Today was the day. The day someone would once again meet their swollen fate, but it wasnt just going to be any rival—oh nono, it’s gonna be one of the BIGGEST. ‘Second’ also known as Candice Evergreen was said to perish.
Baron and her–who didnt know anything as of now–headed to the Spring Carnival within their area. It was cheesey, but both teens liked outdoor activites. As they waited for the bus, Baron sighed. “What’s wrong Love?” The petite girl asked, “I miss Pierce.” He sighed, and for the first time in awhile, she didnt actually feel jealous or envious of Pierce. She saved her lover’s life and that was all that mattered.
Candice was greatful, if Pierce hadnt killed herself to save him, Candice didnt think she herself would be here anymore. She placed her hand on his arm, squeezing gently, “She’s gone now..nothing we can do about it.” She smiled sadly. The bus arrived shortly after and they both got on.
Flashes of beautiful lights scattered the lively atmosphere like rainbow sprinkles on a donut. A huge ferris wheel perched itself in the middle; overviewing the whole play-area. Little booths and ticket shops lined up in straight orders, leaving gaps for path ways. It was painted and doused in assortments of colours.
“Let’s play this first!!” Candice called, dragging her boyfriend (ew.) to the shooting games. He didnt question it, knowing she was a Soon they emerged in the orange sky of the late afternoon with handfuls of prizes and toys. It was around 5 PM when Baron heard his future diary buzz:
I think someone is following us.
’5:05 PM:
5:15 PM:
Its Natalie!
5:18 PM:
Candice and Nat head off to talk about something.’
Huh? Why is she here?? The bush head pondered, his love tapped his shoulder, "What're you looking a-" her sentence was cut short by her own diary going off:
'5:20 PM:
Natalie and I walk away from Baron.
5:30 PM: