Students crowded the hallways, nearly suffocating Prisha and me as we headed to our Music class. If you were wondering, Prisha and I went to the same college and decided that we should attend the same university as well. So here we are, both Music majors, the only difference is that I'm an Art major as well, Prisha wanted to take something else so she did.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice that I was walking faster than Prisha and sorta sprinted straight into a boy, knocking the wind out of me. "Clar! Are you okay?" Prisha called out, running over and kneeling at my side as I tried to steady my vision. I gazed up at a curly-haired boy, he wasn't fit nor unnecessarily fat, but he was chubby. I stood up, apologising and dusting myself off. "Clarissa, Art and Music Majors." I introduced myself, he gave me a weird look, starting to laugh slightly, I tilted my head and that's when it hit me, "Clar, you don't recognise me?" "CLARRR OMG!" Prisha shrieked by my shoulder, my face shone with positivity, "DELPI?!" he nodded, "Yeah smartass, come on, the others are here too." I smiled, nodding and skipping off with Prisha.
First stop was our Maths class, Delpi shoved me in front and demanded for me to open the door. With the turn of a knob, I was met face to— uh— chest..? Hell, I already know who this is. But my guesses were all put to shame when I saw Adi standing in all his glory. "Adi?!" Prisha exclaimed in disbelief, he smirked, he was almost as tall as Prisha! Holy Hell. "Hey shorties." He greeted Prisha and me. I puffed my cheeks, I wasn't that short compared to them, probably a few inches but that's all! I hopped lightly on my feet, trying to see over his shoulder. He reached out and patted my head, "You're a Maths Major?" I asked him, confused, he nodded, "Maths and Sports, my mom wanted me to do maths so I agreed." I smiled, he used to be so childish, it's amazing how people change.
On that note bell rang, and we all had to go to our usual rooms. My expression saddened slightly, I wanted to meet Basim and Samarth as well... I noticed Prisha glance over at me and place her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure we can meet them during break, we have an hour after all." She smiled, I nodded, heading our different paths as I headed to my Music Class. We have two different Music rooms, one specially decorated with lyrics of popular songs and an Audio-room that contained a small microphone in the middle. I grinned, heading in to the cold class and breathing in out my tension. Our teacher, Mr.Snuckle waltzed in dressed in a blue dress shirt, black pants accompanied with black shoes, to top it off, he wore a funky tie, it was red to orange to yellow in a gradient pattern.
People say I sing good, but I don't think I do, the main reason I chose it was cause I adored singing, even if it was a guy. I smiled shyly at the teacher, who returned one with his tongue sticking out, I giggled. We were about to start when the door burst open, and the other Music teacher, Ms.Laurens (I hope I spelt that right) walked in, whispering to my lovable dork of a teacher. He nodded and she showed herself out, soon returning with her batch of band members. My lips curled when I saw Prisha, frantically waving my arms around as she walked in with her guitar. She sat next to me, gently brushing her fingertips on the chords of her guitar strings.
"Hey Clar...~" She sang, I shot her a perplexed look. "Hm?" "Samarth is taking your favourite instrument!!!" She shrieked as quiet as she could possibly go, which basically means her normal voice (You know who you are so I'm sorry 😂) I could feel my face heat up as I went turned my entire focus towards her. "Violin?" I laughed, there was no way someone like him wou— "Yep." OH MY GOSH. I felt my face go red, pulling my hood up and gazing around the room, look for him, and sure enough, there he was, fiddling with the small rosin disc that came with the violin. My eyes watched his movements observantly, making sure my eyes stay under my hood though, suddenly, he flicked his hands and the whole chunk flew to his face, knocking him square in his glasses. I laughed really hard, accidentally catching his attention.
Crap. Did he see me?!? Ahhhhh. I covered my stop-light face, glancing back at Mr.Snuckle, who had just cleared his throat, "Alright class, since my lovely wife is busy, I would like to do something different today." He announced, earning a couple whistles and thumbs up being thrown at him. I breathed out a laugh as I saw him blushing, Mr.Snuckle was a rather carefree and awkward teacher, some felt that he made us uncomfortable but I found it pretty cute. Patiently waiting for our duty for today, we sat in silence, "Alright, so Ill be choosing partners, one of you will be an Orchestra Major and the other a Vocal Major. The task if you can't already guess is to sing a song with the instrumental background." Andddddd that sentence right there nearly made me rip off my hood from trying to yank it down further. I wonder who I was gonna be with, furthermore which instrument I'd be paired with...
"Okay...First up, Shrut and Prisha!" He clapped and so did we, watching Prisha adjust her guitar as Shrut took a gulp of water. The teacher gave them a few minutes to discuss on a song, which they did pretty swiftly, concluding on 'Despacito' but the English version since Shrut couldn't sing the Spanish fast enough. It was mesmerising, every word, every chord. It was really something new to me. Once they finished the song, Shrut was out of breath and Prisha's fingers had lines indented into them. They came back and plopped down to relax and recover from the rush of adrenaline they just had, the next pair almost made me loose my marbles, "Clarissa and Samarth?" NONONO! Its not that I wasn't comfortable singing or anything of the sort, it was just that I'm insanely shy and Samarth is probably Hella good on the violin.
Once again, Mr.Snuckle gave us a good 5 minutes to decide on a song, I saw him fiddle with his violin, twirling the stick between his fingers while thinking of a song. "How about Burn? From Hamilton?" I piped up, he gave me a puzzled look, I hummed the tune for him and he nodded, smiling slightly as an okay for us to proceed. "Sir? We've got the song!" I chirped to Mr.Snuckle who nodded encouragingly, ushering us forward. ( they sang like that) It was only the starting of the song and I already fell in love with his playing. It was a bit crooked but I'd say that was cause I asked him to play a new song at random, but soon we fell into a steady melody.
Once the song was done, the room erupted with applause, I shook a little, trying to run out as soon as I heard the bell but he caught me by the arm, "Where're you heading?" He asked a light line of pink sprinkled my cheeks as I looked down, "Aren't you refusing to talk to an old friend Clar?" So he does remember me.. I sighed, turning to face him, he only grew a foot taller, so I was his height, smirking at my victory, I answered, "Not that, its just...been so long.." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. He smiled, "Music and Maths Major." He held out his hand, "Music and Art." I smiled back, shaking his hand and excusing myself to my next class.
Ah, English, we all had our Majors which was basically two classes which we go to twice per day, the other 4 will be filled up by the following: English, Science, Geography and History. I liked it this way, I feel as if we get to know the teachers more. Anyways, I walk in and my eyes are covered by someone, I chuckle, trying to shake off the hands but they still remain there, "Kushlen?" I ask, thinking it was him because he always did silly things like this. "Nope~" A deeper voice murmured behind me, my eyes attempted to widen, "BASIM?!" I raised my voice, the hands were lifted and he smirked, spinning me round and hugging me. He hasn't changed a bit, I smiled, "BASHIM!" "CLARISHA!" We laughed, clutching our waists trying to stop. Once we managed to calm down, he looked up at me, "Basim Kapoor, Health and Gaming Major." I beamed, "Clarissa DS, Music and Art Major!" he snickered. We kept chatting till our English teacher, Mr.Cunningham walked in.