We all settled in our dorm, it was huge! There were two bathrooms down the aisle, three bedrooms and other necessities. We bunked in like this:
Adi and Samarth in one,
Delpi and Basim in another,
And last, us three in the next.
Prisha noted that it was highly important that none of the guys’ bedrooms’ were close to ours, hence why she specifically chose the one furthest down the hall. I laughed, assuring her it would be fine and if anything we could defend ourselves but she persisted, saying that if we got raped it wouldn’t be her fault.
Next was introductions and rules. How it goes is that we pick a rule each and see who votes and my Gosh that was fun. And since we all pretty much knew each other, we just had to make our first impressions on the new girl. She was actually really pretty, her hair was in a boy-cut and her outfit was pretty casual. She sent us a little wave and so did we, the silence that reigned was uncomfortable at first but soon we eased into it I suppose.
“So...” I mumbled, dragging the ‘o’ as everyone’s eyes redirected to me. “I’m Clarissa DS, an Art and Music Major. But you can just call me Clar.” She nodded briefly, looking around our little circle of friends. Once everyone finished their intros with some laughs and taunts sprinkled here and there, it was her turn. She let her vision glaze over us again before taking a breath, “My name’s Ramisa. I’m also an Art and Music Major like Clarissa and Prisha.” She responded.
The guys nodded, and so did we. Suddenly, all our phones dinged at once, a notification raised our mood levels instantly....A dinner-party, a freaking DINNER. PARTY. It was tonight and the main reason it was to be held so soon was so that we could meet the teachers and other companions around the blocks. Prisha, Ramisa and I looked up to see the guys already all in their rooms, we chuckled.
“I swear the guys are more like girls nowadays.” Prisha said in between laughs, Ramisa smiled, “And we’re like them.” She nodded. I did too, and suddenly alarm snaked its way up my spine. It was 6:30. The dinner was at 7:30. We needed to get ready! And so I hurried them into our room and sprinted to the bathroom since the guys had one as well and I sure as Hell don’t wanna walk in on them. Once we all showered we settled in our room.
”Alright..” I clasped my hands together, “Dress code is formal soooooooooo..” I smiled warmly at them and picked out a dress for myself. A light violet knee-high, it was comfortable and warm so I decided on it in case the dinner place was cold. I saw Ramisa and Prisha holding up various lengths and colours of tights to wear, soon concluding on Prisha with a flowy blue blouse and black tights whereas Ramisa wore a black tight-fitting shirt topped off with black tights as well.
We waltzed out together in flats, the soon to be toxic stench of cologne filled our nostrils. I had the most sensitive sense of smell too! It sucked, I mean, I get that they were trying to make a ‘first impression’ but, seriously? Nonetheless we still stalked nearer to the sources. And when they saw us they either stared wide-eyed or jaw-dropped. A smirk played at our lips as we picked up our stuff and left them dumbfounded.