A few weeks have passed since the selections and name mixing is STILL progressing! Like jeez, don’t these people have anything better to do? Well, I do. In fact, that’s what I’m doing now.
Scrolling through, will be scrolling through and have been scrolling through millions and millions of jobs. I mean, I’m 21 for goodness sakes! What am I gonna do?! I can’t find anything I like... I frowned, hearing the door click open and watching my wavy haired friend waltz in. “Hey Clar, whatcha up to?” Prisha questioned.
I shook my head, attempting to shut my laptop but she beat me to it, “Come on!!! Let me see!” A light whine erupted from her throat as she begged and yanked my computer from my hands. “Hey! Where are the others anyways??” I changed topic, knowing that he probably wouldn’t give me back my computer anyhow. “They’ve got classes.” She simply responded.
Today was an off-day for her and me, that meant we had no classes at the moment. But I did however have an appointment with my Art teacher: Mr.Lui Calibre. Speaking of which, that appointment is now!! I snatched my laptop back and shoved random drawing material into my sling bag and headed off, hollering a goodbye to Prisha to make sure the door was locked.
I huffed as I finally reached the Art Hall. It was really beautiful inside! Outside it was just plain and simple white walls but inside— oh inside was just spectacular! It was filled from ceiling to floor in paintings, sketches, even comic strips! I loved it here; Art and Vocal were my escape.
I poked my head into the room and found out that I was in fact, early. Oh..There’s Mr.Calibre! I chuckled silently at my thought as I saw him with his headphones on. Hmmm...I wonder...— I snuck around his desk, amazingly not being uncovered or spotted. I tapped on his shoulder. “Jeez Clarissa! Don’t do that!” He scowled playfully.
I laughed as well, leaning against one of the long tables and breathed out a sigh. “What’s up Kiddo?” He squeaked in his childish voice, “Nothing much Sir...” I hummed, “Just thinking about jobs.” He looked at me with wide eyes, “Jobs?” Did I say something unworldly? “Yeah..I want to do something where I can be free..do whatever..” I frowned a bit. Maybe I won’t find one and I’ll become one of those hobos sitting along the streets?
”How about becoming a Youtuber..?” A what? I mean, I know what Youtube is, who doesn’t?? But a youtuber?! Like seriously, he’s joking isn’t he? “Don’t look at me like I’m a complete fool Clarissa, I’m totally serious. Why don’t you become a Youtuber? Then you can do whatever on your Chanel.” I let the idea sink in for a minute.
“Hm..” He gave me a hopeful look, “But it doesn’t make money right? Even if it does it doesn’t make a lot right?” I countered, to my amazement, Mr.Calibre just burst out laughing. I stared at him as if he had just escaped the Asylum. “Clarissa! That was a HILARIOUS joke!!!” He hee-hawed. I resumed my strict, nonchalant stare.
”Oh, you were serious.” He confirmed, I nodded awkwardly. “Well..uh.. Youtubers do make money, ALOT of it actually. For example I make 1.8 mil.” Wow— Maybe this idea wouldn’t be so ba— WAIT. HE MAKES? HE?? “Waitwaitwait...YOU make it!?” He let a sly smirk slip, oh you little—
“Keep this a secret between us yeah?”