Kate- “Damn it….”
Kate- “E-even if I have to resort to that….”
Kate- “I-I will protect Hashi and Gorta!”
*Flames erupt around Kate*
Kate- “*Hand touches her shoulder* !”
Kate- “H-hashi….”
*Flames die down*
Hashi- “I’m here, leave it to us.”
Kate- “*Tearing up*”
Kate- “You’re back….”
Gorta- “Not for long, Hashi is still bleeding but now that he is awake we can keep the wound somewhat closed at least until the battle is over.”
Kate- “Wait something is different, you’re eyes are purple and your hair is black going into blue.”
Hashi- “We’ll explain it later, right now we have these things to take care of.”
I can barely look at these things, what are they?
I don’t know but whatever they do to normal people does not work against Demons.
Good, let’s end this.
We raise our hands to sky and from the air materializes black ice sickles that rain down as they are created piercing the creatures.
Hashi- “Cover your ears and eyes Kate!”
Kate- “Ahhh! *Rushes to cover them*”
Even our ears are feeling whatever this is, it’s like my mind is getting ripped apart.
We can’t let this go on too long.
We rush into the darkness, using out new eyes we can easily see through it but our mind can’t comprehend what these things are.
Even so we gather the darkness to our hands to form claws and we lash out against as many as we can, cutting down dozens of them as they scream.
It’s getting dizzy….
The screams are getting to us.
One of the creatures grabs our leg and began to toss us around the forest, knocking us through trees and rock.
We unleashed another round of creation magic but this time a giant metal ball made of pure iron which appeared overhead flatting the thing.
There are still more….
I can sense them too.
Kate- “AHHHH!”
Hashi and Gorta- “Kate!”
There are a couple that manged to escape us and attack Kate, we rushed to her but more appeared out of no where and slashed at us with what seems to be tentacles.
Hashi and Gorta- “Out of the way!”
We gather the darkness under their feet and made it pierce them.
After dealing with those we rushed to Kate but when we got there, we saw something unexpected.
Kate- “A….”
Kate- “Arrea!”
Arrea- “I’m here Kate. *Hugs her tightly*”
Dullahan- “What are these things.”
Moryuu- “Interesting….”
Kate- “Everyone….”
Hashi- “Guys, how did you-.”
Arrea- “Albeis.”
Albeis- “*Nod*”
Arrea- “Enough about that what about you? How are you able to fight?”
Moryuu- “I think we have other things to do before we question Hashi.”
Dullahan- “How many are there?”
Moryuu- “Over a hundred I would imagine.”
Moryuu- “Albeis protect Arrea and Kate.”
Arrea- “What, I can-”
Moryuu- “No, whatever these things do, it would effect you and Albeis.”
Kate- “He’s right, those things, they….whisper things thattear into my head.”
Arrea- “If that’s so why does it not effect you, Hashi, or Dullahan.”
Moryuu- “Question later fight now.”
Hashi- “Right, they're coming.”
We stand shoulder to shoulder, ready for whatever may appear from the darkness.
Dullahan- “Now you want to fight Moryuu?”
Moryuu- “This is a fight worth fighting Dullahan, wouldn't you agree Demon?”
Gorta- “My name is Gorta, Moryuu. Remember it.”
Moryuu- “Will do….”
We stopped talking and then nothing but silence and the gaping void before us.
Tendrils strike out towards Dullahan and grabs his sword, We cut them while Moryuu rushed inside the void and almost immediately a flash of lightning struck down illuminating the darkness showing almost an endless flood of unspeakable horrors.
Moryuu uses his tonfas to strike the creatures one by one causing flashes of light to follow. Dullahan rushes in as well and begins to strike down many of them with large strong slashes.
We can’t use creation magic with those two in the thick of things.
We jump high into the air right up the masses and away from the others. We then create ice platforms beneath us with spikes to allow us to keep going and when they are created gravity does it’s thing and makes them fall on the creatures killing at least 5 at a time.
We kept this up until we got far enough away to stop to gather all the darkness possible and then drop down in a massive column of darkness swallowing up dozens of them.
Gorta- “*Breathing heavily* This form won’t last much longer.”
Hashi- “*Breathing heavily* Gotta last a bit more, there still-”
While kneeling inside the crater we made, the creatures began amassing on the top edges.
Hashi- “A lot more….”
They then stretched inside to flail us, we jumped up to avoid it but still got hit and began bleeding more.
We created darkness claws and dropped down again and began fight them one at a time, despite being surrounded.
We danced wildly, dodging their tentacles and attacking when an opening appeared tearing them apart.
I could feel this form wearing off, my eyes turning red. If Gorta or I fight by ourselves then we’ll be overrun.
I tried to get as much creation magic traps as I could before the form ran out.
Gorta- “Damn.”
My hair went completely dark and eyes turned red.
Gorta- “No more creation magic huh.”
Sorry, you can still control the darkness right?
Gorta- “I barley have enough mana left for anything good.”
Watch out!
Gorta barley dodged an attack from behind, he jumps away and slashes the creatures below him to create space.
We instantly felt something fly past our head killing any creature near us.
Moryuu- “And here I thought you grew stronger. I guess you can’t keep that state up for long.”
We saw Moryuu and Dullahan enter the fray with many dead creatures behind them.
Gorta- “What took you so long.”
Moryuu- “Wanted to give you a chance to show off before ending this.”
Gorta- “Ending it?”
That moment Moryuu began to radiate lightning that starts to strike everywhere.
Moryuu- “The King of Lightning calls forth oh ally of old, your time to judge the wicked has come. Manifest in my hand, to destroy all the filth that stains my throne. Cleanse the earth, Ikari Rakurai!”
In a flash of blinding light, Moryuu’s Tonfas became living lightning.
Moryuu raised his Tonfas towards the remaining creatures.
Moryuu- “Be no more, vanish.”
A massive lightning bolt shot out of the tonfa and in a flash of light destroyed almost all of the creatures leaving the earth horribly scared and burned.
Everyone- “!!”
The remaining creatures slithered back into the darkness.
Gorta- “What….the...hell...was that?”
Moryuu- “Well that was a nice workout.”
Moryuu’s tonfas after completing the job they were called for, reverted back to normal.
Gorta- “I said what was that Moryuu!”
Moryuu- “You’re not the only one with special abilities, besides shouldn’t you get those looked after.”
Gorta- “Tch….”
Gorta ran to where Kirin was, which was with Kate and the others.
Gorta- “Can you heal my wounds Kirin.”
Kirin- “*Nod*”
Kirin placed his horn to my wounds and just like that I felt much better, physically speaking.
Gorta- “*Sigh of Relief* I might actually need sleep after all of this.”
Gorta and I switched places, my hair returned to blue and my eyes are normal.
Arrea- “Okay I’m still a bit shocked about what just happened but let’s take this one thing at a time; what are you Hashi?”
Moryuu- “Go on, tell them Hashi.”
Hashi- “….”
Hashi- “I’m human and inside is a Demon.”
Kate and Arrea- “!!”
Arrea- “Demon!?”
Kate- “Human!?”
Hashi- “Y-yes.”
Arrea- “Kate did you know about this?”
Kate- “….”
Arrea- “Kate?”
Kate- “O-oh, yes I knew he had a Demon since our run in with an angel but Gorta is fine, not evil.”
Arrea- “I-I see….”
Arrea- “Dullahan?”
Dullahan- “I saw Gorta fight when we were in that cave, I suspected Hashi was a human after.”
Arrea- “Well I feel like I’m the only one out of the loop because I’m pretty sure the Dragon knew but didn’t say anything.”
Albeis- “*Nod*”
Arrea- “Of course.”
Hashi- “So how do you feel about it?”
Arrea- “….”
Kate- “….”
Arrea- “If Kate says Gorta is fine, then I’m fine with it.”
Hashi- “What about me being human?”
Arrea- “I-I’m fine with it too.”
Kate- “!”
Hashi- “Really, I thought-”
Arrea- “Well, things happened….”
Kate- “What things?!”
Arrea- “Well….”
Moryuu- “This is all interesting but we still have a God to kill.”
Hashi- “Speaking of which, I’m not killing whoever this God is.”
Moryuu- “I thought you might say that.”
Me and Moryuu stare at each other, this time I won’t back down.
I know what I have to do.
Hashi- “I’m going to free the Mythics and make a future where we can live in peace together.”
Everyone- “!!”
Moryuu- “*Smirk* Like father like son I see.”
Moryuu- “Well you know I can’t let you do that.”
Hashi- “I know it will be hard but considering the current state of mythics, they are not as dangerous as they once were. It is unnecessary to kill them all.”
Moryuu- “*Looks seriously at Hashi*”
Hashi- “….”
Moryuu- “I see you’re serious about this. How does everyone feel about this?”
Everyone- “….”
Moryuu- “Join Hashi and his ultimately pointless goal, most likely die before succeeding. Join me and end this campaign and secure a chance for survival for yourself.”
Moryuu- “False Hope or Reality.”
Everyone- “….”
To my surprise Dullahan and Kirin went and stood next to Moryuu.
Hashi- “Dull-”
Arrea- “Don’t bother, he’s lost his mind.”
Hashi- “Arrea….”
Arrea stood with me while the only ones that had trouble was Albeis and….Kate?
Arrea- “Kate?”
Kate- “….”
She looks quickly between Me and Moryuu.
After awhile she scurries to Arrea and hugs her.
Moryuu- “It’s your turn Dragon, against or with me?
Albeis- “….”
Kate- “*Looks towards Albeis.*”
Albeis- “*Sigh*”
Albeis marches to my side.
Moryuu- “How unfortunate….”
Moryuu- “Somehow I get the feeling you only chose Hashi cause you like him better.”
Arrea- “You not lying but….”
Arrea- “Even if it’s a false hope, I’m tired of fighting your battles. Besides there might be a future where Kate and I don’t have to be on the run with Hashi. There is no future like that with you.”
Moryuu- “How do you know?”
Arrea- “Don’t lie to me, after the campaign is over you’re all going to kill us or use us for sexual pleasure, then kill us, just like the elves. You were never going to let us live. The only reason Dullahan is with you is because he’s given up hope.”
Moryuu- “….”
Moryuu- “*looks down* You’re right.”
Moryuu- “Reality is not pretty nor fair but it is what it is.”
Hashi- “You can’t say that this dream is hopeless, not without giving it a chance. Why not help us?”
Moryuu- “!!”
Moryuu- “That’s funny Hashi.”
Hashi- “It’s better than the alternative.”
Moryuu- “You’ll regret this decision.”
Moryuu and the others turn around and started walking towards the Mountain’s peak.
Moryuu- “If you can’t make it to the God then you aren’t strong enough to accomplish you goal.”
A lightning bolt stuck down and they were gone.
Hashi- “We have a lot of ground to cover.”
Arrea- “Albeis can you-”
Albeis- “Zzzzz….”
Arrea- “How convenient.”
Hashi- “I guess they have a night’s head-start, that’s fine *Yawn* I’m pretty tired anyway.”
Kate hasn’t had any sleep either, she was too worried about you.
Hashi- “Really? Kate you should get some sleep too, Gorta said you were up all the time looking over me.”
Hashi- “Thank you for taking care of me.”
Kate- “….”
Hashi- “Please get some sleep Kate, I’m fine now.”
Arrea- “Yeah, let’s sleep up in the trees like usual.”
Kate- “Yeah….”
Arrea carried Kate to a nearby tree and got ready to sleep for the night.
I guess I should go to sleep too, goodnight Gorta.
Goodnight Hashi.
Don’t worry Moryuu, I’ll prove to you that our dream is not impossible.
*Looks at Moryuu’s devastation*
And that’s we’re strong enough.