright protection791PENANAMCyUwLljqI 維尼
Gorta- “Then-”8964 copyright protection791PENANANiZneiUMmy 維尼
I have to try.8964 copyright protection791PENANAIZ1qLNC6us 維尼
Gorta- “No, I won’t let you kill yourself!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAdvz6LWg8AE 維尼
….8964 copyright protection791PENANAizRpDZYrWQ 維尼
….8964 copyright protection791PENANAhEJHN1hOnK 維尼
It’s no use, I won’t let you take over me again.8964 copyright protection791PENANA7uDhYnlZS5 維尼
Gorta- “Hashi….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAJqNWVkgTVq 維尼
I focused my mana in order to make anything that I might need in the fight.8964 copyright protection791PENANADUJATXeBoB 維尼
Bruna- “Ready?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAuopgX9zIr8 維尼
Hashi- “Are you?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAZyePVRY7c6 維尼
Bruna- “You’re a funny mage-”8964 copyright protection791PENANAHDEFS5LRsE 維尼
Bruna- “And a dead one.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAIhrf6cPWND 維尼
In that instant she used her spear to shoot out an energy slash that was almost faster than I could dodge, maybe having Gorta inside me gave me increased stats because I wouldn't have been able to dodge that before now.8964 copyright protection791PENANAifKe8Nto6v 維尼
I was going to run up to Bruna but I suddenly remembered Kate, I looked back towards and thankfully she hid behind Albeis.8964 copyright protection791PENANAhca47Dqi76 維尼
Bruna- “Where are you looking?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAhEw0OL8var 維尼
Oh shoot!8964 copyright protection791PENANA6VUUftAuIj 維尼
I dodged just in time but her spear cut my shirt spilling some blood. 8964 copyright protection791PENANAOqvzA6qDKb 維尼
Kate- “Hashi!”8964 copyright protection791PENANARHCQE6nUug 維尼
Bruna- “If you’re worried then come save him.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAuTQtBIzC7w 維尼
Kate- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAr30UgGDeKY 維尼
Hashi- “I’m fine.”8964 copyright protection791PENANABxhA4VT5hy 維尼
Okay it’s time to do what I learned.8964 copyright protection791PENANA1AMJLrEpKz 維尼
2 Hydrogen atoms...8964 copyright protection791PENANAEsCp5Qs54v 維尼
Oxygen…8964 copyright protection791PENANAdyaWkhGu1o 維尼
combine and make water…8964 copyright protection791PENANAQxHyQKhhhn 維尼
At that moment I created a massive amount of water over where Bruna was which dropped like a monsoon once it was all created.8964 copyright protection791PENANAvc7MKMR2OV 維尼
Bruna- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAvnqG9U03zV 維尼
Kate- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANASM5rJlhtaL 維尼
Damn. 8964 copyright protection791PENANAnikbidbAFo 維尼
She dodged it!8964 copyright protection791PENANAZuithB6CNh 維尼
Bruna- “Creation school huh.”8964 copyright protection791PENANApKP7jDpyDo 維尼
Bruna- “A powerful school however you can’t control what you create. If you were a manipulator then I might have been in danger.” 8964 copyright protection791PENANA1KBItxMuQ9 維尼
I figured that out soon after I started training, funny how this school is rare. But-8964 copyright protection791PENANA5peSaOChuQ 維尼
Hashi- “It still has uses.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAh98Y9yPF3v 維尼
I focused the water that I create and shot out from my hand into a fine point.8964 copyright protection791PENANA9RmVjE9oIf 維尼
Bruna- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANA5pnaEewvEU 維尼
The water I created became a beam that could cut through anything. 8964 copyright protection791PENANA7jQ9U9Id10 維尼
Bruna ran from the beam but I knew she would, I did the same with my other hand.8964 copyright protection791PENANATP0jDptM6f 維尼
Bruna- “Oh-”8964 copyright protection791PENANAY1gsNZkXBK 維尼
Direct Hit!8964 copyright protection791PENANAJsfSQzrXyX 維尼
As Bruna stopped running I poured all I got onto her.8964 copyright protection791PENANAGd32UA2IBg 維尼
Kate- “Hashi....”8964 copyright protection791PENANAwpbpnrBW7e 維尼
Bruna- “Is that all?”8964 copyright protection791PENANA4ADBYTIBmF 維尼
Hashi- “!?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAfrGCv8gbld 維尼
I could see it, she was walking through my high pressure water using her wings!8964 copyright protection791PENANACGANBn43X3 維尼
Bruna- “This might have worked on lesser Mythics but not me.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAYmMUXsTfgR 維尼
Bruna- “This charade is over.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA6fea3czabt 維尼
I’m running out of mana….8964 copyright protection791PENANAB6PNyYaL6Y 維尼
Bruna- “Begone!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAFwDsh7fzR7 維尼
Hashi- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANANl7p9a5ntG 維尼
Kate- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAezXPSocVSn 維尼
Bruna- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAsZ9baoI9qF 維尼
Kate- “Hashi!!!!!!!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAk4jVVexRUJ 維尼
Hashi- “*Coughing up blood*”8964 copyright protection791PENANA5XxVcNVuHc 維尼
She pushed through the water and impaled me on her spear. Is this it….8964 copyright protection791PENANAuGxU38fWp4 維尼
Bruna- “It must be the girl, the demon would have awaken by now.”8964 copyright protection791PENANABap16kfGmy 維尼
*Pulling out the spear*8964 copyright protection791PENANANWlLrtBHkl 維尼
Hashi- “Gah….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAJpLaeroK8m 維尼
I fall to the floor while Bruna walks over to Kate.8964 copyright protection791PENANAWx6eCxwGMm 維尼
Bruna- *Stares at Albeis*8964 copyright protection791PENANAwl9sMHBmnz 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAo9uIwxH5F9 維尼
Bruna- “So Dragon, do you still have any honor or are you the human’s pet? Your kind used to be our trusted companions, do you forsake your sacred obligations?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAQxgU4HoPvd 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANAsCGMFEUhLR 維尼
Kate- “Albeis?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAKLk8oEHoUW 維尼
Albeis moved out of the way, I can’t believe it….8964 copyright protection791PENANAbLvyKtvolP 維尼
Kate- “Albeis? Albeis!? N-No, no,no, please.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAUFPhKBrBTJ 維尼
Bruna- “You are a coward witch, you let your fellow mage die while hiding behind a dragon. At least die with some dignity.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAuWg5QCDI8L 維尼
Kate- “But I-”8964 copyright protection791PENANAmcTSXvO80V 維尼
No….8964 copyright protection791PENANA5Lh5eZE9Jx 維尼
No…..8964 copyright protection791PENANAX1PySAJ9ZA 維尼
NO!!8964 copyright protection791PENANA6pafG61DKI 維尼
I can’t let this happen.8964 copyright protection791PENANAFUWcYWlKLf 維尼
Gorta- “Hashi, are angry?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAqPF0SLlZz9 維尼
YES!8964 copyright protection791PENANAY56lazwxL4 維尼
Yet again I failed even when learning magic.8964 copyright protection791PENANAzMpXnmWVz5 維尼
Gorta- “Do you hate her?”8964 copyright protection791PENANA9w4gUbqTtR 維尼
YES!8964 copyright protection791PENANArvkfQCEe7M 維尼
Shes going to kill one of my precious friends.8964 copyright protection791PENANA8U5LVhRNwE 維尼
Gorta- “Do you want her dead.”8964 copyright protection791PENANArF0JzFldB7 維尼
YES!8964 copyright protection791PENANA8jg0d05jGI 維尼
I won’t let her kill Kate! 8964 copyright protection791PENANAGVAJ9tTKMb 維尼
Gorta- “Then you know what to do.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAko9U4sj5MU 維尼
Yes….8964 copyright protection791PENANANOFyPuFnal 維尼
We know what to do.8964 copyright protection791PENANAkvbEvN552S 維尼
Bruna- “Die Demon.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA6aPddEokhc 維尼
Kate- “!”8964 copyright protection791PENANA8nwoa7TO8B 維尼
*Rumble*8964 copyright protection791PENANATpN35pAKMC 維尼
Bruna and Kate- “!!?”8964 copyright protection791PENANAW60YnxcSDL 維尼
We arise from the bloodied ground with deep darkness enveloping me and my wound. 8964 copyright protection791PENANA0E3wzvFbD9 維尼
Gorta- “Hey!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAyQHI1NefYl 維尼
Bruna- “….”8964 copyright protection791PENANArbNjBaeI7q 維尼
Our hair becomes black as death and our eyes red as blood.8964 copyright protection791PENANAuQQJezMOys 維尼
Gorta- “You self entitled bitch!”8964 copyright protection791PENANAwTvcZ8tBMT 維尼
Gorta- “Your Demon is right here.”8964 copyright protection791PENANAlMKwsgBcal 維尼
Our rage at the angel peaks as the darkness erupts to cover the area. Bruna must die!8964 copyright protection791PENANAVEGkM5oXSk 維尼
Kate- “H-Hashi?”8964 copyright protection791PENANABGa3Hxldrh 維尼
Bruna- “*Grinning*”8964 copyright protection791PENANAe9nIrIZblS 維尼
Bruna- “Good, come you scum.8964 copyright protection791PENANALO4om41K7X 維尼
Gorta and Hashi- “With Pleasure.”8964 copyright protection791PENANA7L077sRXVt 維尼