No Plagiarism!AffrPgYPjNoaZzUn9XiUposted on PENANA [Perspective Shift: Dullahan]648Please respect copyright.PENANAE00Dv3pk7n
8964 copyright protection644PENANAHH76weIUSG 維尼
Damn it, Gremmy is this your choice?8964 copyright protection644PENANAXYM6TkOYPE 維尼
*Squeeze* 8964 copyright protection644PENANAVTl7SRmduT 維尼
Was I wrong in wanting to save you? 8964 copyright protection644PENANAIuJyE2uDgQ 維尼
*Squeeze* 8964 copyright protection644PENANATuOuaoMrIz 維尼
I’m I just destined to be death’s dog?8964 copyright protection644PENANADUVMXlZKbh 維尼
*Squeeze* 8964 copyright protection644PENANAPIVPtIUFlx 維尼
To cause death and to see it.8964 copyright protection644PENANAIPxTGYnaTh 維尼
Maybe it would fine to just give into the urge to-8964 copyright protection644PENANA29fwhsrXeH 維尼
*Heat*8964 copyright protection644PENANAiXTnv9eW5I 維尼
What is that?8964 copyright protection644PENANATXrcHcqaQD 維尼
The tendrils retreat from me and I start to free-fall. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAq8SsCsVKFq 維尼
Maybe it’s better this way.8964 copyright protection644PENANAVVNLWpxQ3v 維尼
*Thud*8964 copyright protection644PENANAGsPHj4b1xh 維尼
?8964 copyright protection644PENANAXTAoWAd1n0 維尼
Albeis- “Wake up Dullahan.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAkP3V82V79r 維尼
Dullahan- “Albeis?”8964 copyright protection644PENANAXCatcj2k7C 維尼
I guess he caught me.8964 copyright protection644PENANAv8SVjnjhTY 維尼
Albeis- “We have a God to defeat.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAADYk9BL54q 維尼
Dullahan- “But….”8964 copyright protection644PENANA4l2b0aB1yR 維尼
Albeis- “It does not seem fully formed.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAsIB6SryMGM 維尼
I look towards the massive almost humanoid abomination with tentacles, eyes and mouths everywhere.8964 copyright protection644PENANAfocLIWaS6k 維尼
It does seem to be just flailing around, no real direction yet.8964 copyright protection644PENANA8nGpvcXC3a 維尼
Dullahan- “I’m pretty sure Gremmy is the host for that thing.”8964 copyright protection644PENANA6nNeOPEik8 維尼
Albeis- “And?”8964 copyright protection644PENANAoPF5zncrlW 維尼
Dullahan- “We should….try to save him.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAxd6rzQMqKo 維尼
Albeis- “Why?”8964 copyright protection644PENANAYhDPHfcyuX 維尼
Dullahan- “….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAwCFdPNlU6d 維尼
Albeis- “….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAzzeC2aecMW 維尼
Albeis- “Don’t let your personal feelings of regret get in the way.”8964 copyright protection644PENANANSStFZLLPq 維尼
Dullahan- “!”8964 copyright protection644PENANA9YkxwFjmkb 維尼
Dullahan- “How?”8964 copyright protection644PENANAbQ6QX5sX12 維尼
Albeis- “I can smell that feeling from you, I know it too well.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAXKLUfIu9Fg 維尼
Dullahan- “….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAKXXExDSGb5 維尼
Albeis- “Don’t regret, it won’t change the fact that he must be killed. If you won’t help then stay out of my way.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAnSzP06d0uP 維尼
Albeis sits me down and then races to battle Gremmy.8964 copyright protection644PENANAIG2iY2uuTK 維尼
I just sat there deep in thought until Kirin came running my way.8964 copyright protection644PENANAs1QXso0U8s 維尼
Dullahan- “Kirin.”8964 copyright protection644PENANA7L135rJEGn 維尼
Kirin- “*Happy Noises*”8964 copyright protection644PENANAQR22jaXCNh 維尼
Dullahan- “I’m glad to see you too. *Stroking his mane*”8964 copyright protection644PENANAqe7LqVhfKY 維尼
I sat on the ground and watched the fight unfold.8964 copyright protection644PENANAZzKLVmW6SS 維尼
I guess I have no choice in the matter. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAtIWv4cN4GY 維尼
Albeis manly uses his flame breath to burn away all the tentacles away while using his claws to tear and rip.8964 copyright protection644PENANARGOoIu1g0y 維尼
It seem surreal, is it really going to end like this. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAB6ue2JbrB6 維尼
Arrea- “Dullahan!”8964 copyright protection644PENANA06AqgEUzxy 維尼
Dullahan- “?”8964 copyright protection644PENANA6KTSjNNsgw 維尼
Arrea came from the woods out of breath while carrying Kate.8964 copyright protection644PENANA45IX5x6wtf 維尼
Dullahan- “What wrong?”8964 copyright protection644PENANArMCASLc0Ft 維尼
Arrea- “I really don’t want to ask you for help after what you did but we’re being chased by one of those things.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAMzTzYoOWAQ 維尼
Dullahan- “*Sigh*”8964 copyright protection644PENANA3ng3w4zHGM 維尼
I get up prepared to do battle against the darkness.8964 copyright protection644PENANAk0x26e8vaR 維尼
Dullahan- “Then get out of here.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAfiwDRwXEqQ 維尼
Arrea- “T-Thanks, I guess I owe you one.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAMNgKDTyvJV 維尼
Arrea runs away with Kate to a safe place away from the battle.8964 copyright protection644PENANAs2GkPcqCIq 維尼
*Screech*8964 copyright protection644PENANAbVdbZ5HDdK 維尼
Dullahan- Kirin go with Arrea, I don’t want you to get affected by the creature.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAahM1scW4xm 維尼
Kirin- “*Shakes head*”8964 copyright protection644PENANA0jBXV3XAPd 維尼
Dullahan- “Being stubborn now are we? I guess we haven’t fought together in awhile.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAnE5gvouO90 維尼
Kirin- “*Nod*”8964 copyright protection644PENANAwaNG6tH5pf 維尼
Dullahan- “Well if you so insist, I’ll trust you to keep it together.8964 copyright protection644PENANAMrTZ9mHnDZ 維尼
*Squelch* 8964 copyright protection644PENANA21ZPjHrjy3 維尼
A Huge monstrosity came from the darkness of the forest and at that moment I jumped and came down hard on it while Kirin rushed it with his horn.8964 copyright protection644PENANAIVk0QtnrkX 維尼
Our attacks caused it to screech a terrible scream that seems to affect Kirin to back off a bit which gave the creature a chance to strike at him.8964 copyright protection644PENANAInhihBt0oq 維尼
I rushed to meet the attack, I cut the tendril off but left myself open.8964 copyright protection644PENANA9R1wxZReK5 維尼
*Screech*8964 copyright protection644PENANAhOCojr2B5z 維尼
Dullahan- “Gah!”8964 copyright protection644PENANAH4JhntBxRZ 維尼
I go rolling across the ground while Kirin retaliates. I get up soon after to continue the assault and after some time we brought it down.8964 copyright protection644PENANAvKTwNl7w4o 維尼
Dullahan- “*Breathing Heavily*”8964 copyright protection644PENANA0igw2mYoih 維尼
Kirin- “*Breathing Heavily*”8964 copyright protection644PENANABjMFGtfh9h 維尼
It’s ov-8964 copyright protection644PENANA5BLOBklRTe 維尼
Kate- “ARREA!”8964 copyright protection644PENANAn7AriHH9Sw 維尼
Dullahan- “What?!”8964 copyright protection644PENANAkgfOr0pRVq 維尼
I turn towards the sound to see a horrific site….8964 copyright protection644PENANAB6To5S9FbH 維尼
Dullahan- “There’s more….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAUQA1cwN0dF 維尼
It’s took so much just to take one down, now there’s at least 5 and their attacking Arrea and Kate. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAcKd2LrKFlU 維尼
Arrea- “Damn it, get away….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAhUEibkb3NS 維尼
Kate- “Get out of our heads….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAEoRtWHjQ5e 維尼
We rush over and begin to fight them but there’s too many and this time, these things have teeth. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAboRFjgoxxD 維尼
*Explosion*8964 copyright protection644PENANAPbkAuZqgf6 維尼
What now?8964 copyright protection644PENANAgSgosRbS7Q 維尼
I look and the worst outcome has transpired, Albeis has been defeated and thrown a good ways from Gremmy.8964 copyright protection644PENANAm7s217VWbk 維尼
Gremmy- “ROAR!!!”8964 copyright protection644PENANAqgqOEHOpJg 維尼
The sound is deafening and distracting. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAGps5wNNJ0x 維尼
The creatures respond and begin lashing out hitting all of us. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAxJtqWxBJR9 維尼
All- “Gaaaah!”8964 copyright protection644PENANA52tHQfILuB 維尼
I can’t move, I’m too damaged.8964 copyright protection644PENANAIrcypkMtYu 維尼
Kirin- “*Wailing in the grip of the creatures.*”8964 copyright protection644PENANArJ7KBaEwlH 維尼
Kirin….8964 copyright protection644PENANAev9FiHFRaV 維尼
Arrea- “KATE! *Struggling to get free from the creature’s grasp*”8964 copyright protection644PENANApoi1h1sQqV 維尼
Kate- “ARREA!” *Struggling to get free from the creature’s grasp*”8964 copyright protection644PENANAPz8Ws4GTKW 維尼
And just like that they're gone. Arrea and Kate were swallowed whole while Kirin….8964 copyright protection644PENANAOK1a6BF03O 維尼
Not again.8964 copyright protection644PENANAuSHLAqQfGa 維尼
Surround by death again. Whether by my own will or by another, I’ll always end up here.8964 copyright protection644PENANAUHGntYJ5CS 維尼
Maybe….I shouldn’t have forsaken my nature.8964 copyright protection644PENANAKXyOX1q2vh 維尼
If I’m going to end up on bloody battlefield-8964 copyright protection644PENANAfecKkcfCAk 維尼
*Pulse*8964 copyright protection644PENANAjaLUp9ztwI 維尼
Then why should I reject death.8964 copyright protection644PENANAtLqXXGALFn 維尼
*Pulse*8964 copyright protection644PENANAWdX40m5RCW 維尼
You’ve won, I won’t reject this anymore.8964 copyright protection644PENANAjy03L2pdPS 維尼
Kirin- “*Pulse*”8964 copyright protection644PENANAJlFSeEQWKE 維尼
I’m an agent of death.8964 copyright protection644PENANArmWzbw6u4l 維尼
*Ground Trembles*8964 copyright protection644PENANASjx4xwzyj9 維尼
I get up as the ground beneath me decays and wastes away.8964 copyright protection644PENANA7qLKDu88zU 維尼
As it should be.8964 copyright protection644PENANAMDA0QezEhd 維尼
The once beheaded Kirin slowly regrows his head as his once beautiful ethereal fur turns black and his eyes flow red with rage from beyond the grave.8964 copyright protection644PENANAepkYYvo3Tf 維尼
As it should be.8964 copyright protection644PENANADKZWuDgC0J 維尼
Darkness flows from my armor and chains begins manifest in the void that seeps from my very being.8964 copyright protection644PENANAnGhO9buRwX 維尼
As it always has been.8964 copyright protection644PENANAnPc8HwaQSM 維尼
I mount Orochi Kirin, and wield the darkness that has always been mine.8964 copyright protection644PENANAXhbGs02PXG 維尼
Dullahan- “I am Daher the Ripper, prepare for the only certainty, Death.”8964 copyright protection644PENANA7g7mVvBiTV 維尼
I rode Kirin at a speed faster than any of the creatures could react to and in an instant I injected the very concept of death into their filthy bodies causing them to rot on the spot. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAjxv1gi7lTK 維尼
Daher- “Next is Gremmy, then Moryuu if needed.” 8964 copyright protection644PENANAmST1KTkPNS 維尼
It was at that moment I noticed that one of the creatures were missing. The one that ate Arrea and Kate.8964 copyright protection644PENANADYB1XhxskT 維尼
Daher- “Is it going to join back up with Gremmy? No matter, they will all die.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAQuVha4oTwp 維尼
….8964 copyright protection644PENANAcptTNqw7hU 維尼
Daher- “Hehehehe, I feel so liberated. 8964 copyright protection644PENANAN7oljblNkL 維尼
Oroshi Kirin- “….”8964 copyright protection644PENANAiSr2jQoZUy 維尼
Daher- “I should kill for the joy more often.”8964 copyright protection644PENANAtm6MP3rl09 維尼
Daher- “I missed it.”648Please respect copyright.PENANA0v2NEVCgpt
8964 copyright protection644PENANA5F5v7QsAaj 維尼