-Third Person P.O.V-
The wavy haired girl yawned, rubbing her eye sleepily as she laid her head down in her lover’s lap. “Tired?” He snickered, she tipped her head back, gazing up at him with her deep brown eyes. “Yeah.” She purred, her sarcastic sweetheart dipped his surprisingly larger hand into her medium, noodle-like hair. A satisfied breath was heard as Candice let her eyes flutter close.
About an hour passed, Baron jolted to attention by his phone beeping. He picked it up, a new message shining on the dimly lit screen of scattered raindrops. “Who..is that..?” His lover mumbled, stretching her limbs slightly before curling back up on his lap. “Notification.” He simply said, continuing to pet her head gently.
She nodded, still in a daze and unfocused to what was actually happening during the time. He swiped to open the message;
Hey. Is she asleep?’
Why does she care? He wondered, it was only him and Candice in the room now so why bother asking. And another point here, how did she know? She mustve been near.
Why do you care?
No reason, just came to update you on Navine, Alton.
Eleventh? What about him.
Ive scheduled to meet him later today, Ill record the conversation but other than that be in the school library at 12 sharp tomorrow.
What’s this got to do with us?
You’ll see ‘
And that was that, curiousity riddled the brunette as he laid his head back. What to do? What to do? He sighed, slowly drifting off into the same soundful sleep as his lover.
The plan was discussed, everyone was ready. Baron recieved the voice message from Pierce:
”The Plan is this.” Navine’s accent stated, “I can use my laptop to track down diary users in the area. That means First and Second. Your job is to lead them here, send them a signal. Then when the right time occurs, Ill capture them at exactly 12.” He finished.
Candice, who was also within his proximety, glared at the phone, “Why should we trust her now?” She spat bitterly, she wasnt going to risk her everything just to kill another stupid contestant. Baron smirked evilly, “She sent me this as well.” He stated, handing her the diary so that she could play it.
”Meeting over. Its important that you come exactly when the clock hits 12. Miss it by a minute and we’ll be screwed. Oh, and if you guys trust each other; one of you take the others diary.” She commanded, putting more pressure on the timing.
Well then. The unstable one looked up at her Alpha (Yangire chan Im just bored so..plus, ran outta nicknames 😂) “You can take mine.” She admitted fearlessly, handing over her phone as quickly as she came to that decision. “But—“ “No, its fine.” She smiled, feeling warm at her lover’s care towards her.
The diary was passed over and well kept as they sprinted to the school library. It was sparce, not even a librarian in sight. The pair crept in, immediately noticing the thin strings of steel wire that dug into the bookshelves and ladders. A small echo volleyballed its way out to them.
”Now.” It said as the lights shut off, creating a pitch black aura to guide them. Then a gun was fired. A solid black, 24mm bullet from a regular police pistol; easy to get, easy to use. “Split.” Was the only thing that rang through the two lovebirds’ minds as they both sprinted in opposite directons.
Now you may think it would be hard to find anything in the darkness, let alone the ladder to the second floor, but Candice had come prepared. She studied the layout of the library as according to what Pierce had instructed, so this was a breeze as she dashed to the stairway which was surprisingly free from booby traps.
Clambering up the wooden stairs hastily, a figure blocked her path. Pierce. A sneer washed over her face, watching the shadow closely to see that she was holding a ring of keys. She held them up, staying still as if with no worries to what would happen. Candice paced up to her, snatching the keys and running by, listening to the taps of footsteps back down the stairs.
After multiple wrong doors, the hidden girl came across the AV room. The lights were on, a little gap of space below the door proved it, she face palmed. How can I be so stupid? He’ll obviously work with the light on! Nevertheless, she barged in.
Navine whipped his head around in shock, glasses nearly flying off themselves, “You!” He demanded, “Call it off Jerk.” Candice threatened watching the dark skinned boy peel himself away from the laptop he was working on previously. His hand flung to the light switch, flipping it upwards. The only illumination both kids had was the green-glowing radar that was marked with little spots.
While the younger of the enemies wasnt paying attention, Navine snuck up behind her, locking the door and slamming her against it; hand on her throat. “You really think you can get away with that little show you put on? Brat.” He countered, he was much stronger than she had expected, but she wondered if he was fast enough.
Tucking her arms behind her back, she let herself drop down, the sudden force making Navine let go of her neck. She hissed, catching her breath as she stood up to switch on the lights, but her captor caught her once more, he gripped her wrists tightly, pulling them behind her back, over his shoulder. The further he dragged them down; the more pain and sting it would cause the girl.
She struggled under his grasp but it was no use. Then, a fun thought broke in her mind, pressing her back flush against his chest, she inched her legs between his, spreading them. “What are you doing?” Navine demanded, but Candice stayed silent, “I said. WHAT ARE YOU—“ That scream was annoying, key word: ‘was’. But it was quickly silenced as Candice forced Navine to do a split.
The inflexible boy clutched his lower half in agony as the clearly more flexible girl got up and rushed to the radar, there was only two diaries left. Where’s Pierce? She pondered, but the thought was cut short as she heard a long groan behind her.
She gripped the gun, reloading and clicking it into place as she turned around and shot Navine in the head; watching his crooked soul disappear into the darkness.
Candice ran down the halls and skidded down steps, but she was too late. A loud crash violently shook through the library, so much so, that it almost brought the roof down. Nightmares clouded with Baron kept the paranoid girl from staying sane.
Running to the mains switch, she flipped it upwards. What she saw horrified her. A puddle of wine-coloured syrup glazed the heavy, wooden ladder like a long donut of some sort. Baron knelt next to it, eyes shut tightly and breathing raspy. His knees were soaked too, gray sweat-pants stained with the horrid truth.
Candice threw herself over to him in fear, the main thought of Pierce hadnt crossed her mind as she hugged her true love to a suffocating point. Once things had calmed down and the illusion had shattered, Baron looked up at his partner; eyes bloodshot like he had gotten no sleep and a tear stained face that definitely couldnt be mistaken for any sort of positivity. “I..I lost her.” He choked out, it was then, that reality had slap—no, not even slapped—punched— the elder in the face.
Pierce had died.
She had risked her own life to save Baron from the ladder that had been modified to crush Baron; ending hers in the proccess. Candice mentally thanked her for saving his life, but in general took no real care about the funeral of thought. She gently carassed the shaking boy in her arms and held him tight.