Moryuu- “You got here quick” *Dusts himself off*
Gorta- “Hard to miss what’s going on.”
Moryuu- “Then by all means, get out of my way so I can end this.”
Gorta- “Hold it, your fight is with us.”
Moryuu- “Are you out of your mind, that thing could wipe out all life on the planet! It’s too dangerous to be left alive.”
Gorta- “….”
Hashi- “Have you forgotten, the God is just a child. I don’t know everything that’s going on but I trust my friends to deal with it without killing a kid.”
Moryuu- “So you risk the world on a chance?”
Hashi- “….”
Moryuu- “….”
Moryuu- “Then I have no more to say, I’ll run through you and kill it before any more damage occurs.”
Gorta- “Sure….”
Gorta puts up a field of darkness that covers a wide area, cutting off the rest of the world and us.
The void is silent, Gorta and Moryuu stare at each other fiercely. I can see and feel it all but only as a passenger in my own body, but that is fine for now.
It’s all up to you Gorta.
In an instant the two blasted towards each other, Gorta with his claws of darkness and Moryuu with his thunder tonfas.
Moryuu was slightly faster but not fast enough, he gazed our cheek and we countered with a punch to the gut.
Moryuu- “….”
Moryuu- “Is that all?”
Gorta- “W-What is this?”
At that moment I felt a sudden surge of electricity to my head and a liquid pouring down my hand burning it.
Gorta- “AHHHH!” *Collapsing to his knees while grasping his right hand*
Holy Water?
Then I felt a leg fly across our face at a speed so great that the pain took a second to register.
We were sent flying by the force of the attack.
What is happening, we trained didn’t we?
Gorta- “*Cough* *Cough*”
Moryuu- “You’re horribly outmatched here.”
Gorta- “For now.”
Moryuu dashed towards us and then we exchanged blows. Dozens of blows were thrown but not one connected to Moryuu but for us.
Gorta- “Gahhh.”
Moryuu- “Told you, you are no match for me.”
Gorta- “I have to admit that I’m outmatched at the moment. My legs feel like noodles because of those electricity shocks.”
Gorta- “Good thing I’m not the one talking the hits.”
Moryuu- “What?”
Moryuu- “!” *Hold hand to head*
Moryuu- “What the hell is this.”
Gorta- “I’ve been slowly wearing you mind down.”
Moryuu- “I see….”
Gorta- “I don’t know why you have such strong protection up there, but inside this void dome I can slowly break those defenses.”
Yes the first step in defeating Moryuu, getting mind magic to work on him. Gorta can’t read his mind yet but he can at the very least-
Moryuu- “!”
*Multiple clones of Gorta appear.*
All Gortas- “Now, which one is the real one?”
Moryuu- “You think this will stop me, too much rides on this battle.”
All the Gortas charge Moryuu but he keeps up.
Moryuu- “Yah!” *Strikes the ground and releases a torrent of electricity all around.*
Moryuu- “This will not stop me.”
Gorta- “!”
Moryuu suddenly speeds up and goes through the multitude of clones, we have to continually summon more.
Moryuu slashes them all to pieces with his tonfas but that’s not all, he starting to use throwing knives, bombs and other items that seem out of character for him.
Gorta- “*Catches one of the knives*”
Gorta- “Interesting. *Stares hard at Moryuu.*”
[Perspective Shift: Moryuu]
What a mess, still this should not be a problem. If I just cut through enough of them, I’m eventually going to tear apart the true Gorta.
Then I’ll kill everyone else on the island, then this nightmare will be over.
You’ll be able to rest father, mother.
I too will be able to-
Moryuu- “!!”
H-he caught my tonfa?
Gorta- “Oh, even Moryuu has a family he cares about how interesting.”
Moryuu- “No...”
Gorta- “Yes, hunter I can see your mind even clearer now.”
[Perspective Shift: Hashi]
Gorta slammed his fist into Moryuu’s face sending him flying.
Gorta- “You may be fast, but it won’t matter if I can tell what you’re going to do before you do it.”
Moryuu- “Tch….”
It’s time to push in.
Gorta- “I don’t need these anymore.”
*Clones disappear*
Gorta races to Moryuu and the two clash again but this time it’s different.
I can feel the sharp gusts of wind past by our arms and head when we dodge, even now it’s difficult to keep up with his speed.
I can feel the fists sink into Moryuu’s body one after the other eventually spilling blood, yet Moryuu does not fall.
Gorta- “What’s wrong Moryuu, weren’t you going to beat us?”
Moryuu- “….”
Gorta- “I expect more from someone like you. To think our supervisor, was a hunter of mythics before this whole tragedy began.”
Gorta- “How did it feel to slaughter women and children?”
Gorta- “What gave your family the right to slaughter thousands of us, did you even try to learn about us outside helpful hunting tips?”
*Punch* *Punch*
Gorta- “Let’s see what else I can dig out of you mind.”
Gorta I think that enough.
No! I need to know more.
Gorta- “I see you little Moryuu, raised to be killer by your family.”
Moryuu- “!”
Gorta- “Ah, a little hesitation in killing at first I see. Wish you shown that to those villagers!”
Gorta- “Oh what’s this, more teaching from your father and mother about the important part they play in the world as hunters?”
Gorta- “And here we are to the finale, your family slaughtered by vengeful mythics I assume, shame you and your….sister are the only survivors.”
Moryuu- “!!!!!”
In that moment we knew….
Moryuu- “So you want to know about me do you?”
We messed up.
Moryuu- “Ever wonder why I have the power of lightning even though I’m just a human hunter?”
Gorta- “!!”
We felt an enormous pressure as the void dome began to collapse and Moryuu’s eyes lit up a beautifully terrifying light blue.
Moryuu- “Allow me to show you.”
The Dome exploded and vanished into the ether with the thunderclap as the world comes back into view but it’s different now.
The sky is black and crying tears of fear with crackling lightning everywhere.
The world trembles at the power we have unleashed.
Gorta- “I know this feeling, this feels like-”
Moryuu- “Behold, the Lord of Thunder stands before you.”
A God.
Gorta- “Zeus….”