“Ow!” I yelped.
The girl I hired, Amber, to do my hair pulled my hair tight as she braided. It would look gorgeous when she finished.
My makeup looked beautiful. Our colors were light blue and cream, so I had a super light baby blue shimmery eye shadow on, black mascara with half lashes, natural blush and contour, and a light pink nude colored lipstick. I also had a shimmer sprayed on my face so I looked glittery.
I gazed out the window in front of me, where I saw people setting up the altar and the chairs at the tables. The tables had light blue satin tablecloths.
The altar had shimmery light blue fabric wrapped around the posts. Everything looked gorgeous.
I started to tear up, quickly going to wipe it off.
“Do not touch!” yelled my cosmetologist, Amber. She is in her mid-twenties, and she has dyed blonde hair with dark roots and clear-framed glasses. Anytime I had somewhere really nice to go, I always hired her to do my hair, nails, and makeup. She went to school with me before I went to St. Louis.
I lowered my hand back to where my other one was resting in my lap. This was going to be the best day of my life.
The piano started playing and I watched all of my guests rise and I walked down the aisle to Bill. My father hasn’t been around in eighteen years, so I was walking myself down the aisle.
Bill started crying. His face twisted up and he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. That made me start to cry too. My eyes started to burn from the tear buildup.
He looked so beautiful in his tailored black tux. He had a light blue tie to match our decorations.
His hair was perfectly combed and gelled, except for a single strand that fell down into his face. He looked so impeccably gorgeous.
I reached the altar and our guests sat down. I reached out and wiped a tear from Bill’s face.
“I have never seen anybody this beautiful. Nothing even compares,” he managed to choke out.
He reached up and cupped his hand around my face, and I leaned into him. Our guests smiled at our cuteness.
“Thank you, baby,” I whispered.
“Welcome to this joyous day, where we bond the lives of two individuals through the love they have for each other,” said the priest.
Me and Bill are both Catholic, so our pastor did all the church things for marriage.
Then it was time for our vows.
Our priest had me and Bill join hands.
“Bill, do you take Rebekah for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” he asked.
Bill stared longingly into my eyes. “I do,” he said.
I smiled.
“Rebekah, do you take Bill for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” the priest asked me.
“I do,” I said as a tear dripped down my cheek.
The priest handed Bill the ring for me. Bill slipped it onto my left ring finger.
“Rebekah, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” he said.
I received Bill’s ring from the priest and I placed it on Bill’s ring finger.
“Bill, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” I announced.
“In the name of the good Lord, I proudly announce you two husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the priest announced.
Bill pulled me in close by the waist. We stared longingly at each other.
“Kiss me already, you fool,” I whispered.
He smiled as his lips touched mine. It was a long, sweet, passionate kiss. Sparks flew.
The crowd started cheering.
It was a long kiss.
I heard Bill’s brother shout “Get a room!” and Bill pulled back.
He smiled at me.
We walked back down the aisle, hand in hand. I looked around at all the smiling faces, then my eyes lingered off to two people standing by themselves by the drink table.
As I walked closer, I realized it was a boy and a girl. It was my sister.
Betty showed up.
I squeezed Bill’s hand. “I’ll be back in a second,” I said.
“Ok. I love you,” he replied.
“Love you too,” I said, dropping his hand.
I walked over to where Betty and the boy were standing. She was in a short, tight, sparkly silver dress, and the boy was in black dress pants and a white shirt with no tie.
The boy saw me, and he elbowed Betty, who was on her phone. She turned off her phone and put it on the table.
“You came,” I said when I reached them.
“Yeah, he told me to be nice. And I'm not that much of a bitch. Weddings are supposed to be important I guess, so, like, good for you,” Betty said.
“I’m glad you’re here, thank you for coming,” I said.
She nodded as the boy cleared his throat.
“Oh, sorry. This is Josh,” Betty said.
Josh smiled at me. “I’m Josh, Betty’s boyfriend. Congrats on getting married, that’s amazing. It’s beautiful,” he said. He was really polite.
I was a little bit shocked. She had a new boyfriend already.
“Thank you, that’s really nice of you. You two look very nice, also,” I said.
“Thank you,” Josh said. Betty just smiled.
“You guys can come meet everyone, we’re gonna have dinner soon. And we’re gonna have cake and drinks and dance,” I said.
“Um, we’re actually going somewhere, we were just stopping in, making sure we were seen before we left,” Betty told me.
My face dropped.
“Oh, well, thanks for stopping by. It was nice to see you. Nice to meet you, Josh. Have a good time tonight,” I said.
They smiled at me then they intertwined their hands.
“Betty, can I give you a hug before you go?” I asked.
“No,” she said. “We’re not on those terms.”
Josh dropped Betty’s hand.
“I’ll give you a hug, if you want. It’s your wedding day, the bride deserves to get what she wants,” he said.
I smiled at him. I gave him a quick hug before he pulled away. He gave me a sweet smile before he went back to Betty. He slipped his hand into hers and they walked away together.
Josh was such a sweetheart.
I walked back to Bill with a smile lighting up my face.
I got to him and wrapped my arms around his toned body.
“Baby, my sister came. It really is the best day,” I said.