I’m so glad that I’m here. I get to see a living Dragon and he’s actually talking to us and just like the myths say he talks directly to the mind.
Kaitlynn- Arrea…
Arrea- Stay back Kate.
Arrea puts her hand in front of Kaitlynn to protect her from danger but she soon finds me also hiding behind her.
Arrea- What the? Why are behind me!?
Hashi- I want to live too, you know.
Arrea- I don’t care, how about you make yourself useful and offer yourself to the Dragon.
Hashi- No way!
Arrea- You have no choice!
Arrea shots out a web and yanks me towards the Dragon, forcing me to land on the ground getting a mouth full of sand.
Kaitlynn- Hashi!
Area- Don’t worry, he won’t die. (Holding Kaitlynn back)
Kaitlynn- Really?
Arrea- I’ll save him, if it comes to it.
I doubt that. I got up and looked back at the two who are holding their thumbs up like I got this.
I looked up at the Dragon and almost broke my neck trying to see his face, I backed up a bit to attempt a conversation that would not endanger me.
Hashi- H-hello. What’s your name?
The Dragon looks at me, at the two behind me, then into the distance and finally brought his face directly to mine causing me to swell with excitement and terror.
Dragon- “I see. My name is Albeis.”
Albeis brings his face back to the sky.
Hashi- “What do you mean by I see.”
Dragon- “In time, Hashi.”
Did I tell him my name? Whatever, I’m a bit happy that a Dragon knows my name.
I look again at his wingless back and wondered the cause but I thought it would be a bit rude to ask. I wouldn't want to be turned into burnt meat.
Dullahan- “I see that you’re awake Albeis.”
Dullahan appears with the Kirin from the bushes.
Albeis- “Dullahan.”
Dullahan- “I see you Dragons still have a strong sense of smell. I was pretty far away. I’m impressed.”
Albeis- “...”
Dullahan- “So, do you know what god is on the Island? If one of the last Dragons is sent to kill it, it must be powerful.”
Albeis- “I don’t know. It’s most likely in the volcano, beneath the island.”
Dullahan- “I expected as much. Let’s get this over with.”
The Dragon, Dullahan and Kirin begin to move towards the center of the island through the jungle, leaving us behind like they forgot our existence.
Arrea- Come on Kate.
Kaitlynn- Okay, Arrea. You too Hashi.
Hashi- Right.
I follow the group into the jungle.
I ended up in the back while Kaitlynn stuck to Arrea and the others far ahead. I start to collect my thoughts and after a while I came to the reality that I’m helping the mythics kill each other. If this keeps up, they all may go extinct. I don’t want be a part of this, but…
I stop in my tracks and close my eyes.
What choice do I have? I can’t, no, I refuse to go back to my grandfather and those monsters in the military. But, if I stay here with them I’ll either get caught in my lie and killed or help in the murder of one of the last gods in the world and the extinction of the once great race of mythics.
My eyes become blurry with tears. I fill crushed by these choices that seem to have no answer. Should I…
Just end it. This world holds nothing for me anymore, all my hopes and dreams lay in ruin. I can’t be like you dad, I’m sorry.
I was about to turn around towards a watery grave before I felt a small hand grab my own.
Kaitlynn- “Please don’t Hashi.”
Hashi- “Kate...”
Kaitlynn- “I know that look. I don’t want to lose you too. W-whatever it is y-you can talk to me.”
Despite her words, she’s shaking like a leaf. Trying so hard to be strong for me, I’m sorry Kate, I can’t tell you anything.
I move my hand away and look at Kate who seems to have some tears welling up too.
Hashi- “I won’t do anything Kate. Go back to Arrea.”
Kaitlynn- “Promise?”
Hashi- “I promise.”
Kaitlynn wipes her tears and nods.
Kaitlynn- “If you can’t talk to me, you can always talk to Arrea.”
Oh, Arrea.
I look towards her direction and notice her waiting for Kate but not the others.
Despite knowing I couldn't talk to Arrea I nodded and walked with Kate towards her.
Arrea- “You done?”
Hashi- “Yeah.”
Arrea- “Good, you made us fall behind. Let’s pick up the pace.”
I was sure she would yell at me. I guess she held back due to Kate. I guess I can’t kill myself yet. But, would that even solve anything. I just don’t know what to do anymore.
We made it back to Dullahan and the others. After that no words were spoken until nightfall. The awkward silence was deafening but I made it through without saying something stupid.
We made camp, if this is what counts as a camp.
The Dullahan went to a near by tree and laid down on the Kirin’s belly which looked soft as a cloud but did he even feel it with all that purple armor?
Albeis went far away and just curled up like a cat.
Kate and Arrea had the only fire going. I guess the others don’t need the heat. Arrea made a hammock made of webbing for Kate to sleep in while she made a spider web up in the tress above her. I guess so she can keep an eye on her like a guardian angel.
Leaving me to sleep with nothing but the hard, dirty, insect filled jungle floor. I would prefer to prolong my time away from that fate. Not everyone is sleep, maybe I could talk to one of them.
(You guys can decide who Hashi talks to. I want to structure this like a RPG or visual novel since I would like to make this into one someday. To vote for who Hashi speaks to(or gets closer to), type one of following:
1 for Kate
2 for Arrea
3 for Dullahan and Kirin
4 for Albeis
Thanks for voting.)