As we took off outside, we heard chatter behind us. We turned around to face another group of girls who were also heading to the dinner, now, these weren’t ANY sort of girls. They were 4 of the prettiest girls in our year. Suwida, a tan and tall girl with long straight hair, she was dressed in a night-blue, flowy dress with white splatters on the hem. Her look completed by seashell earrings and hair in a messy bun. She waved to us, “Hey girls, you going to the dinner as well?” We smiled back and nodded, Suwida was a nice girl, she was pretty and she was kind, so for sure a lot of guys would be over her.
On her right was Julie, a girl of average height and had nutmeg hair. What made her stand out was her huge circular glasses, she even had freckles, I thought she was super cute. (I do actually 😂) She wore a mint green button up, paired with a black skirt and her hair tied in a ponytail to complete the look. She also smiled warmly and waved, “Wanna go together?” A childish voice rang in our ears, we turned to face Maria, she was also a girl of average height and she had light brown hair. I felt my smile widen slightly, it would be lovely to go with them!
“Sure thing! Lets go!” Ramisa beckoned them over, Prisha surpassed a light laugh as we saw Maria almost fall because she tripped on her long, cotton candy pink dress. Her long hair which was unfortunately let down went everywhere on her face. She had a light pink flower crown to complete her look. She was a child at heart and it was always amusing to have her around. Last in line was Dorsa, a petite girl with long dirty blonde hair.
She wore a white floral dress with a thin black belt in the middle. Her hair was tied back in a high ponytail and her look was complete with a necklace with her zodiac sign in the middle. She was probably the most harsh in the group, but she never really attacked girls. Her words were like blades that aim straight on the heart of any guy, and they sure as hell weren’t nice words.
Anyhow, we headed to the dinner together. Surprisingly, we arrived faster than the guys and so we just hung about. Since we were all 21+, alcohol was provided, and not only the teachers were allowed to drink. I chuckled as I watched the remainder of the girls head over to the punch table. I took my time to get to know the teachers.
I’m a Music and Art Major, so I also have English, History, Geography and Science to go to. Suddenly, a memory washed over my blank and in-dream state as I hopped over to meet Mr.Cunningham. I found him talking to a guy of average height. He looked Latino, or Mexican more than anything as he turned to me, noticing my presence.
His lips curled into a smirk as he diverted his attention from me to Marcel. “Your student?” He questioned smoothly, his voice was silky with a heavy Spanish accent, hell, if I wasn’t who I am, I’m pretty sure I’d be all over him now. Marcel nodded and looked down on me, smiling warmly. “Hey Clarissa.” I grinned ear to ear, wrapping my hands around him, “Marchel!” He laughed, trying to peel me off from his tuxedo. We both heard a deep laugh. It came from the other teacher, “Clarissa, this is Mr.Droidd, your year PE teacher.” Marcel introduced, the teacher looked at me with a signature smirk, “Arlan, Arlan Droidd.” He stated with a hand out, I shook it, “Clarissa, De Souza.”
He nodded, then I hesistantly pulled away to meet other teachers, waving them goodbye. I soon came across Mr.Snuckel with his wife. I felt my heart beat quicken as I observed them, they were so cute together. I was entranced by their acts that I hadn’t noticed where I was going when I walked straight into the chest of my Art teacher, Mr.Calibre.
He was a short male, but don’t let his appearance fool you, he’s actually 30+! I couldn’t believe it either but he really is old! His hair is tied back, yes, tied back, in a man-bun. I looked at him, “Stalking Mr.Snuckel now are we?” He winked with a smile, I elbowed him, “No Sir! He’s married!” I laughed, “So???” he wiggled his eyebrows, I pushed him playfully, rolling my eyes.
”LUI!” A strong American accent called out through the crowd, causing my Art teacher’s head to snap around to greet his friend. Mr.Patterson, my History teacher. Yeah, he was strict, but I never really got a scolding. A harsh one anyways. I waved too as he emerged from the crowds, “Hi Mr.Patterson!” I smiled, he did too, petting me on the head lightly, “Hey kiddo, what’s up?” “Nothing much Sir!” I grinned, excusing myself to find my last two teachers, Mr.Anthony and Mr.Scotty, otherwise known as Mr.Scott - and our science teacher -.
I spotted Mr.Anthony at a corner, chugging on a can of Tiger like his life depended on it. I tried my best to stifle my laugh but my poor self-restraint got the best of me as I burst out laughing. His attention turned to me, “Oi! Stop laughing!” He playfully scolded, I just suppressed a slight satisfied look, making my way over to him to say hi. Mr.Anthony, our Geography teacher was definitely one of a kind. He was Ohioan, and rather lazy to say the least, I’m not gonna sugar-coat it but seriously, he lets us do work and kinda just rests there. But we still like him anyways.
I waved him goodbye as he resumed his beer-fest. And soon stumbled upon my Science teacher, Mr.Scott, a Floridian Teacher. Not gonna lie, at first I thought he was Australian or something but nope! He’s American like the rest. What’s funny about him is his hair, it was like a golden cloud, puffy and easy to wreck. And just as I thought that, I noticed him head-bang once and his hair splattered all over his face.
I strolled over to him, brushing his hair back. “Teacher what’re you doing?” I giggled, he chuckled as well, stumbling around and falling back into a chair. “Apparently I’m tipsy, child.” He joked, I cracked a smile. As Mr.Scott excused himself to the washroom, I took that as my cue to find my friends.
Just as I was walking through the crowds, a pair of hands covered my eyes. “Yeah..?” I called out to the blinder. “HARRO.” Andddd with a snap of my fingers I knew who it was. Khuslen, a fellow classmate and friend of mine that I met in the English class. He’s hyper, extremely, and tends to drink heavily if given the chance. I pulled away, turning to face him, “Hay Clarrr..” He slurred, the stench of a strong alcohol stung my nostrils.
”Hey Khusi.” I said back, searching for a way to escape as he staggered closer with his dark, shaggy, hair. “Wanna have funnnnnnnnnn????” Oh goodie. Here we go! “Nah,” I began, before he cut me off. “Comeee onnn!” Not that I hate him or anything of the sort, in fact, I enjoy his hyperactivity. But I’m not gonna just go and randomly ‘have fun’ with him then blame it on being drunk later.. “Nope.”
It went on, for very, very, VERY long. And it went from 0 to 100 really fast, “SO YOU WONT GO JUST CAUSE IM DRUNK?!” I nodded smoothly, “Actually, yes it is.” I laughed sarcastically, not even bothering to back off when I realised he was fuming. It was almost too late when he raised a fist at me. I shut my eyes awaiting the hit, but it never came....