We all stood up to greet him, he returned our greetings and turned to the board. "Alright class, today we'll do grammar.....yeah? Yeah." He announced, running his fingers through his short curly hair. Mr.Cunningham, who we’re also allowed to call Mr.Marcel, is a very silly teacher. He’d sometimes stroll around class just doing something random.
But today was different, maybe cause it was the first few weeks of term so he was a bit jumpy. I like him though, even if he got pissed he’s still bearable. He also reminds of me Mr.Wildcat, my former Math teacher. The main difference? He’s dark-skinned. Yeah, not to be offensive in any way, I’m just stating facts here. As I phased back into reality I noticed a sheet of paper on my desk:
’Fantasying about teacher huh?’
I blushed, had I been staring for THAT long?! My eyes scanned the room and landed on Basim. I let a sigh of instant relief pass my lips. At least it wasn’t Mr.Cunningham’s note. I scribbled back to him.
’Shut up XD I was just remembering.’
A grin spread on his face as he reminisced on our younger days. I smiled too, we’ve come a long way and for sure we’ll continue our journey. Class was a breeze now, I mean, seriously, you wouldn’t think that Uni life is easy but it actually is! We have our dorms, which means we can wake up later, we have only 1 hour per lesson which means 7 lessons and two 1 hour breaks! And Hell, we could even choose which class we wanted to go!
I loved every second of it. And just like that bell rang. But for some reason Mr.Cunningham held me back. “Yes Sir?” I asked him, he smiled warmly at me, “What were you and Basim passing back and forth in class?” I felt my face warm up a bit as I tried to lie my way out.
“Lesson plan..” he smirked, “Yeah right Clarissa, what REALLY was in there?” He challenged. I sighed in defeat as I inhaled deeply, “We...we were talking about you...” I replied, he smiled cunningly, (Cunninghamly 😂👌🏻) sitting himself on the desk as he entered ‘The Thinker’ Mode. “Oh really? What about me?” I shrugged, “Not much, just that you reminded us about another certain teacher.”
He nodded his head slowly, stroking his chin as he persued, “And who might that be..?” it was my turn to smirk, “Mr.Wildcat.” his eyes widened, “TYLER?!” I nodded, watching him whip out his phone. I sneaked over and peered into his messages...
Tyler you taught Clarissa De Souza??’
I laughed, catching his attention, “What?” He asked, “You don’t trust me?” I stated, putting my hand on my chest in fake-shock. Suddenly his phone dinged.
Yeah, what’s up man?’
I urged him to call and put him on speaker, which he did. “Hello?” I heard an American voice pierce through the device, “Hey man.” Mr.Cunningham responded, “What’s up?” I stifled my laugh, “I got a friend who wants to talk to ya.” He smiled mischievously at me. I stood frozen, “Oh really? ALRIGHTTT!” Mr.Cunningham beckoned me over.
”Hi Tyler.” I said and for a milisecond the whole room went silent, then.....”CLARISSA!!!” I felt my heart hammer against my chest. He startled me!! “Tyler?” Mr.Cunningham queried, about to scold me for calling a teacher by their first name before Tyler interrupted, “Yo man, it’s okay. Shit happened.” His face softened, “Oh, sorry kid. You can call me Marcel since Tyler allows.” I smiled warmly and nodded, “Yeah sure Marcel”
He ended the call and ushered me out. I hugged him before I went, feeling him hug back.
-Time Skip!-
Our coordinater, Ms.Sunidey, gathered us all in the Main Hall to escort our dorm rooms. We were instructed that there would be only 7 in each room. She also pointed out that strictly NO groups that are all of the same gender, we were to be mixed, and the teachers are the ones who chose that. So here we are, awaiting our death.
”Alright, next dorm members please stand.” Ms.Sunidey announced, she was very pretty, long but wavy hair and big round glasses. I patiently sat there, humming a song when my name was called, I stood up.
”Aditya Narayan Chaudhuri”
”Prisha Naidu”
No way..
”Basim Kapoor”
Youre kidding...
”Samarth Satish Mathre”
One more...
”Delpiero Graham”
We all nearly jumped for joy, but we realised that one more kid was to be with us. I honestly felt bad for whoever that kid was, ‘cause we were Hella noisy, irritating and we all wake up and sleep at different timings. So I hoped that this person would be blessed by the power of tolerance.
“Andddd Ramisa”
Ramisa? I saw a girl who was a bit shorter than us stand up in the middle of the crowd and waved at us. She seemed nice... “Alright you 7, out you go!” Our coordinater escorted us out and to our room and left us all for a moment to settle.