DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!! The young Murder chanted, she hung up a picture of Natalie, heading down to the kitchen and back up to her room; starting to fling knives at it, some getting straight on her eyes, nose and forehead. HOW. DARE SHE!!! SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO TELL HIM THAT SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO TOUCH HIM NO RIGHT TO TALK TO HIM! HE’S MINE MINE MINE MINEEEEE!!!!!!!! Hysterical laughter broke out, slowly breaking and dissolving her shell of fake innocence. Hatred clouded her mind as she went to sleep that night.
Today was the attack of the Mai Twins. First, they set up traps right outside their victims doors; bear traps, thin-steel wire that was sharp enough to cut through flesh if someone were to run through it. And other weaponary. Next, they headed to Baron’s house, hopping over the shrubbery and into his garden, where they poured gasoline onto his floor.
Moments later the house was ringed by various circles of gasoline. Kamuro grinned eerily; his smile widening into something totally different and freaky to a normal smile. He was so desperate, so destroyed, and most of all...—so DEADLY. He had been waiting for this, and now he’s got it. He shouted loudly, “BARON ALTON.” Earning the eye-bag wearing boy to poke his head out of the window.
The glasses wearing boy hissed slightly, not sure why but he didn’t question it at the time. That’s when he noticed how much trouble he was in. A match, already lit embedded holes in his eyes as he watched the twins of Mania walk past the circle of death before dropping the match straight onto it. A ring of fire rose from the once green grass, leaving the non-related of the three to scrambled to get ready and keep his diary.
She had read everything. She knew very well what was going on and ran all the way to her lover’s house, leaping through the burning ring of charcoaled ash like it was just a minor happening. Running about the different halls and rooms, she finally found Baron in his room, she thought he was cowering, but instead he hit her hard on the head.
”Baron?” She whispered, shaking worriedly as she let her eyes drive towards the taller. His face instantly dropped to regret as he cupped his stalker’s face. “Oh Deus...Are you okay? I’m so sorry...I—I...” the girl brought her finger to his lips, shushing him. “I’m okay, don’t worry Amor.” She smiled, but he wasn’t having it, gently running his palm against the massive blue-black bruise on his girlfriend’s head.
“This’ll hurt a bit.” He told her, before lightly pressing down on it. She winced quietly, feeling him massage the pain away. The atmosphere was relaxing, it felt as if everything had fallen in place and that it was all finally perfect. Until...—
“ALTON YOU ARE SO DEAD I SWEAR TO DEUS YOU WILL DIE IN HELL YOU CAN FORGET YOURSELF BEING GOD AND CANDICE WILL BE MINE!” A sigh escaped their lips as they heard the Mai Twins stamping up the steps to his room. “Baron, Love. I—I’m sorry I was too late...” Candice shivered, her eyes barring tears.
Baron wiped them off with his thumb, pulling her into a hug. “Shh...Don’t be so sensitive stupid...” he chimed petting her soft hair as he pulled away. Candice smiled, picking herself off the ground and rushing downstairs to chase off the offenders.
A few minutes had passed and she still wasn’t back up yet. Baron was starting to get worried, where had she gone? Is she okay? What did they do to her??? Jealousy riddled his head as he went down his creaky stairs. What he saw horrified him. Candice had fainted, Semuro as well, both of them being too tired to fight anymore; let alone in clouds of smoke.
He ran over to pick her up but a force kicked him away violently. “IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL LOVING HER!!?!” Kamuro blasted, shouting at the top of his lungs, Baron stayed silent, lip bleeding from the sudden harsh kick, he sat upright, head hanging low. “SHE COULD DIE BECAUSE OF YOU! DID YOU KNOW THAT? OR DO YOU EVEN CARE?!!” He screamed, that’s when Baron just lost it.
”OF COURSE I CARE FOR HER YOU STUPID BOY.” He sternly raised his voice, tone deepening by an octave. “I LOVE HER YOU FREAKING JERK! SO WHAT IF SHE DOESNT LOVE YOU.” He challenged, now he knew why—why he had hissed earlier—. Maybe not a lot, but he clearly was possessive over Candice, in fact, both boys were.
But we all know who Candice chose don’t we? She wasn’t going to change it anytime soon either.