I waked up with sores all over my body and some irritating bite marks. I look around to see everyone else up and ready to go. Kate was waiting for me just like last time. I brushed the dirt from cloths and ran towards Kate hoping to catch up.
Kate: “Good morning Hashi, why didn't you sleep near the fire?”
Hashi: “I didn't think that was an opinion.” (Glancing at the ever vigilante Arrea)
Arrea: “It wasn't.”
Kate: “Arrea you need to get along with Hashi.”
Arrea: “...”
Hashi: “It’s fine. Besides I’m wondering where we’re going?”
Arrea: “We are heading to the volcano but I forgot to ask that Dullahan something, thanks to a certain person.”
Hashi: “Right...”
Arrea picks up her pace to catch up to Albeis and Dullahan. Kate and I follow.
Arrea: “Dullahan! What happened to that search for the supervisor.”
Dullahan: “I did not find him.”
Arrea: “Don’t you think that something to mention.”
Dullahan: “It does not matter. We’ll encounter him eventually.”
Arrea: “If we don’t have a supervisor, then we could-”
Dullahan: “What, escape?”
We stop, Dullahan turns around and faces Arrea.
Arrea: “I’ve never heard of a supervisor not being there when we hit the island.”
Dullahan: “It’s probably because we were shot out of the ship.”
Arrea: “It doesn’t matter, no supervisor means no chain around our necks! I say we leave the island.”
Dullahan: “Those are dangerous words Arrea.”
Arrea: “I don’t care, as long as I can protect Kate then it’s fine.”
Dullahan: “If that’s what you think then you should keep on course. Your chances for survival are better fighting the god, then being hunted.”
Arrea: “How so? We going to be killed once all the gods are dead anyway, when those humans have no more use for us!”
What! That's what’s going to happen to everyone after this. I feel a hand grasping mine, looking down I see Kate holding on to me with a depressing look.
Dullahan: “It’s a peaceful death.”
Arrea: “I refuse to die.”
Dullahan: “….”
Arrea: “….”
They just stood there for a moment before Dullahan drew his sword. Kirin also seemed to be in battle mode. Kate’s grip tighten.
Dullahan: “Do you still want to leave?”
Arrea: “!”
Arrea backed up slightly when faced with that great sword but she held her ground.
Arrea: “Are you that much of a slave to them that you would kill me?”
Dullahan: “….”
I was about to step in to stop this madness but then Arrea lost her tension.
Arrea: “Fine, fighting you would endanger Kate anyway and I won’t let that happen.”
Dullahan: (Sheaths sword)
Dullahan: “Good. Lets continue.”
Just like that everything went back to normal or as normal as it could be. Kate ran up to Arrea.
Kate: “I’m fine as long as I’m with you Arrea.”
Arrea: “Me too Kate” (Warmly smiles)
Well I’m left in the back alone again but I’m fine with it.
After some time we made it to what seemed like a shack in the middle of the woods. It was almost night but we decided to check it out.
Dullahan:“Stay here Kirin, you too Albeis.”
Albeis: (Nod)
Dullahan opens the door which creaks loudly and what greeted us was a man shivering in the corner with no shirt and torn pants.
Arrea: (Grinding teeth) “Not another human.”
Arrea tries to kill him but Dullahan stops.
Arrea: “Grr, what is it this time?! Don’t tell me it’s another mage.”
Kate: (Smiling Gasp)
Dullahan: “No.”
Kate: (Frown)
Dullahan: “We don’t know what he is, learn some patience Arrea.”
Arrea: “What-”
Dullahan approachs the man while Kate and I giggle a bit.
Dullahan: “Are you the supervisor?”
Man: “ G…a...a….f...m...f”
Dullahan: “What?”
Man: “G...”
Dullahan: “?”
We instantly stopped our giggling once we heard that blood freezing scream that seemed to rock the whole shack, even Dullahan took a step back.
Man: “Stay away from me, you monsters!”
Arrea: “You son of a-”
Arrea was furious and was about to kill him but Dullahan stopped her again.
Arrea: “Why!? This scum is obviously human.”
Man: “That’s right I am human! Yet, I’m still hunted by my own and now I’m stuck on this monster infested island because of you!”
Arrea: (Grinding teeth even more)
The man got up like he was possessed and rushed Arrea grabbing a hold of her.
Arrea: “FUCK YOU!”
Arrea threw a punch that sent the man going through the shack.
Arrea wiped her cloths off of dust.
Arrea- “He dares call us monsters? I’ll show him monster once I rip him apart from the inside out!”
Dullahan- “It’s not over.”
Arrea- “What do you-”
The man, unharmed, got out from under the rubble.
Arrea- “Impossible.”
Man- “GIVE. ME. YOUR. LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!”
The man screams under the moonlit sky. Moonlit sky? Oh no…
The man begins to transform in front of us. I instinctively put my hands over Kate’s eyes to protect her from the sight of his skin being peeled back to reveal a creature of myth.
Werewolf- “ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!”
A Werewolf!
Dullahan pulls out his sword and Kirin comes to his side ready to battle.
Arrea- “A-a Werewolf?”
Dullahan- “Arrea!”
Arrea- “R-right!”
Arrea got ready for battle too.
Arrea- “Hashi! Don’t let Kate get hurt or it’s your life he’ll get.”
Hashi- “Right!”
Kate- “Arrea, be careful!”
Arrea- “This won’t be any different from the other times.”
I pull back with Kate while the 4 began to fight.
Arrea shots out a web from her behind but before it could reach the werewolf he disappeared.
Arrea- “Where-”
I felt my hair stand on end, I looked behind me to see the werewolf ready to end my short life.
Kate- “Arrea!!”
Before the blow came Kirin charged and pushed the werewolf outside but the werewolf caught the Kirin’s horn and threw him into the air.
Dullahan- “Kirin! Arrea get him!”
Arrea used webs to catch Kirin but it seems he’s now stuck in the trees.
Dullahan rushed in and brought his sword down but the werewolf dodged.
I took Kate and ran to Albeis.
Hashi- “Albeis, we need your help!”
Albeis- “I can not.”
Hashi- “What?! Why?”
Albeis- “I am to reserve my strength for the god of the island.”
Hashi- “You mean you can’t help us before then?”
Albeis- “Yes.”
Hashi- “But Arrea and Dullahan might dead.”
Albeis- “We all die eventually.”
Hashi- “!”
Kate- “Hashi?” (Looking worried)
I grasp Kate's hand hard to let her know that I’ll protect her. I return my gaze to the fight and it seems Arrea and Dullahan are losing ground.
Hashi- “Stop! You’re all mythics, this is not right.”
Arrea- “Shut up Hashi, this is not the time.”
There has to be a way for them not to kill each other.
But there is none.
I don’t want my heroes to die or fight each other.
But they will.
I-I don’t know what to do.
Hashi- “No.”
Kate- “Hashi?”
Hashi- “Don’t Kill each other!”
Werewolf- “!”
Arrea- “Kate!!”
The werewolf disappeared again and it’s at the same place, behind me and Kate.
I shielded Kate with my body but the pain never came. I slowly turned around to see Arrea impaled.
Kate- “ARREAAA!”
Arrea- “Kate...”
The werewolf ripped out his claw from Arrea’s gut. Arrea fell as the werewolf was about to finish her.
Kate tried to escape my grasp but I stopped her from dying too.
Just like that it was over. Our eyes shocked and relived in a way, Dullahan came from behind and stabbed the Werewolf with his great sword causing him to fall to his knees, lifeless.
I let go of Kate who ran up to Arrea who was barely hanging on.
I could not hear what they were saying because I was too shaken by the sight blood and death. Is this what I have to look forward to, once great mythical beings killed in front on me. People I care for crying and possible friends dying.
I guess it was no more than a child’s fairy-tail.
Dullahan ran to free Kirin and after that was done he ran back to Arrea with Kirin. Kirin put his horn near Arrea’s wound and it began to glow causing the wound to slowly heal. My hearing returned.
Dullahan- “Let her rest Kate.”
Kate- “Thank you Dullahan.” (Trying not to cry)
Dullahan- (Looking up to Albeis) “So it’s true, you won’t fight until we get to the god of the island.”
Albeis- “Yes.”
Dullahan- “I don’t know how you can just let your own kind almost die in front of you like that.”
Albeis- “You seem to have no problem with the werewolf.”
Dullahan- “….”
Dullahan- “Lets go find a place to rest.”
I helped carry Arrea to Kirin so he could take her with more ease. Everyone went back to the river but Dullahan, after I made sure Arrea and Kate were safe I went back to Dullahan.
I came across Dullahan kneeling before a grave. I guess he buried the werewolf but why. I wanted to continue looking but I didn’t want to intrude so I went back to the camp.
After awhile Dullahan came and went back to his usual spot with Kirin.
We did not talk much that night. Kate kept her eyes on Arrea while everyone else just sleep normally. I just couldn’t sleep after what happened, I went further from the fire and back to the cold ground I slept on before.
Hashi: “This is where I deserve to sleep.”
If only I could have stopped them, maybe things would have been different. I shut my eyes and hope for a better morning.