That was INSANE! 1.8 million is ALOT. Imagine the amount of candy I could buy with that... my mouth watered at the thought but I was quickly pulled back down to earth as students piled in.
Our task was to draw a outfit of our own design and colour it. There were no restrictions, no rules so kids were sprinted around and glitter was flying all over the place. Laughs bounced around the room and smiles shone through.
I clicked my tongue, pondering on the idea I finally thought of something. Since it was nearing Christmas, the skirt was red; an elegant colour I would comment, with a black lace belt hugging the waist of the wearer. To finish off the look, the top was also a black lace, forming a tank top with short sleeves. (The bottom pic if you guys can see it is what she drew)
Grinning a bit I headed over to Mr.Calibre who marked my work. “Clarissa, you may come and retrieve your artblock now.” He hummed, passing me my art block. Opening it to check my remark I found a small letter neatly folded up.
A gulp forced its way down my throat as I remembered my sickening past, but I shook it off, telling myself it was all gone and over. Gently slipping my fingers through the creases I unfolded the paper. On the inside was a note written:
’Clarissa, do meet me after this regarding your job search.
Oh, well then. I snapped my fingers to get my teacher’s attention, nodding to show him I acknowledged his note and took a look at my grade: A+. Yay! I smiled and waited for class to end.
Many students asked me why I was still sitting even after class had ended, some even asked me if I heard the bell. Haha, of course I did— but I have important business with yours truly. Speaking of which, the class is empty now so..
”Mr.Calibre?” I piped up, he flashed a warm smile at me, inviting me over to sit nearer to him. “So...Sir, you’re a Youtuber?” He nodded, “Yes, I do gaming.” He confirmed, “Gaming? Like what?” Now I was interested, I was fond of video-games but I never had the time or money to try them out myself.
“Oh, the usual: GTA, COD and GMOD.” Wait..aren’t all those... “Team games..?” Oops, I said the last part aloud. Oh well! “Yes, they are.” He responded, “, who do you play with? If you don’t mind Sir..” I asked, slightly uncomfortable at my sudden personal question, “Nono, none taken. I play with friends, like Daithi for example.”
Daithi? “Nagle?” My mouth just happened to run on its own... why am I like this!!!! “You know him?” Mr.Calibre gasped, I nodded, taking out my phone. “In fact..I think I might have his number..” I guessed, scrolling through thousands of never-ending contact numbers.
My art teacher just stared in disbelief. “Ah! Here it is! Mr.David.” I pointed to the number, to my surprise, Mr.Calibre pressed call. OH MA GODDDDD!!!!! WHY HE DO THAT!? I prayed silently that he wouldn’t pick up; my prayers were NOT answered.
“ ‘Elo?” The Irish flooded the once silent room. “H-hey David..” I replied nervously, Mr.Calibre monitoring me from across the desk, “ ‘Elo Clarissa! Did somethin’ happen?” He asked, he must he surprised at the random phone call. Suddenly, a naughty idea popped in my mind as I made a sound of disagreement.
“No Sir, I’m fine. I just have someone–“ My eyes met Mr.Calibre’s, “–who wants to talk to you.” I finished and heard a hand come in contact with skin. “HIYA NOGLA!!!!!!” Mr.Calibre chimed, “Lui?!” “MHM!” I tried so hard to stifle my laughter as I set the phone on loud speaker. ”So wha’ happened Lui?” David queried from the other line. I heard Mr.Calibre start explaining.
”Ah...I see.. well Clarissa, what do you like to do?” David asked me, “Draw. Sing.” I clicked without a second to spare, “Alrighty then, then hows about you make a speedpaint channel?” “Good idea.” Mr.Calibre agreed, I paused for a while. “Hm..but what will I draw?” I countered.
”Clarissa will ye stop being so negative?” David chuckled, I blushed slightly as I squeaked back, “Shush David!” Mr.Calibre whispered, winking at me. “Alright alright, by da way, ye can call ‘im Lui instead.” David cackled through the phone.
“I won’t do it unless teacher says I can!” I hmph’ed, crossing my arms on my chest in fake anger. Did I mention that David could see us? “I say it’s okay..” Lui rubbed the back of his neck shyly. I smiled, “Aww..Ye lovebirds.” David cooed, “SHUT YO DIRTY MOUTH!” Lui and I yelled in sync to which David just roared with laughter.
”So it’s settled then.” I clapped my hands together, both men looked at me. “I’ll be a speedpainter!” I sang, watching both of them smile in satisfaction. “Thank you Sir’s!” I bowed slightly, about to reach for my phone when I saw Lui whisper something to David and David reply with a: ‘Mhm’.
Wonder what that was about..