Seconds ticked by and soon Natalie passed the question to Candice, completely aware that she could’ve seen her diary and knew about her true idea already. Reluctant, Candice agreed, shuffling along with Natalie; who brought the two to a discreet area.
”Well?” The short haired ravennette tapped her heel impatiently, eyes grazing like a snake waiting to slither and strangle its next snack. Natalie kept stoic, yes, she did want this Hellian to suffer and crawl back into that pit of fire she came from but she still felt merciful.
First, she tried a passive approach. That went well, Candice was willing to answer all her questions in a somewhat honest manner. “How about we stop fighting?” A disgusted gesture formed on the pyscho’s lips as she scrunched up her face in disbelief, “Why?” She fired back.
“Because...” Natalie trailed off, “Baron will lik—“ and that was all it took to send a blade straight to her forehead. “Say That again. I freaking dare you tO SAY THAT AGAIN.” She threatened, progressively getting louder. However she wasn’t the only one with a weapon, Natalie had also prepared some stuff in case something like this happened.
She held her hands up in defence, both shielded by a layer of cut-proof fabric. It was nude colour, which easily blended into her skin tone and left hardly smithereens of evidence. Swiftly, she swung her hands towards the murderous object, gripping on it confidently.
Muttering a forbidden word under her breath, she stood up with her new toy and redirected it back at her opponent. “I tried to be nice.” She spat, obviously regretting that decision. “YOU SHOULD JUST DIE!” Candice retorted, flinging herself straight to Natalie. Rage clouded her mind and adrenaline fuelled her veins as Natalie pierced her stomach with the weapon.
It didnt hurt. No, not even a slight sting. Both girls stood stained in glistening strawberry jam, Candice let her hand clutch her stomach, coughing out thick, red phlegm. She fell to her knees, wiping her mouth with her forearm. Her eyes sent sparks Natalie’s way, then an idea zapped into her mind before she panted out.
”Hah...if you..leave me here...Baron wil..will kill..” even before she finished the sentence, her target had spun around; either in surprise that she wasn’t dead yet or that she had found out their plan. “What are you implying? You witch.” She asked, recounting her steps.
”Leave me..Baron will..kill you...he” As Candice lost almost all her senses, she heard an exaggerated groan before the click of a latch being opened. Tilting her head with half-lidded, hazy eyes. She saw a first-aid kit fully stocked with appliances. “I swear, that boy better become God or we’re all doomed.” She grumbled.
A sly smirk laced itself on the dying one’s face as she let Natalie clean her wound and bandage her up. Once everything was set, she left without another word. Meanwhile, Candice stabbed a few numbers into her phone before speaking:
“She’s coming to **coughing harshly** kill you..don’t believe her...!”