I don’t even know if I want be here anymore. They’re just looking at me, at least say something!
The Dullahan looks at the dragon and then back at me and then-
Grabs me?
He throws me on the hard sandy ground of the beach.
Dullahan- “There are only suppose to be 5 of us, why are you here?
Five? Aren't there five already. I look closer and notice a small girl behind the spider woman. Oh no.
Dullahan- “Who are you?”
I can’t tell them I’m human, they might-
Arachnid- “I say we just kill him. There is no way they would send 6 mythics to take out a God. All the great ones are already dead, so he must be a human.”
Gasp. What am I going to do to?! No one has ever looked at me with such disgust.
Dullahan- “No, he could be a mythic. That little one around your leg looks human, want me to stick her head on a pike?”
???- “!!!”
Arachnid- “!!”
Arachnid- “I dare you to do something to her!”
What have I got myself into? Two mythics are about to fight and I’m right in the middle of it.
Dullahan- “I won’t do anything, now back away.”
Arachnid- “Tch, fine. So, what are you?
What am I going to say? What mythic did I always want to be?
Dullahan- “Well.” (Drawing sword)
Hashi- “A-a mage!”
???- “Really!”
Arachnid- “Impossible.”
Dullahan- “I see.” (Sheaths sword)
Whew. I hope that extends my life a bit further. Huh-
That little girl just hugged me.
Arachnid- “Kaitlynn what are you-”
Kaitlynn- “But Arrea, his a mage. Like me.”
Arrea- “He could be lying, like how all humans do.”
Kaitlynn- “But, I thought I was the only one left.”
Arrea- “I-I know.” (Looking downcast)
This girl is witch, wow. I never thought I would see one. She smaller then I thought, pretty sure I could carry her. She also has beautiful short braided light brown hair. I wonder if Arrea did her hair.
Kaitlynn- “Are there any more out there?”
Ah, I really don’t want to lie to her. I look away and blurted out my answer.
Hashi- “Uh, yeah! There’s more.”
Kaitlynn- “*Sparkling eyes*”
Arrea- “Mmmmmmm?”
I guess Arrea doesn't believe me.
Dullahan- “If you two are done-”
Kaitlynn- “Oh, sorry. After we get going teach me some of your magic.”
Hashi- “Uh, sure.”
Oh, great.
Dullahan- “Okay so you’re a mage. Doesn't explain why there are 6 of us for this mission.”
Oh, I forget about. Think Hashi, think!
Arrea- “Can I string him up just in case.”
Kaitlynn- “No Arrea.”
Arrea- “Don’t worry he won’t die.”
Arrea- (Under her breath) “Yet.”
I heard that!
Dullahan- “No, we’ll met up with our supervisor. He’ll decide his fate.”
I’m saved.
Dullahan- “If he falld behind or proves himself human, then you can kill him.”
I’m doomed.
Arrea- “Good.”
Arrea walks over to me with those 8 sharp legs that could tear through my body and whispers to me.
Arrea- “If I find out you’re a human and that you lied to Kate, I’ll string you up and skin you alive. I might even lay eggs in your skinless husk of a body so they can eat their way out of you. Won’t that be nice?”
*Shakes head violently*
Arrea- “Wonderful!”
Arrea leaves back to Kaitlynn and I’m left alone close to passing out. Maybe it would’ve been better to die by that women.
Dullahan goes back into that room with the Dragon and looks him over.
Dullahan- “You poor thing. It seems he’s still sleeping. We’ll just have to stay around the area until he awakes. Then we’ll go to the area where the supervisor will meet us.”
Arrea- “Whatever.”
Kaitlynn- *Nod*
Dullahan- “Come Kirin, we’ll look ahead.”
Wow, I didn't get a good look at the Kirin but it’s magnificent. Such ethereal emerald fur and horn. Now that I have time to gather myself, I’m actually in the mist of mythics. The same beings from my dad’s stories. I would love to talk more to them but I’m too scared. They hate humans and the second they learn the truth I’m dead. This is the best and worst day of my life.
Kaitlynn- “I should have known you was a mage.”
Hashi- “Uh.”
Kaitlynn, she must have more questions huh.
Wait if she’s here-
Arrea- “Mmmmm!”
I really can’t miss this up.
Kaitlynn- “You must be a mage, no humans has natural blue hair. Only male mages have blue hair.”
Hashi- “Haha, yep. I’m no human.”
That’s why I dyed my hair and here I thought it could get me nothing
but ridiculed.
Kaitlynn- “So what spells do you know?”
Hashi- “Haha-what?”
Kaitlynn- “Spells. I don’t know many because-”
Kaitlynn- “Well, I don’t know many so I’m excited to know any new ones.”
What was that sudden lifeless look. Well no wonder she seeks more knowledge, it’s like water to witches and a requirement to reproduce. If a witch does not have sufficient knowledge to pass on she’s not allowed to reproduce. I’d hug this poor girl if it wasn't for Arrea shooting daggers at me.
Hashi- “I-I don’t know any spells.”
Kaitlynn- “Uh?! Why not!”
Come on work with me here.
Hashi- “Because I was never taught any. I have no books with me to self teach either.”
Kaitlynn- “I see. I should have expected as much. You properly didn’t have the time. Why do humans hate us, we look just like them.”
Hashi- “Kaitlynn-”
Kaitlynn- “No, call me Kate. Your my family now, we need to stick together. So, I’ll teach you magic.”
Kate, I don’t know if I can keep lying to this girl. Wait a minute, what did she say? Teach me magic. Is that possible?
Hashi- “A-are you sure?”
Kaitlynn- “Yes!”
Wow, I am actually going to become a mage. Not just lying but for real. I might become just like them!
Arrea- “Kate!”
Kaitlynn- “Yes, Arrea?”
Arrea comes over to us. Wait what’s happening, it’s getting very hot all of a sudden.
Arrea- “Get behind me Kate, it seems the dragon is awake.”
We look towards the room the dragon is in and watched it melt in front of us. It was surreal.
The air became hotter than before and soon the entire room was melted down and even the sand was turning to glass. The dragon arose out of his confinement and shot a massive fire blast towards the sky signaling his awakening. I had to hide behind Arrea to dodge the falling balls of fire. Despite the danger it was a sight to behold.
After some time the Dragon stopped and looked at us. It was big and marvelous even without his wings. Still I wonder what happened to them.
Arrea- “What kind of god is on this island, to require such a beast.”
Dragon- “Is this to be my aid?”