-Clarissa’s P.O.V-
Something is...off. Lui and Marcel have been acting weird lately; they’re always getting all giddy when they come near me and they always seem to whisper to some of my other teachers too. Currently, it’s the follow-up week after exams so we all have free lessons, we still have to attend them but otherwise its all fine and dandy. But in all honesty, its really starting to tick me off. (I am generally so annoyed about my text randomly becoming bigger ☹️)
Was it because they had found out about my connections with previous school teachers??? Was I wrong to bring up the topic? Do they know that my other friends know them too? Millions of little pop-ups raced through my mind. It was like binary code and I was the computer. I brushed off the thought, stretching and yawing in my office-swivel chair.
He should be ready by now...It’s almost time for English. I sighed, standing up and going closer to the boys’ dorms to look for him. “Oi!” I called out, nearly falling over laughing as my fluffy haired friend sprinted out the door and straight into the wall. “STOP LAUGHING!! ITS NOT FUNNY!!!” He whined, raising a hand for me to help him up.
I took a sharp breath in and grabbed his hand; helping his sorry-arse up. “Come on, we have to go for English.” I said cheerily, watching him scramble back in his room to get his stuff and come back out. “Aye, you didnt fall this time.” I grinned, my canines glistening, he punched my arm playfully, “Shut up.” He laughed.
Again, Marcel was acting so—weird. He came up to my desk to ask me a, qoute-on-qoute, ‘Question’. Now, as a teacher that seems perfectly normal. But his question was definitely not in terms with the English Subject. “Clarissa, what’s your favourite colour..?” He whispered softly, it was like it was only for me to hear. I dont have any...I like all colours.. I pondered, leaving the oddity to sink in for a brief moment I answered back, just as softly.
”Purple or Midnight Blue.”
He nodded with that teasing smile of his. It sent a shiver down my spine and a rush of adrenaline straight to my mental set. What was he planning? I shrugged it off; pushing the thought to the back of my head, finishing off my work.
Next was Mr.Patterson’s class. I feared being late to his class among any of the others. A late enterance would result in a late lunch–otherwise known as detention– so I’d rather not gamble with the that. I ventured through the curved and spiral halls (yes spiral, cause thats how confusing I find halls. 😂) and eventually arrived at my locker.
Upon opening it I immediately noticed a thin shred of paper sticking out of my History book. I didnt put that there; 100% sure. So how? No one can open my locker..Im the only one with the code! It was crazy. I grasped my books tightly and scurried off on my heels to a little room upstairs that I call: ‘Hell’. My heart thumped with cold sweat the minute I saw the door close.
Class had started. Im late.
Mentally cursing myself for daydreaming over a stupid note–which I hadnt even gotten the chance to read yet– I summoned whatever courage and dignity I had left and walked through the door. Eyes landed on me, I peered over at Mr.Patterson’s hand which was previously writing on the board. He stopped writing, but didnt batt an eyelash at me before growling, “Youre. LATE.”
His voice boomed throughout the class, nearly shaking it or breaking through them. I shrunk, turning my whole figure to face the Devil. “S-sorry Sir..” I mumbled a small apology. Like I said, weird things are happening to me, and now its happening again. Mr.Patterson turned his head to me, concern plastered all over his face.
“Oh! Clarissa.” Wait what? His tone was so angry, is he biased or something? (If Cartoonz read this then please dont kill me 😂) I cocked my head sideways in both guilt and confusion, am I someone special? Why dont I get a scolding? “Dont be sad kid, go on. Take a seat.” I nodded quickly and rushed to my seat.
What an odd day...