My apologies for the constant late submission of chapters but if I’m going to be frank.. I kind of don’t have any urges or thoughts about writing anymore...
Its not that I don’t want to write, I would love to, but my work is piling up and a lot of shit has been happening this past week and to-be-ongoing as well.
My deepest apologies but I honestly don’t know what to do now, if my stories aren’t as good anymore then this is the cause, and if you still want me to write then please do notify me, whether on private or as a comment here, I’ll do my best to respond ASAP.
And another notice..uhm— due to some, “issues”, I will not be collaborating with ‘The Boy Who Lived’ until further notice, the problem is personal to both of us and I wouldn’t like to expose it so for that, again, I apologise.
However that doesn’t mean I want you guys to ignore him. Hell no. Stay with him, make sure he’s okay please. And if I leave Penana for any case, don’t hate on him or think he’s the cause, because he clearly isn’t.
Anyways, thank you for reading this and giving suggestions if you have any. The constant reads and support is really lovely to see and acknowledge.
Bless you guys.
-Chat Noir