<Lunch Time>
I need to find Adi. Ive got 15 minutes to spare till Mr.Snuckel’s class! Sprinting around like I was to go for the 800m dash, I finally found him leaning against my locker. “Adi.” His head swung upwards, “Whats up?” He asked innocently; oh wait till I wipe that smug look off your face I grinned, pulling him into a hug.
“I know about that letter..” I whispered for him to hear, feeling him stiffen, I pulled away. “What letter?” He cocked his head to the right as if trying to bury the capsule even further. “Which teacher gave you the code to my locker?” Skipping past his query, mine lingered and echoed through the empty halls. He raised his hand to his lips; pinching the index and thumb, and dragging them across to form a zip.
”Fair enough.” I stated, turning away and heading off to Mr.Snuckel’s class. “Morning Sir!” I beamed, I loved Vocal honestly, it was like a home to me. I took my seat in between Ramisa and Shrut. “Heyo.” Shrut waved, a relaxed smile played at my features as I replicated the action. Soon after, class begun.
Vocal was the last class today so I just wanted to you know— chill. Mr.Snuckel looked over to me, “Clarissa? What are you still doing here?” He asked, at least one teacher is acting normal. I shrugged, yawning timidly, “I donno, just bored..” Just then, Mr.Droidd waltzed in, wearing a classic red and black plad shirt finished off with grey jogger bottoms.
“Arlan!” Mr.Snuckel greeted warmly, Mr.Droidd glowed—quite literally. Sweat glazed his body like a sugar-coated donut you’d see in a bakery. His hair was drenched and what I once called a ‘Poofy Tornado’ was now in a figure similar to a wave. I hate to admit it but he did look good. Ugh, all the girls must’ve been on his arse; I chuckled at the thought, only to be brought back into reality by the two teachers looking over at me.
Ah! They noticed me!! I instantly shot the other direction, tossing my hoodie over my head and blushing profusely. “Hey..kid, its okay.” I heard Mr.Droidd’s velvety voice boom throughout the room; ha, Im not buying that bribe! “Clarissa..” Mr.Snuckel warned, uh oh.. bad images filled my mind (NOT THAT), my face probably glowing like a eletric stove now.
“..yes..?” I squeaked out, staring intensely and fearfully at the table as I felt my hood be yanked down. “What happened?” Mr.Snuckel’s voice was calm, but calm to me sounded like walking a rickety old bridge like the ones in Indiana Jones. I mean, I cant just say; Oh hey uh—I just think Mr.Droidd looks good today or something! “Heh, Ill take that as a compliment.” Wait. “DID I SAY THAT ALOUD????”
Clarissa.exe has shut down. ABORT MISSION I SAY, MAY DAY MAY DAY! My body moves on its own, shooting my up from my sitting position and rushing straight to the door. But once again, my plan was foiled by Mr.Snuckel, who grabbed my arm right before I could sprint out. “Clarissa its fine, no need to run.” He assured, my chest rose and plumeted roughly, my mind clouded in a haze of dizziness.
”That’s—“ I felt myself sway. Is it getting colder in here? “—easy for you to say..” I stumbled back, my vision flashing to black and white for a split second as I gripped my desk for stability. “Niña! Relax!” Mr.Droidd panicked slightly. I looked at my hands; they were so pale...My head throbbed with ache, what’s happening?
“Sit down Clarissa.” Mr.Snuckel instructed, doing as ordered, I let him place a hand on my forehead. “You have a fever.” He stated, helping me stand and ushering my back to my dorm. “I—Im sorry I just panicked I—“ “Its alright Clarissa, just breathe..” Mr.Snuckel whispered, I looked past his shoulder, Mr.Droidd wearing a guilty outfit, “Sir.” my voice croaked, I was on the verge of tears due to my temperature.
Luckily, he still heard me. “Yes Niña?” “Dont look so stressed, its not your fault.” I forced a soft smile as I waved bye to both my teachers and headed in. I nearly dropped down dead on the ground, but before I did, Samarth caught me. “Jesus..What happened???” He asked, I shook my head, starting to stand up again and walk over to my room.
He blocked the way, “Liar.” Was all he said, no emotion, no nothing. “I said its nothing, where are the others anyway?” I tried redirecting the topic but that obviously flew past him, “They went out for dinner, but said since Im the ‘oldest’ I should stay back and wait for you.” So he doesnt really bother..I felt tears sting my eyes as I ran to my room, locking the door and falling into a painful sleep.
I woke up in a daze. Where am I? This isnt my room..? The walls were splattered blue and red, bedsheets black as the darkest of mines. Im most certain Im not in my room. Shuffling drags me out of my dream like state. “Youre awake?” Samarth asks as he walked in, holding a cup of water in one hand and a clenched fist in the other.
I nod, not trusting my voice at all as he comes and sits next to me, “Here, eat.” He demands, handing me some pills and the glass of water. I obey, tossing the bitter alkalines into my mouth before swiftly swallowing them down with a gulp of water.
”Time?” My voice is so weak, it came out in a whisper, but thankfully, he still heard it; “1AM.” I came back at THREE. THREE. There is no way in Hell that I stayed asleep for so long! “Where’s Adi..?” “On the couch, he said you can stay in our room tonight. Next time if youre gonna lock the door dont leave the key in the outside lock; stupid.” He told me, so thats how I got here..that means...
”Samarth..?” “Yes?” “Thank you.” I whispered, he nodded, gently pushing me back into the bed and getting under the duvet with me. I didnt mind honestly, I trusted him since he was the oldest and probably most mature. Soon I fell into a peaceful slumber.
<Christmas Eve!>
I was feeling better now, and I sent apologies to Mr.Droidd and Snuckel, and now we’re friends! They allowed me to call them by their first names: ‘Arlan and Brock’ and Im grateful for that. But today is a very, very good day.
Its time! I smiled to myself as I walked over to Ms.Samantha’s–our coordinator– room. Knocking on the door, creaks screeched through the vast office as she looked up from her desk. “Clarissa! How may I help you?” She requested, I shook my head with a giggle; making my way over to her and explaining my plan from A-Z.
”Of course! That would be a wonderful idea! Ill send it to your teachers for you!” She nodded, I thanked her, heading out to my dorm. On the way, I couldve sworn I heard a strikingly familiar Irish accent, deep and thick it echoed through the halls; no, it cant be! I arrived at my dorm and sent the video to everyone, including Highschool teachers.
Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I tilted my head in confusion, everyone else had headed off to celebrate with their own groups, who could that be? Without a second thought, I stalked over to the door, swinging it open.
It was them.
And all the others too!
I never smiled so brightly before. I cant believe it! I ran up and tackled the nearest teacher, Mr.Thompson, “CRAIG!!” I cried, he laughed and I took a step back to look at the others, they were all dressed in dark blues. “Marcel told you?” A thought ran past us and the rest nodded as a response.
Their phones all dinged with notifications. My video! “Clar come on, the others are waiting.” Phil snapped his fingers, others? “Wait what others?” I asked, but I was already being dragged down by the forearm. After a couple steps down, I saw all my friends and Uni Teachers in purple, and Marcel with a mischeivious grin.
”You guys..” I smiled, this was supposed to be my surprise to them! “Clar, we all saw the videos. Thank you so much.” Dan said, hugging me tightly. I laughed, letting everyone hang around on this wonderful day.
”MARCEL SHUSH!!” I screamed into the mic, oh yeah, did I mention that I did become a Youtuber? Along with some of my friends. Currently I do group games and art. But its fun anyway possible.
So thats my story, hope you enjoyed! And do check out the Youtubers I mentioned; theyre awesome!