But now he’s gone.
”Sounds like a great ide—“ The most mentally disabled of the group started, but quickly resulting in her getting interrupted by her lovely but stupidly stubborn boyfriend. “No! Listen, we CAN do this! United we stand divided we fall right??” He insisted, “Yeah!! We can do it!” Pierce continued, rounds of ‘Yeahs!’ Were distributed through the group. And soon it was 4:2.
“Oh fine whatever.” The mini-devil gave up, counting in on the idea as a fifth. “Alfred, you’re outnumbered.” She stated, the tan boy frowned briefly, he hadn’t wanted to stay in a group in which the main serial killer of the group sent his friend into oblivion of who knows what. But he sucked it up and nodded smiling.
Kamuro reached a conclusion. He hated seeing the group so down and unwilling to do anything; so he planned a trip with them to the mall. Maybe that will get their minds off of this? Maybe, just maybe. It was settled, this weekend they would head over to Lazer Tag to play a round or two.
However, that night, Semuro walked into their conjoined bedroom. “Ka.. I don’t think inviting HER would be a good idea.” He sighed, referencing Candice, his brother perked his head up, “What! Why??” He cross-questioned. He did agree immensely that the girl was a force not to be reckoned with but that didn’t mean that they should just exclude her from everything right?? Plus, she sticks to Baron like or sort of adhesive.
“She’s a bad luck charm brother! We’ll die if we stay around her!” His concerned brother countered. Semuro thought of Kamuro as a role-model, he taught him everything, kept him safe. If he were to die then Semuro would die inside as well. He hissed, “Fine, Brother she will be there, but keep an eye on her.” He strictly demanded, to which Kamuro nodded.
The day arrived, and all friends gathered round to have a meal first. “Guys, we’re sorry to say this but we’ve invited someone else.” Pierce began with Semuro jumping in, they wanted someone who would hopefully be able to keep the peace between the group.
The surplus just gazed perplexed at them, heads tilted. Pierce and Semuro stepped aside, revealing the freckled girl behind them. Cleo Ashe. “Why..” Candice mumbled, she already wanted to stab the girl in throat, watch it bleed slowly with thick, beautiful maroon liquid oozing out of the cut, then snap her trachea totally in half— but that was besides the point, she hate— no completely DESPISED her.
She was about to make a move when Baron gripped her wrist, shaking his head towards her. Reluctantly, she restrained herself once more, but mentally swore that if that horror did so much as look at her love she would kill her in the most brutal way possible.
They headed to a KFC eat and snack. “Can we have mash-potatoes?” The three girls pleaded the four guys, watching them suspire happily and buy them what they requested for. While that happened, it gave the girls a few minutes to chat. “So..” Pierce broke the ice, “What kind of guys do you like?” She wiggled her eyebrows, “Why?” Candice inspected, she took that as an insult, thinking that they might try to steal her man away from her.
”Candi I already know yours so how about you Cleo?” Suddenly, a light bulb blinked over the girl feigning innocence as she faked pondering for a minute before answering, “Well.. he has to be kind, funny, caring..” she paused, winking at Candice before finishing off her death wish, “And....cute.” Oh she is going to die.
The food was served, including drinks. Still playing at her own little facade, the short girl knocked over her drink on purpose, causing everyone else to into a frenzy, except for Candice. Her main focus was on Cleo, watching and analysing her every move. Out of the blue, Cleo pulled a small pill from her bag. Opening the capsule, she poured its contents into the mash potato, reaching over to mix it.
But Candice reached out faster, yanking it away from her and placing it under the table as everyone sat up. She sent daggers of glares towards the girl, but none seemed to send her the memo. Little did she know the Hell she was about to enter.
At the Lazer Tag Room, the rules were announced: Get hit by the gun thrice and you’re out of the room. Other than your guns, the room and you will be pitch black. No flashlights or phones are allowed within the play-area. No food, drink or any other belongings are allowed either.
The game went on as normal, laughter and strings of curses echoed through the room. And one by one, players exited. It was last man standing. Currently, it was just Candice, Baron and Cleo left. They sprinted about, trying to open fire at each other, no one succeeding.
THUD. A gun had been dropped. Candice glimpsed around, trying to find out who’s gun had fallen. She found Baron, who was still holding the gun. That meant that it was Cle— Spikes. Little thumbtacks were thrown at the couple, nearly blinding them if they hadn’t dodged them. The stayed low, feeling around for excess thumbtacks.
She urged her love to keep moving with her, which he complied to. They ran round the whole premises, never once running into Cleo. It was dark and quiet, too quiet. “BARON GET DOWN!” Candice screamed risking her life and shoving her love down. A dart had zoomed right past them.
“CLEO YOU COWARD GET OUT HERE TO DIE. YOU DESERVE IT.” The pyscho shouted, not like she cared about anything outside the room at this moment. Cleo stepped out on command, “Aw what shame, you found me..” she pouted, she looked down. “You really thought YOU were gonna kill ME?” She laughed.
What she hadn’t noticed was that the maniac had snuck her way behind the lovely grave. She struck her head with a hard blow from her gun. Cleo fell to the ground, clutching her head as she turned on her back to witness the blood-lust girl on her lap. Candice’s legs on either sides of hers.
She raised her gun higher than her head and crashed it down and through her with a single blow; piercing straight through her waistline. “DIE DIE DIE!” She chanted as she stabbed her over and over and over. Blood coated her cheeks and lips as she licked it off.
Cleo smiled weakly, glancing at the girl, “Protect him..” she whispered as she too glitched away into that oblivion. Standing up and dusting her hands off, Candice noticed that Baron had not moved since she shoved him down. Maybe he’s sleeping? Oh well! She thought as she grasped his gun, walking him up.
“Baron..Love..” he groaned, sitting up, “Candi..what..” “I’ll tell you later” she winked, handing him his gun. “Shoot me, win the game.” She stated as Baron shook his head. She frowned, taking his hands in hers and pressing the cold barrel to her stomach, pressing the trigger.